 * Timeglider for Javascript / jQuery 
 * http://timeglider.com/jquery
 * Copyright 2011, Mnemograph LLC
 * Licensed under Timeglider Dual License
 * http://timeglider.com/jquery/?p=license
  * Version 2 of TG_Org has a "global" check of
  * event-block position, rather than checking
  * against a tree of levels... 


  // standard "brick" height for placement grid
  var lev_ht = tg.levelHeight = 12,
      // number of available levels for events
      $ = jQuery,
      ceiling_padding = 30,
      topdown_pad = 30,
      bottomup_pad = -8;

	  *  @constructor
	  tg.TG_Org = function() {
	  	var me = this;
	    var icon_f = tg.icon_folder;
	    this.blocks = [];
	    this.ids = [];
	    this.vis = [];
	    this.pol = -1;
	    this.placedBlocks = [];
	    this.freshBlocks = [];
		* ******** PUBLIC METHODS **********
	    * TG_Org.addBlock
	    * Adds a 2D geometric block object, corresponding to an event
	    * into the "borg" layout.
	    * @param {object} evob Event object including position values: left, width, top, height
	                           -- no need for right and bottom
	    * @param {string/number} tickScope This either "sweep" or the serial of a single tick (Number)
	    this.addBlock = function (evob, tickScope) {
			evob.right = evob.left + evob.width;
			evob.bottom = evob.top + evob.height;
			evob.tickScope = tickScope;
	    this.clearFresh = function () {
	    	me.freshBlocks = [];
	    * TG_Org.getBorg
	    * @return {object} This particular "borg" object with its blocks, etc
	    this.getBorg = function () {
	      return this;
	    * TG_Org.getBlocks
	    * @return {array} An array of placement blocks (objects), each corresponding
	    *                 to an event on the timeline.
	    this.getBlocks = function () {
	      return this.blocks;
	    * TG_Org.getHTML
	    * inside of args (args.tickScope, etc)
	    * 	@param tickScope {string|number} This either "sweep" or the serial of a single tick (Number)
	    * 	@param ceiling {number} The max height of the timeline display, after which a "+" appears
	    * 	@param onZoom {boolean} is the timeline at its preferred/initial zoom?
	    * @return {string} HTML with events passed back to view for actual layout of timeline
	    this.getHTML = function (args) {
	    	var tickScope = args.tickScope;
	    	var ceiling = args.ceiling;
	    	var laneTops = args.laneTops;
	      	this.onIZoom = args.onIZoom;
			if (tickScope == "sweep") { 
				this.vis = [];
			if (args.inverted) {
				// top down
				this.pol = 1;
			} else {
				// bottom up
				this.pol = -1;
			// cycle through events and move overlapping event up
			var positioned = [], 
				img = '', 
				icon = '',
				html = '', 
				top_or_bottom_padding_from_title = 0,
				b = {},
				blength = this.freshBlocks.length,
				b_span_color = "",
				title_adj = 0,
				highest = 0,
				img_scale = 100,
				img_style = "",
				css_class = "",
				p_icon = "",
				p_overf = "",
				image_class = "lane",
				selected_class = "",
				lane_class = "",
				polarity_cond = "",
				in_lane = false,
				lane_sp_title = "";
			for (var i=0; i<blength; i++) {
		  		b = this.freshBlocks[i];
				title_adj = 0;
				img_scale = 100;
				img_style = "";
				selected_class = "";
				lane_class = "";
				in_lane = false;
		    	// full sweep or just a tick added left or right
				if (b.tickScope == tickScope) {
					// is it not yet visible?
					if (_.indexOf(this.vis, b.id) == -1) {
						// it's not in the "visible" array, so add it
						// if it's got static HTML in it
						if (b.html && b.html.substr(0,4) == "<div") {
			            	// only positions interior html at proper left position!
							html += ("<div style='position:relative; left:" + b.left + "px' " +
			                      "id='" + b.id + "'>" + b.html + "</div>");
						} else {      
			            	// if it has an image, it's either in "layout" mode (out on timeline full size)
			            	// or it's going to be thumbnailed into the "bar"
							if (b.image) {
								image_class = b.image.display_class;
								if (b.shape && image_class == "inline") {
									img_style = " style='width:" + b.shape.img_wi + "px;height:auto;top:-" + b.shape.img_ht + "px'";
								} else {
									img_style = "";
								title_adj = 0; // b.shape.img_ht + 4;
								// different image classes ("bar", "above") are positioned
								// using a separate $.each routine in TimelineView rather than
								// being given absolute positioning here.
								img = "<div data-max_height='" + b.image.max_height + "' class='timeglider-event-image-" + image_class + "'><img src='" + b.image.src + "' " + img_style + "></div>";
							} else {
								// no image
								img = "";

			      		    highest = ceiling - ceiling_padding;
				           	// debug.log("laneTops:", laneTops);
							if (this.onIZoom && b.y_position > 0) {
								// absolute positioning
								b.top = me.pol * b.y_position;
							} else if ( typeof laneTops[b.lane] == "number" && typeof b.lane == "string") {						
								try {
								// debug.log("b.lane in org:", b.lane, laneTops[b.lane]);
								b.top = me.pol * laneTops[b.lane];
								// debug.log("btop:", b.top);
								in_lane = true;
								lane_class = " lane-event";
								} catch (err) {
									debug.log("err:", err);
							} else {
								// starts out checking block against the bottom layer
								// *** alters the `b` block object
								b.attempts = 0;
								checkAgainstPlaced(b, highest);
							// note: divs that are higher have lower "top" values
							// `ceiling` being set at 0 (event_overflow set to "scroll") 
							// may require/allow for event scrolling possibilities...
							if (me.pol == -1) {
								polarity_cond = (ceiling && (Math.abs(b.top) > highest));
							} else {
								polarity_cond = (ceiling && (Math.abs(b.top + 30) > highest));
							if (polarity_cond){
								p_overf = (me.pol == -1) ? "top:-" + (ceiling-10) + "px": "top:" + ceiling + "px"
								var white_cir = "<img src='" + icon_f + "shapes/circle_white.png'>";
								p_icon = (b.icon) ? "<img src='" + icon_f + b.icon + "'>": white_cir;
							 	// + + + symbols in place of events just under ceiling
							 	// if things are higher than the ceiling, show plus signs instead,
							 	// and we'll zoom in with these.
								html += "<div id='" + b.id + "' class='timeglider-timeline-event tg-event-overflow' style='left:" + b.left  + "px;" + p_overf + "'>" + p_icon + "</div>";
							} else {
								if (b.fontsize > 2) {
									b_span_color = (b.span_color) ? ";background-color:" + b.span_color: "";
									b.fontsize < 10 ? b.opacity = b.fontsize / 10 : b.opacity=1;
									if (b.selected) {
										selected_class = "selected";
									if (b.span == true) {
										span_selector_class = "timeglider-event-spanning";
										// add seconds into span data in case calculations
										// are in demand in DOM
										// if it's a lane span... 
										lane_sp_title = in_lane ? "<span>" + b.title + "</span>": "";
										span_div = "<div data-starts='" + b.startdateObj.sec + "' data-ends='" + b.enddateObj.sec + "' class='timeglider-event-spanner' style='top:" + "px;height:" + b.fontsize + "px;width:" + b.spanwidth + "px" + b_span_color + "'>" + lane_sp_title + "</div>";
									} else {
										span_selector_class = ""; 
										span_div = "";
									if (b.icon) {
									  icon = "<img class='timeglider-event-icon' src='" + icon_f + b.icon + "' style='height:" + b.fontsize + "px;left:-" + (b.fontsize + 2) + "px; top:" + title_adj + "px'>";
									} else {
									  icon = '';
									// pad inverted (polarity 1) events to exceed the height
									// of the timeline title bar; pad "normal" top-up events
									// to have some space between them and the title bar
									if(!in_lane) {
									top_or_bottom_padding_from_title = (me.pol === 1) ?
										topdown_pad : bottomup_pad;
									// possible customized class
									css_class = b.css_class || '';
									// TODO: function for getting "standard" event shit
									html += "<div class='timeglider-timeline-event " 
										+ css_class + " " + span_selector_class + lane_class
										+ " " + selected_class 
										+ "' starttime='" + b.startdate + "' "
										+ "' endtime='" + b.enddate + "' "
										+ "style='width:" + b.width  + "px;"
										+ "height:" + b.height + "px;"
										+ "left:" + b.left  + "px;" 
										+ "opacity:" + b.opacity + ";"
										+ "top:24px;"
										+ "font-size:" + b.fontsize  + "px;'>"
										+ icon + img + span_div;
										if (!lane_sp_title) {
											html += "<div class='timeglider-event-title' style='top:" + title_adj + "px'>" + b.title + "</div>";
										html += "</div>";
								} // endif fontsize is > 2
							} // end if/else :: height > ceiling
						} // end if it's got valid HTML
					} // end check for visible... EXPENSIVE!!!!
				} // end tickScope check
			} // end for()
		return {"html":html};
		}; /// end getHTML
	  /// PRIVATE STUFF ///
	   * sortBlocksByImportance
	   * Sorter helper for sorting events by importance
	   * @param a {Number} 1st sort number
	   * @param b {Number} 2nd sort number
	   var sortBlocksByImportance = function (a, b) {
	      var x = b.importance, 
	      	  y = a.importance;
	      if (a.image && b.image){
	      	return -1;
	      return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
		* isOverlapping
		* Takes two objects and sees if the prospect overlaps with
		* an existing object [part of loop in checkAgainstPlaced()]
		* @param {object} b1 Timeline-event object IN PLACE
		* @param {object} b2 Timeline-event object BEING ADDED
		var isOverlapping = function (b1, b2) {
	      	if (b2.shape) {
	      		var io = isOverlapping(b1, b2.shape);
	      		if (io == true) {
	      			return true;
			var vPadding = -6,
				lPadding = -16;
			if ((b2.left + lPadding > b1.right) || (b2.right < b1.left + lPadding) || (b2.bottom < b1.top + vPadding)) {
				// clear to left or right.
				return false;
			} else {
				if (  
					((b2.left >= b1.left) && (b2.left <= b1.right)) ||
					((b2.right >= b1.left) && (b2.right <= b1.right)) ||
					((b2.right >= b1.right) && (b2.left <= b1.left)) ||
					((b2.right <= b1.right) && (b2.left >= b1.left))
			    ) {
				  	// OK, some kind of left-right overlap is happening, but
				  	// there also has to be top-bottom overlap for collision
					if (
		          		((b2.bottom <= b1.bottom) && (b2.bottom >= b1.top)) || 
		          		((b2.top <= b1.bottom) && (b2.top >= b1.top)) || 
		          		((b2.bottom == b1.bottom) && (b2.top == b1.top))
		          	  ) {
			    		// passes 2nd test -- it's overlapping!
			    		return true;
			  		} else {
			    		return false;
			  	// end first big if: fails initial test
			return false;
	      // return false;
		// private function
		var checkAgainstPlaced = function (block, ceil) {
			var ol = false, 
				placed = me.placedBlocks,
				placed_len = me.placedBlocks.length,
				collision = false;
			if ((placed_len == 0) || (Math.abs(block.top) > ceil)) {
	        	// just place it!
	        	collision = false;
	        } else {
				// Go through all the placed blocks
				for (var e=0; e < placed_len; e++) {
					sh = false;
					ol = isOverlapping(placed[e],block);
					if (block.shape) {
						sh = isOverlapping(placed[e],block.shape);
					if (ol == true || sh == true) {
						// BUMP UP
						if (me.pol === -1) {
							// DEFAULT, bottom up
							block.top -= lev_ht; 
							block.bottom -= lev_ht;
							if (block.shape) {
								block.shape.top -= lev_ht; 
								block.shape.bottom -= lev_ht;
						} else {
							// "SOUTH" side, top town
							block.top += lev_ht; 
							block.bottom += lev_ht;
							if (block.shape) {
								block.shape.top += lev_ht; 
								block.shape.bottom += lev_ht;
						// *** RECURSIVE ***
						// ......aaaaaand then check again
						checkAgainstPlaced(block, ceil);
						collision = true;
						// STOP LOOP -- there's a collision
					} // end if overlap is true
				} // end for
			if (collision == false) {
				if (block.shape) {
			} // end if collision is false
		}; // end checkAgainstPlaced()
	}; ///// END TG_Org

	/* TG_OrgList is a mobile-friendly list-style layout 
	   to run in lieu of the typical timeline layout;
	   still in development!
	  tg.TG_OrgList = function(events, med) {
	  	var me = this;
	    var icon_f = tg.icon_folder;
	    this.blocks = events;
	    this.ids = [];
	    this.mediator = med;
		* ******** PUBLIC METHODS **********

	    * TG_OrgList.getHTML
	    * no args: just straight list of all events in a timeline...
	    * @return {string} HTML with events passed back to view for actual layout of timeline
	    this.getHTML = function () {
			var positioned = [], 
				img = '', 
				icon = '',
				html = '', 
				more = '',
				desc = '',
				datef = '',
				elip = '',
				b = {},
				stripdesc = '',
				blength = this.blocks.length,
				img_scale = 100,
				css_class = "",
				p_icon = "";
			for (var i=0; i<blength; i++) {
		  		b = this.blocks[i];
				img_scale = 100;
				if (b.image) {
					// different image classes ("bar", "above") are positioned
					// using a separate $.each routine in TimelineView rather than
					// being given absolute positioning here.
					img = "<div class='tg-event-list-img'><img src='" + b.image.src + "'></div>";
				} else {
					// no image
					img = "";
				b_span_color = (b.span_color) ? ";background-color:" + b.span_color: "";
				b.fontsize < 10 ? b.opacity = b.fontsize / 10 : b.opacity=1;
				if (b.span == true) {
					span_selector_class = "timeglider-event-spanning";
					// add seconds into span data in case calculations
					// are in demand in DOM
				} else {
					span_selector_class = ""; 
				if (b.icon) {
				  icon_img = "<img src='" + icon_f + b.icon + "'>";
				} else {
				  icon_img = '';
				icon = "<div class='tg-event-list-icon'>" + icon_img + "&nbsp;</div>"
				// possible customized class
				css_class = b.css_class || '';
				if (b.description || img) {
					more = "<img src='timeglider/img/mobile_more.png'>";
				} else {
					more = "";
				if (b.description) {
					// strip tags to we have no half baked html in blurb
					stripdesc = b.description.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
					elip = (stripdesc.length>110) ? "...":"";
					desc = "<div class='tg-list-blurb'>" + stripdesc.substr(0,110) + elip + "</div>";
				} else {
					desc = "";
				datef = b.startdateObj.format('', true, this.mediator.timeOffset);
				// TODO: function for getting "standard" event shit
				html += "<li class='tg-list-li timeglider-timeline-event clearfix" 
					+ css_class + " " + span_selector_class 
					+ "' id='" + b.id + "'>"
					+ "<div class='tg-list-dateline timeglider-dateline-startdate'>" + datef + "</div>"
					+ img + icon 
					+ "<div class='timeglider-event-title'>" 
					+ b.title
					+ "</div>"
					+ desc + "</li>";
			} // end for()
		return {"html":html};
		}; /// end getHTML
	}; ///// END TG_OrgList
