/* -*-mode:c++; c-file-style: "gnu";-*- */ /* * $Id: CgiEnvironment.cpp,v 1.31 2017/06/22 20:26:35 sebdiaz Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 1996 - 2004 Stephen F. Booth <sbooth@gnu.org> * 2007 Sebastien DIAZ <sebastien.diaz@gmail.com> * Part of the GNU cgicc library, http://www.gnu.org/software/cgicc * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA * */ #ifdef __GNUG__ # pragma implementation #endif #include <new> #include <memory> #include <stdexcept> #include <cstdlib> #include <cctype> #ifdef WIN32 # include <io.h> # include <fcntl.h> # include <stdio.h> #endif #include "CgiEnvironment.h" // ========== Constructor/Destructor cgicc::CgiEnvironment::CgiEnvironment(CgiInput *input) { // Create a local CgiInput object for us to use // In the vast majority of cases, this will be used // For FastCGI applications it won't but the performance hit of // an empty inline constructor is negligible CgiInput local_input; if(0 == input) readEnvironmentVariables(&local_input); else readEnvironmentVariables(input); // On Win32, use binary read to avoid CRLF conversion #ifdef WIN32 # ifdef __BORLANDC__ setmode(_fileno(stdin), O_BINARY); # else _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); # endif #endif if(stringsAreEqual(fRequestMethod, "post") || stringsAreEqual(fRequestMethod, "put")) { // Don't use auto_ptr, but vector instead // Bug reported by shinra@j10n.org std::vector<char> data(fContentLength); if(getenv("CGICC_MAX_CONTENTLENGTH")&&getContentLength()>(long unsigned int)atoi(getenv("CGICC_MAX_CONTENTLENGTH"))) { throw std::runtime_error("Malformed input"); } else // If input is 0, use the default implementation of CgiInput if ( getContentLength() ) { // If input is 0, use the default implementation of CgiInput if ( input == 0 ) { if ( local_input.read( &data[0], getContentLength() ) != getContentLength() ) throw std::runtime_error("I/O error"); } else if ( input->read( &data[0], getContentLength() ) != getContentLength() ) throw std::runtime_error("I/O error"); fPostData = std::string( &data[0], getContentLength() ); } } fCookies.reserve(10); parseCookies(); } cgicc::CgiEnvironment::~CgiEnvironment() {} // Overloaded operators bool cgicc::CgiEnvironment::operator== (const CgiEnvironment& env) const { bool result; result = fServerPort == env.fServerPort; result &= fContentLength == env.fContentLength; result &= fUsingHTTPS == env.fUsingHTTPS; result &= fServerSoftware == env.fServerSoftware; result &= fServerName == env.fServerName; result &= fGatewayInterface == env.fGatewayInterface; result &= fServerProtocol == env.fServerProtocol; result &= fRequestMethod == env.fRequestMethod; result &= fPathInfo == env.fPathInfo; result &= fPathTranslated == env.fPathTranslated; result &= fScriptName == env.fScriptName; result &= fQueryString == env.fQueryString; result &= fRemoteHost == env.fRemoteHost; result &= fRemoteAddr == env.fRemoteAddr; result &= fAuthType == env.fAuthType; result &= fRemoteUser == env.fRemoteUser; result &= fRemoteIdent == env.fRemoteIdent; result &= fContentType == env.fContentType; result &= fAccept == env.fAccept; result &= fUserAgent == env.fUserAgent; result &= fPostData == env.fPostData; result &= fRedirectRequest == env.fRedirectRequest; result &= fRedirectURL == env.fRedirectURL; result &= fRedirectStatus == env.fRedirectStatus; result &= fReferrer == env.fReferrer; result &= fCookie == env.fCookie; return result; } cgicc::CgiEnvironment& cgicc::CgiEnvironment::operator= (const CgiEnvironment& env) { fServerPort = env.fServerPort; fContentLength = env.fContentLength; fUsingHTTPS = env.fUsingHTTPS; fServerSoftware = env.fServerSoftware; fServerName = env.fServerName; fGatewayInterface = env.fGatewayInterface; fServerProtocol = env.fServerProtocol; fRequestMethod = env.fRequestMethod; fPathInfo = env.fPathInfo; fPathTranslated = env.fPathTranslated; fScriptName = env.fScriptName; fQueryString = env.fQueryString; fRemoteHost = env.fRemoteHost; fRemoteAddr = env.fRemoteAddr; fAuthType = env.fAuthType; fRemoteUser = env.fRemoteUser; fRemoteIdent = env.fRemoteIdent; fContentType = env.fContentType; fAccept = env.fAccept; fUserAgent = env.fUserAgent; fPostData = env.fPostData; fRedirectRequest = env.fRedirectRequest; fRedirectURL = env.fRedirectURL; fRedirectStatus = env.fRedirectStatus; fReferrer = env.fReferrer; fCookie = env.fCookie; fCookies.clear(); fCookies.reserve(env.fCookies.size()); parseCookies(); return *this; } void cgicc::CgiEnvironment::parseCookies() { std::string data = fCookie; if(false == data.empty()) { std::string::size_type pos; std::string::size_type oldPos = 0; while(true) { // find the ';' terminating a name=value pair pos = data.find(";", oldPos); // if no ';' was found, the rest of the string is a single cookie if(std::string::npos == pos) { parseCookie(data.substr(oldPos)); return; } // otherwise, the string contains multiple cookies // extract it and add the cookie to the list parseCookie(data.substr(oldPos, pos - oldPos)); // update pos (+1 to skip ';') oldPos = pos + 1; } } } void cgicc::CgiEnvironment::parseCookie(const std::string& data) { // find the '=' separating the name and value std::string::size_type pos = data.find("=", 0); // if no '=' was found, return if(std::string::npos == pos) return; // skip leading whitespace - " \f\n\r\t\v" std::string::size_type wscount = 0; std::string::const_iterator data_iter; for(data_iter = data.begin(); data_iter != data.end(); ++data_iter,++wscount) if(0 == std::isspace(*data_iter)) break; // Per RFC 2091, do not unescape the data (thanks to afm@othello.ch) std::string name = data.substr(wscount, pos - wscount); std::string value = data.substr(++pos); fCookies.push_back(HTTPCookie(name, value)); } // Read in all the environment variables void cgicc::CgiEnvironment::readEnvironmentVariables(CgiInput *input) { fServerSoftware = input->getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE"); fServerName = input->getenv("SERVER_NAME"); fGatewayInterface = input->getenv("GATEWAY_INTERFACE"); fServerProtocol = input->getenv("SERVER_PROTOCOL"); std::string port = input->getenv("SERVER_PORT"); fServerPort = std::atol(port.c_str()); fRequestMethod = input->getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"); fPathInfo = input->getenv("PATH_INFO"); fPathTranslated = input->getenv("PATH_TRANSLATED"); fScriptName = input->getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"); fQueryString = input->getenv("QUERY_STRING"); fRemoteHost = input->getenv("REMOTE_HOST"); fRemoteAddr = input->getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); fAuthType = input->getenv("AUTH_TYPE"); fRemoteUser = input->getenv("REMOTE_USER"); fRemoteIdent = input->getenv("REMOTE_IDENT"); fContentType = input->getenv("CONTENT_TYPE"); std::string length = input->getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); fContentLength = std::atol(length.c_str()); fAccept = input->getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT"); fUserAgent = input->getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"); fRedirectRequest = input->getenv("REDIRECT_REQUEST"); fRedirectURL = input->getenv("REDIRECT_URL"); fRedirectStatus = input->getenv("REDIRECT_STATUS"); fReferrer = input->getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); fCookie = input->getenv("HTTP_COOKIE"); fAcceptLanguageString = input->getenv("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"); // Win32 bug fix by Peter Goedtkindt std::string https = input->getenv("HTTPS"); if(stringsAreEqual(https, "on")) fUsingHTTPS = true; else fUsingHTTPS = false; } void cgicc::CgiEnvironment::save(const std::string& filename) const { std::ofstream file( filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary |std::ios::out ); if( ! file ) throw std::runtime_error("I/O error"); writeLong(file, fContentLength); writeLong(file, fServerPort); writeLong(file, (unsigned long) usingHTTPS()); writeString(file, fServerSoftware); writeString(file, fServerName); writeString(file, fGatewayInterface); writeString(file, fServerProtocol); writeString(file, fRequestMethod); writeString(file, fPathInfo); writeString(file, fPathTranslated); writeString(file, fScriptName); writeString(file, fQueryString); writeString(file, fRemoteHost); writeString(file, fRemoteAddr); writeString(file, fAuthType); writeString(file, fRemoteUser); writeString(file, fRemoteIdent); writeString(file, fContentType); writeString(file, fAccept); writeString(file, fUserAgent); writeString(file, fRedirectRequest); writeString(file, fRedirectURL); writeString(file, fRedirectStatus); writeString(file, fReferrer); writeString(file, fCookie); if(stringsAreEqual(fRequestMethod, "post") || stringsAreEqual(fRequestMethod, "put")) writeString(file, fPostData); if(file.bad() || file.fail()) throw std::runtime_error("I/O error"); file.close(); } void cgicc::CgiEnvironment::restore(const std::string& filename) { std::ifstream file( filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::in ); if( ! file ) throw std::runtime_error("I/O error"); file.flags(file.flags() & std::ios::skipws); fContentLength = readLong(file); fServerPort = readLong(file); fUsingHTTPS = (bool) readLong(file); fServerSoftware = readString(file); fServerName = readString(file); fGatewayInterface = readString(file); fServerProtocol = readString(file); fRequestMethod = readString(file); fPathInfo = readString(file); fPathTranslated = readString(file); fScriptName = readString(file); fQueryString = readString(file); fRemoteHost = readString(file); fRemoteAddr = readString(file); fAuthType = readString(file); fRemoteUser = readString(file); fRemoteIdent = readString(file); fContentType = readString(file); fAccept = readString(file); fUserAgent = readString(file); fRedirectRequest = readString(file); fRedirectURL = readString(file); fRedirectStatus = readString(file); fReferrer = readString(file); fCookie = readString(file); if(stringsAreEqual(fRequestMethod, "post") || stringsAreEqual(fRequestMethod, "put")) fPostData = readString(file); file.close(); fCookies.clear(); fCookies.reserve(10); parseCookies(); }