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/* -*-mode:c++; c-file-style: "gnu";-*- */
* $Id: Cgicc.h,v 1.20 2014/04/23 20:55:04 sebdiaz Exp $
* Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Stephen F. Booth <sbooth@gnu.org>
* 2007 Sebastien DIAZ <sebastien.diaz@gmail.com>
* Part of the GNU cgicc library, http://www.gnu.org/software/cgicc
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
#ifndef _CGICC_H_
#define _CGICC_H_ 1
#ifdef __GNUG__
# pragma interface
/*! \file Cgicc.h
* \brief The main header file for the GNU %cgicc library
* The GNU cgicc library, by Stephen F. Booth <sbooth@gnu.org>
* http://www.cgicc.org
* The latest version can be found on your closest GNU mirror site.
* Please mail bug reports to <bug-cgicc@gnu.org>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "CgiDefs.h"
#include "FormEntry.h"
#include "FormFile.h"
#include "CgiInput.h"
#include "CgiEnvironment.h"
namespace cgicc {
#ifdef WIN32
template class CGICC_API std::vector<FormEntry>;
template class CGICC_API std::vector<FormFile>;
class MultipartHeader;
// ============================================================
// Iterator typedefs
// ============================================================
//! A vector of FormEntry objects
typedef std::vector<FormEntry>::iterator form_iterator;
//! A vector of \c const FormEntry objects
typedef std::vector<FormEntry>::const_iterator const_form_iterator;
//! A vector of FormFile objects
typedef std::vector<FormFile>::iterator file_iterator;
//! A vector of \c const FormFile objects
typedef std::vector<FormFile>::const_iterator const_file_iterator;
// ============================================================
// Class Cgicc
// ============================================================
/*! \class Cgicc Cgicc.h cgicc/Cgicc.h
* \brief The main class of the GNU %cgicc library
* Cgicc is used to retrieve information on specific HTML form elements
* (such as checkboxes, radio buttons, and text fields), on uploaded files,
* and to save, restore, and retrieve information on the CGI
* environment.
* Normally, you will instantiate an object of this type in
* \c main():
* \code
* int
* main(int argc, char **argv) {
* try {
* cgicc::Cgicc cgi;
* // do something with cgi
* }
* catch(const exception& e) {
* //handle the error
* }
* }
* \endcode
class CGICC_API Cgicc {
// ============================================================
/*! \name Constructors and Destructor */
* \brief Constructor
* If you are using %cgicc with FastCGI, you will need to pass
* a \c CgiInput subclass that %cgicc will use to read input. If
* \c input is omitted, standard input and environment
* variables will be used.
* \param input A CgiInput object to use for reading input
Cgicc(CgiInput *input = 0);
* \brief Copy constructor.
* Sets the values of this Cgicc to those of \c cgi.
* \param env The Cgicc to copy.
Cgicc(const Cgicc& cgi)
: fEnvironment(cgi.fEnvironment)
{ operator=(cgi); }
* \brief Destructor
* Delete this Cgicc object
// ============================================================
/*! \name Overloaded Operators */
* \brief Compare two Cgiccs for equality.
* Cgiccs are equal if they represent the same environment.
* \param cgi The Cgicc to compare to this one.
* \return \c true if the two Cgiccs are equal, \c false otherwise.
inline bool
operator== (const Cgicc& cgi) const
{ return this->fEnvironment == cgi.fEnvironment; }
* \brief Compare two Cgiccs for inequality.
* Cgiccs are equal if they represent the same environment.
* \param cgi The Cgicc to compare to this one.
* \return \c false if the two Cgiccs are equal, \c true otherwise.
inline bool
operator!= (const Cgicc& cgi) const
{ return ! operator==(cgi); }
#ifdef WIN32
/* Dummy operator for MSVC++ */
inline bool
operator< (const Cgicc& cgi) const
{ return false; }
* \brief Assign one Cgicc to another.
* Sets the environment in this Cgicc to that of \c cgi.
* \param cgi The Cgicc to copy.
* \return A reference to this.
operator= (const Cgicc& cgi);
// ============================================================
/*! \name Library Information
* Information on this installation of %cgicc
* \brief Get the date on which this library was compiled.
* This is a string of the form <TT>mmm dd yyyy</TT>.
* \return The compile date
const char*
getCompileDate() const;
* \brief Get the time at which this library was compiled.
* This is a string of the form \c hh:mm:ss in 24-hour time.
* \return The compile time
const char*
getCompileTime() const;
* \brief Get the version number of cgicc.
* The version number is a string of the form \c #.#.
* \return The version number
const char*
getVersion() const;
* \brief Get the platform for which Cgicc was configured.
* The host is a string of the form \c processor-manufacturer-os
* return The host triplet.
const char*
getHost() const;
// ============================================================
/*! \name Form Element Access
* Information on submitted form elements
* \brief Query whether a checkbox is checked.
* \param elementName The name of the element to query
* \return \c true if the desired checkbox was checked, \c false if not
queryCheckbox(const std::string& elementName) const;
* \brief Find a radio button in a radio group, or a selected list item.
* \param name The name of the radio button or list item to find.
* \return An iterator referring to the desired element, if found.
inline form_iterator
operator[] (const std::string& name)
{ return getElement(name); }
* \brief Find a radio button in a radio group, or a selected list item.
* \param name The name of the radio button or list item to find.
* \return The desired element, or an empty string if not found.
operator() (const std::string& name) const;
* \brief Find a radio button in a radio group, or a selected list item.
* \param name The name of the radio button or list item to find.
* \return An iterator referring to the desired element, if found.
inline const_form_iterator
operator[] (const std::string& name) const
{ return getElement(name); }
* \brief Find a radio button in a radio group, or a selected list item.
* \param name The name of the radio button or list item to find.
* \return An iterator referring to the desired element, if found.
getElement(const std::string& name);
* \brief Find a radio button in a radio group, or a selected list item.
* \param name The name of the radio button or list item to find.
* \return A const_iterator referring to the desired element, if found.
getElement(const std::string& name) const;
* \brief Find multiple checkboxes in a group or selected items in a list.
* \param name The name of the checkboxes or list to find.
* \param result A vector to hold the result.
* \return \c true if any elements were found, \c false if not.
getElement(const std::string& name,
std::vector<FormEntry>& result) const;
* \brief Find a radio button in a radio group, or a selected list item.
* \param value The value of the radio button or list item to find.
* \return An iterator referring to the desired element, if found.
getElementByValue(const std::string& value);
* \brief Find a radio button in a radio group, or a selected list item.
* \param value The value of the radio button or list item to find.
* \return A const_iterator referring to the desired element, if found.
getElementByValue(const std::string& value) const;
* \brief Find multiple checkboxes in a group or selected items in a list.
* \param value The value of the checkboxes or list to find.
* \param result A vector to hold the result.
* \return true if any elements were found, false if not.
getElementByValue(const std::string& value,
std::vector<FormEntry>& result) const;
* \brief Get all the submitted form entries, excluding files.
* \return A vector containing all the submitted elements.
inline const std::vector<FormEntry>&
operator* () const
{ return fFormData; }
* \brief Get all the submitted form elements, excluding files.
* \return A vector containing all the submitted elements.
inline const std::vector<FormEntry>&
getElements() const
{ return fFormData; }
// ============================================================
/*! \name Uploaded File Access */
* \brief Find an uploaded file.
* \param name The name of the file.
* \return An iterator referring to the desired file, if found.
getFile(const std::string& name);
* \brief Find an uploaded file.
* \param name The name of the file.
* \return An iterator referring to the desired file, if found.
getFile(const std::string& name) const;
* Get all uploaded files.
* \return A vector containing all the uploaded files.
inline const std::vector<FormFile>&
getFiles() const
{ return fFormFiles; }
// ============================================================
/*! \name Environment Access */
* Get the current runtime environment.
* \return The current CGI environment.
inline const CgiEnvironment&
getEnvironment() const
{ return fEnvironment;}
// ============================================================
/*! \name Save and Restore */
* \brief Save the current CGI environment to a file.
* This is useful for debugging CGI applications.
* \param filename The name of the file to which to save.
save(const std::string& filename) const;
* \brief Restore from a previously-saved CGI environment.
* This is useful for debugging CGI applications.
* \param filename The name of the file from which to restore.
restore(const std::string& filename);
CgiEnvironment fEnvironment;
std::vector<FormEntry> fFormData;
std::vector<FormFile> fFormFiles;
// Convert query string into a list of FormEntries
parseFormInput(const std::string& data, const std::string& content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Parse a multipart/form-data header
parseHeader(const std::string& data);
// Parse a (name=value) form entry
parsePair(const std::string& data);
// Parse a MIME entry for ENCTYPE=""
parseMIME(const std::string& data);
// Find elements in the list of entries
findEntries(const std::string& param,
bool byName,
std::vector<FormEntry>& result) const;
} // namespace cgicc
#endif /* ! _CGICC_H_ */