#include "HttpHandler.h" #include "hversion.h" #include "herr.h" #include "hlog.h" #include "htime.h" #include "hurl.h" #include "hasync.h" // import hv::async for http_async_handler #include "httpdef.h" #include "http2def.h" #include "wsdef.h" #include "http_page.h" #include "EventLoop.h" // import hv::setInterval using namespace hv; #define MIN_HTTP_REQUEST "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" #define MIN_HTTP_REQUEST_LEN 14 // exclude CRLF #define HTTP_100_CONTINUE_RESPONSE "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n" #define HTTP_100_CONTINUE_RESPONSE_LEN 25 #define HTTP_200_CONNECT_RESPONSE "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n" #define HTTP_200_CONNECT_RESPONSE_LEN 39 HttpHandler::HttpHandler(hio_t* io) : protocol(HttpHandler::UNKNOWN), state(WANT_RECV), error(0), // flags ssl(0), keepalive(1), upgrade(0), proxy(0), proxy_connected(0), forward_proxy(0), reverse_proxy(0), ip{'\0'}, port(0), pid(0), tid(0), // for http io(io), service(NULL), api_handler(NULL), // for websocket ws_service(NULL), last_send_ping_time(0), last_recv_pong_time(0), // for sendfile files(NULL), file(NULL), // for proxy proxy_port(0) { // Init(); } HttpHandler::~HttpHandler() { Close(); } bool HttpHandler::Init(int http_version) { parser.reset(HttpParser::New(HTTP_SERVER, (enum http_version)http_version)); if (parser == NULL) { return false; } req = std::make_shared<HttpRequest>(); resp = std::make_shared<HttpResponse>(); if(http_version == 1) { protocol = HTTP_V1; } else if (http_version == 2) { protocol = HTTP_V2; resp->http_major = req->http_major = 2; resp->http_minor = req->http_minor = 0; } if (io) { hloop_t* loop = hevent_loop(io); pid = hloop_pid(loop); tid = hloop_tid(loop); writer = std::make_shared<HttpResponseWriter>(io, resp); writer->status = hv::SocketChannel::CONNECTED; } else { pid = hv_getpid(); tid = hv_gettid(); } parser->InitRequest(req.get()); // NOTE: hook http_cb req->http_cb = [this](HttpMessage* msg, http_parser_state state, const char* data, size_t size) { if (this->state == WANT_CLOSE) return; switch (state) { case HP_HEADERS_COMPLETE: if (this->error != 0) return; onHeadersComplete(); break; case HP_BODY: if (this->error != 0) return; onBody(data, size); break; case HP_MESSAGE_COMPLETE: onMessageComplete(); break; default: break; } }; return true; } void HttpHandler::Reset() { state = WANT_RECV; error = 0; req->Reset(); resp->Reset(); ctx = NULL; api_handler = NULL; closeFile(); if (writer) { writer->Begin(); writer->onwrite = NULL; writer->onclose = NULL; } parser->InitRequest(req.get()); } void HttpHandler::Close() { if (writer) { writer->status = hv::SocketChannel::DISCONNECTED; } if (api_handler && api_handler->state_handler) { if (parser && !parser->IsComplete()) { api_handler->state_handler(context(), HP_ERROR, NULL, 0); } return; } // close proxy closeProxy(); // close file closeFile(); // onclose if (protocol == HttpHandler::WEBSOCKET) { WebSocketOnClose(); } else { if (writer && writer->onclose) { writer->onclose(); } } } bool HttpHandler::SwitchHTTP2() { HttpParser* http2_parser = HttpParser::New(HTTP_SERVER, ::HTTP_V2); if (http2_parser == NULL) { return false; } parser.reset(http2_parser); protocol = HTTP_V2; resp->http_major = req->http_major = 2; resp->http_minor = req->http_minor = 0; parser->InitRequest(req.get()); return true; } bool HttpHandler::SwitchWebSocket() { if(!io) return false; protocol = WEBSOCKET; ws_parser = std::make_shared<WebSocketParser>(); ws_channel = std::make_shared<WebSocketChannel>(io, WS_SERVER); ws_parser->onMessage = [this](int opcode, const std::string& msg){ ws_channel->opcode = (enum ws_opcode)opcode; switch(opcode) { case WS_OPCODE_CLOSE: ws_channel->send(msg, WS_OPCODE_CLOSE); ws_channel->close(); break; case WS_OPCODE_PING: // printf("recv ping\n"); // printf("send pong\n"); ws_channel->send(msg, WS_OPCODE_PONG); break; case WS_OPCODE_PONG: // printf("recv pong\n"); this->last_recv_pong_time = gethrtime_us(); break; case WS_OPCODE_TEXT: case WS_OPCODE_BINARY: // onmessage if (ws_service && ws_service->onmessage) { ws_service->onmessage(ws_channel, msg); } break; default: break; } }; // NOTE: cancel keepalive timer, judge alive by heartbeat. ws_channel->setKeepaliveTimeout(0); if (ws_service && ws_service->ping_interval > 0) { int ping_interval = MAX(ws_service->ping_interval, 1000); ws_channel->setHeartbeat(ping_interval, [this](){ if (last_recv_pong_time < last_send_ping_time) { hlogw("[%s:%d] websocket no pong!", ip, port); ws_channel->close(); } else { // printf("send ping\n"); ws_channel->sendPing(); last_send_ping_time = gethrtime_us(); } }); } return true; } const HttpContextPtr& HttpHandler::context() { if (!ctx) { ctx = std::make_shared<hv::HttpContext>(); ctx->service = service; ctx->request = req; ctx->response = resp; ctx->writer = writer; } return ctx; } int HttpHandler::customHttpHandler(const http_handler& handler) { return invokeHttpHandler(&handler); } int HttpHandler::invokeHttpHandler(const http_handler* handler) { int status_code = HTTP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; if (handler->sync_handler) { // NOTE: sync_handler run on IO thread status_code = handler->sync_handler(req.get(), resp.get()); } else if (handler->async_handler) { // NOTE: async_handler run on hv::async threadpool hv::async(std::bind(handler->async_handler, req, writer)); status_code = HTTP_STATUS_NEXT; } else if (handler->ctx_handler) { // NOTE: ctx_handler run on IO thread, you can easily post HttpContextPtr to your consumer thread for processing. status_code = handler->ctx_handler(context()); } else if (handler->state_handler) { status_code = handler->state_handler(context(), HP_MESSAGE_COMPLETE, NULL, 0); } return status_code; } void HttpHandler::onHeadersComplete() { // printf("onHeadersComplete\n"); int status_code = handleRequestHeaders(); if (status_code != HTTP_STATUS_OK) { error = ERR_REQUEST; return; } HttpRequest* pReq = req.get(); if (service && service->pathHandlers.size() != 0) { service->GetRoute(pReq, &api_handler); } if (api_handler && api_handler->state_handler) { api_handler->state_handler(context(), HP_HEADERS_COMPLETE, NULL, 0); return; } if (proxy) { handleProxy(); return; } // Expect: 100-continue handleExpect100(); } void HttpHandler::onBody(const char* data, size_t size) { if (api_handler && api_handler->state_handler) { api_handler->state_handler(context(), HP_BODY, data, size); return; } if (proxy && proxy_connected) { if (io) hio_write_upstream(io, (void*)data, size); return; } req->body.append(data, size); return; } void HttpHandler::onMessageComplete() { // printf("onMessageComplete\n"); int status_code = HTTP_STATUS_OK; if (error) { SendHttpStatusResponse(resp->status_code); return; } if (proxy) { if (proxy_connected) Reset(); return; } addResponseHeaders(); // upgrade ? handleUpgrade : HandleHttpRequest if (upgrade) { auto iter_upgrade = req->headers.find("upgrade"); if (iter_upgrade != req->headers.end()) { handleUpgrade(iter_upgrade->second.c_str()); status_code = resp->status_code; } } else { status_code = HandleHttpRequest(); if (status_code != HTTP_STATUS_NEXT) { SendHttpResponse(); } } // access log if (service && service->enable_access_log) { hlogi("[%ld-%ld][%s:%d][%s %s]=>[%d %s]", pid, tid, ip, port, http_method_str(req->method), req->path.c_str(), resp->status_code, resp->status_message()); } if (status_code != HTTP_STATUS_NEXT) { // keepalive ? Reset : Close if (keepalive) { Reset(); } else { state = WANT_CLOSE; } } } int HttpHandler::handleRequestHeaders() { HttpRequest* pReq = req.get(); pReq->scheme = ssl ? "https" : "http"; pReq->client_addr.ip = ip; pReq->client_addr.port = port; // keepalive keepalive = pReq->IsKeepAlive(); // upgrade upgrade = pReq->IsUpgrade(); // proxy proxy = forward_proxy = reverse_proxy = 0; if (hv::startswith(pReq->url, "http")) { // forward proxy proxy = forward_proxy = 1; } else if (pReq->method == HTTP_CONNECT) { // proxy tunnel // CONNECT ip:port HTTP/1.1\r\n pReq->url = "https://" + pReq->url; proxy = forward_proxy = 1; keepalive = true; } // printf("url=%s\n", pReq->url.c_str()); pReq->ParseUrl(); // printf("path=%s\n", pReq->path.c_str()); // fix CVE-2023-26147 if (pReq->path.find("%") != std::string::npos) { std::string unescaped_path = HUrl::unescape(pReq->path); if (unescaped_path.find("\r\n") != std::string::npos) { hlogw("Illegal path: %s\n", unescaped_path.c_str()); resp->status_code = HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; return resp->status_code; } } if (proxy) { // Proxy-Connection auto iter = pReq->headers.find("Proxy-Connection"); if (iter != pReq->headers.end()) { const char* keepalive_value = iter->second.c_str(); if (stricmp(keepalive_value, "keep-alive") == 0) { keepalive = true; } else if (stricmp(keepalive_value, "close") == 0) { keepalive = false; } else if (stricmp(keepalive_value, "upgrade") == 0) { keepalive = true; } } } else { // reverse proxy std::string proxy_url = service->GetProxyUrl(pReq->path.c_str()); if (!proxy_url.empty()) { pReq->url = proxy_url; proxy = reverse_proxy = 1; } } // TODO: rewrite url return HTTP_STATUS_OK; } void HttpHandler::handleExpect100() { // Expect: 100-continue auto iter = req->headers.find("Expect"); if (iter != req->headers.end() && stricmp(iter->second.c_str(), "100-continue") == 0) { if (io) hio_write(io, HTTP_100_CONTINUE_RESPONSE, HTTP_100_CONTINUE_RESPONSE_LEN); } } void HttpHandler::addResponseHeaders() { HttpResponse* pResp = resp.get(); // Server: pResp->headers["Server"] = "libhv/" HV_VERSION_STRING; // Connection: pResp->headers["Connection"] = keepalive ? "keep-alive" : "close"; } int HttpHandler::HandleHttpRequest() { // preprocessor -> middleware -> processor -> postprocessor HttpRequest* pReq = req.get(); HttpResponse* pResp = resp.get(); // NOTE: Not all users want to parse body, we comment it out. // pReq->ParseBody(); int status_code = pResp->status_code; if (status_code != HTTP_STATUS_OK) { goto postprocessor; } preprocessor: state = HANDLE_BEGIN; if (service->preprocessor) { status_code = customHttpHandler(service->preprocessor); if (status_code != HTTP_STATUS_NEXT) { goto postprocessor; } } middleware: for (const auto& middleware : service->middleware) { status_code = customHttpHandler(middleware); if (status_code != HTTP_STATUS_NEXT) { goto postprocessor; } } processor: if (service->processor) { status_code = customHttpHandler(service->processor); } else { status_code = defaultRequestHandler(); } postprocessor: if (status_code >= 100 && status_code < 600) { pResp->status_code = (http_status)status_code; if (pResp->status_code >= 400 && pResp->body.size() == 0 && pReq->method != HTTP_HEAD) { if (service->errorHandler) { customHttpHandler(service->errorHandler); } else { defaultErrorHandler(); } } } if (fc) { pResp->content = fc->filebuf.base; pResp->content_length = fc->filebuf.len; pResp->headers["Content-Type"] = fc->content_type; pResp->headers["Last-Modified"] = fc->last_modified; pResp->headers["Etag"] = fc->etag; } if (service->postprocessor) { customHttpHandler(service->postprocessor); } if (writer && writer->state != hv::HttpResponseWriter::SEND_BEGIN) { status_code = HTTP_STATUS_NEXT; } if (status_code == HTTP_STATUS_NEXT) { state = HANDLE_CONTINUE; } else { state = HANDLE_END; } return status_code; } int HttpHandler::defaultRequestHandler() { int status_code = HTTP_STATUS_OK; if (api_handler) { status_code = invokeHttpHandler(api_handler); } else if (req->method == HTTP_GET || req->method == HTTP_HEAD) { // static handler if (service->staticHandler) { status_code = customHttpHandler(service->staticHandler); } else if (service->staticDirs.size() > 0) { status_code = defaultStaticHandler(); } else { status_code = HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } } else { // Not Implemented status_code = HTTP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return status_code; } int HttpHandler::defaultStaticHandler() { // file service std::string path = req->Path(); const char* req_path = path.c_str(); // path safe check if (req_path[0] != '/' || strstr(req_path, "/..") || strstr(req_path, "\\..")) { return HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; } std::string filepath; bool is_dir = path.back() == '/' && service->index_of.size() > 0 && hv_strstartswith(req_path, service->index_of.c_str()); if (is_dir) { filepath = service->document_root + path; } else { filepath = service->GetStaticFilepath(req_path); } if (filepath.empty()) { return HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } int status_code = HTTP_STATUS_OK; // Range: bool has_range = false; long from, to = 0; if (req->GetRange(from, to)) { has_range = true; if (openFile(filepath.c_str()) != 0) { return HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } long total = file->size(); if (to == 0 || to >= total) to = total - 1; file->seek(from); status_code = HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT; resp->status_code = HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT; resp->content_length = to - from + 1; resp->SetContentTypeByFilename(filepath.c_str()); resp->SetRange(from, to, total); if(resp->content_length < service->max_file_cache_size) { // read into body directly int nread = file->readrange(resp->body, from, to); closeFile(); if (nread != resp->content_length) { resp->content_length = 0; resp->body.clear(); return HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } else { if (service->largeFileHandler) { status_code = customHttpHandler(service->largeFileHandler); } else { status_code = defaultLargeFileHandler(); } } return status_code; } // FileCache FileCache::OpenParam param; param.max_read = service->max_file_cache_size; param.need_read = !(req->method == HTTP_HEAD || has_range); param.path = req_path; if (files) { fc = files->Open(filepath.c_str(), ¶m); } if (fc == NULL) { if (param.error == ERR_OVER_LIMIT) { if (service->largeFileHandler) { status_code = customHttpHandler(service->largeFileHandler); } else { status_code = defaultLargeFileHandler(); } } else { status_code = HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } } else { // Not Modified auto iter = req->headers.find("if-none-match"); if (iter != req->headers.end() && strcmp(iter->second.c_str(), fc->etag) == 0) { fc = NULL; return HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED; } iter = req->headers.find("if-modified-since"); if (iter != req->headers.end() && strcmp(iter->second.c_str(), fc->last_modified) == 0) { fc = NULL; return HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED; } } return status_code; } int HttpHandler::defaultLargeFileHandler() { if (!writer) return HTTP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; if (!isFileOpened()) { std::string filepath = service->GetStaticFilepath(req->Path().c_str()); if (filepath.empty() || openFile(filepath.c_str()) != 0) { return HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } resp->content_length = file->size(); resp->SetContentTypeByFilename(filepath.c_str()); } if (service->limit_rate == 0) { // forbidden to send large file resp->content_length = 0; resp->status_code = HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN; } else { size_t bufsize = 40960; // 40K file->buf.resize(bufsize); if (service->limit_rate < 0) { // unlimited: sendFile when writable writer->onwrite = [this](HBuf* buf) { if (writer->isWriteComplete()) { sendFile(); } }; } else { // limit_rate=40KB/s interval_ms=1000 // limit_rate=500KB/s interval_ms=80 int interval_ms = file->buf.len * 1000 / 1024 / service->limit_rate; // limit_rate=40MB/s interval_m=1: 40KB/ms = 40MB/s = 320Mbps if (interval_ms == 0) interval_ms = 1; // printf("limit_rate=%dKB/s interval_ms=%d\n", service->limit_rate, interval_ms); file->timer = setInterval(interval_ms, std::bind(&HttpHandler::sendFile, this)); } } writer->EndHeaders(); return HTTP_STATUS_UNFINISHED; } int HttpHandler::defaultErrorHandler() { // error page if (service->error_page.size() != 0) { std::string filepath = service->document_root + '/' + service->error_page; if (files) { // cache and load error page FileCache::OpenParam param; fc = files->Open(filepath.c_str(), ¶m); } } // status page if (fc == NULL && resp->body.size() == 0) { resp->content_type = TEXT_HTML; make_http_status_page(resp->status_code, resp->body); } return 0; } int HttpHandler::FeedRecvData(const char* data, size_t len) { if (protocol == HttpHandler::UNKNOWN) { int http_version = 1; #if WITH_NGHTTP2 if (strncmp(data, HTTP2_MAGIC, MIN(len, HTTP2_MAGIC_LEN)) == 0) { http_version = 2; } #else // check request-line if (len < MIN_HTTP_REQUEST_LEN) { hloge("[%s:%d] http request-line too small", ip, port); error = ERR_REQUEST; return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < MIN_HTTP_REQUEST_LEN; ++i) { if (!IS_GRAPH(data[i])) { hloge("[%s:%d] http request-line not plain", ip, port); error = ERR_REQUEST; return -1; } } #endif if (!Init(http_version)) { hloge("[%s:%d] unsupported HTTP%d", ip, port, http_version); error = ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL; return -1; } } int nfeed = 0; switch (protocol) { case HttpHandler::HTTP_V1: case HttpHandler::HTTP_V2: if (state != WANT_RECV) { Reset(); } nfeed = parser->FeedRecvData(data, len); // printf("FeedRecvData %d=>%d\n", (int)len, nfeed); if (nfeed != len) { hloge("[%s:%d] http parse error: %s", ip, port, parser->StrError(parser->GetError())); error = ERR_PARSE; return -1; } break; case HttpHandler::WEBSOCKET: nfeed = ws_parser->FeedRecvData(data, len); if (nfeed != len) { hloge("[%s:%d] websocket parse error!", ip, port); error = ERR_PARSE; return -1; } break; default: hloge("[%s:%d] unknown protocol", ip, port); error = ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL; return -1; } if (state == WANT_CLOSE) return 0; return error ? -1 : nfeed; } int HttpHandler::GetSendData(char** data, size_t* len) { if (state == HANDLE_CONTINUE) { return 0; } HttpRequest* pReq = req.get(); HttpResponse* pResp = resp.get(); if (protocol == HTTP_V1) { switch(state) { case WANT_RECV: if (parser->IsComplete()) state = WANT_SEND; else return 0; case HANDLE_END: state = WANT_SEND; case WANT_SEND: state = SEND_HEADER; case SEND_HEADER: { size_t content_length = 0; const char* content = NULL; // HEAD if (pReq->method == HTTP_HEAD) { if (fc) { pResp->headers["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes"; pResp->headers["Content-Length"] = hv::to_string(fc->st.st_size); } else { pResp->headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html"; pResp->headers["Content-Length"] = "0"; } state = SEND_DONE; goto return_nobody; } // File service if (fc) { // FileCache // NOTE: no copy filebuf, more efficient header = pResp->Dump(true, false); fc->prepend_header(header.c_str(), header.size()); *data = fc->httpbuf.base; *len = fc->httpbuf.len; state = SEND_DONE; return *len; } // API service content_length = pResp->ContentLength(); content = (const char*)pResp->Content(); if (content) { if (content_length > (1 << 20)) { state = SEND_BODY; goto return_header; } else { // NOTE: header+body in one package if <= 1M header = pResp->Dump(true, false); header.append(content, content_length); state = SEND_DONE; goto return_header; } } else { state = SEND_DONE; goto return_header; } return_nobody: pResp->content_length = 0; return_header: if (header.empty()) header = pResp->Dump(true, false); *data = (char*)header.c_str(); *len = header.size(); return *len; } case SEND_BODY: { *data = (char*)pResp->Content(); *len = pResp->ContentLength(); state = SEND_DONE; return *len; } case SEND_DONE: { // NOTE: remove file cache if > FILE_CACHE_MAX_SIZE if (fc && fc->filebuf.len > FILE_CACHE_MAX_SIZE) { files->Close(fc); } fc = NULL; header.clear(); return 0; } default: return 0; } } else if (protocol == HTTP_V2) { int ret = parser->GetSendData(data, len); if (ret == 0) state = SEND_DONE; return ret; } return 0; } int HttpHandler::SendHttpResponse(bool submit) { if (!io || !parser) return -1; char* data = NULL; size_t len = 0, total_len = 0; if (submit) parser->SubmitResponse(resp.get()); while (GetSendData(&data, &len)) { // printf("GetSendData %d\n", (int)len); if (data && len) { hio_write(io, data, len); total_len += len; } } return total_len; } int HttpHandler::SendHttpStatusResponse(http_status status_code) { if (state > WANT_SEND) return 0; resp->status_code = status_code; addResponseHeaders(); HandleHttpRequest(); state = WANT_SEND; return SendHttpResponse(); } //------------------sendfile-------------------------------------- int HttpHandler::openFile(const char* filepath) { closeFile(); file = new LargeFile; file->timer = INVALID_TIMER_ID; return file->open(filepath, "rb"); } bool HttpHandler::isFileOpened() { return file && file->isopen(); } int HttpHandler::sendFile() { if (!writer || !writer->isWriteComplete() || !isFileOpened() || file->buf.len == 0 || resp->content_length == 0) { return -1; } int readbytes = MIN(file->buf.len, resp->content_length); size_t nread = file->read(file->buf.base, readbytes); if (nread <= 0) { hloge("read file error!"); error = ERR_READ_FILE; writer->close(true); return nread; } int nwrite = writer->WriteBody(file->buf.base, nread); if (nwrite < 0) { // disconnectd writer->close(true); return nwrite; } resp->content_length -= nread; if (resp->content_length == 0) { writer->End(); closeFile(); } return nread; } void HttpHandler::closeFile() { if (file) { if (file->timer != INVALID_TIMER_ID) { killTimer(file->timer); file->timer = INVALID_TIMER_ID; } delete file; file = NULL; } } //------------------upgrade-------------------------------------- int HttpHandler::handleUpgrade(const char* upgrade_protocol) { hlogi("[%s:%d] Upgrade: %s", ip, port, upgrade_protocol); // websocket if (stricmp(upgrade_protocol, "websocket") == 0) { return upgradeWebSocket(); } // h2/h2c if (strnicmp(upgrade_protocol, "h2", 2) == 0) { return upgradeHTTP2(); } hloge("[%s:%d] unsupported Upgrade: %s", ip, port, upgrade_protocol); return SetError(ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL); } int HttpHandler::upgradeWebSocket() { /* HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols Connection: Upgrade Upgrade: websocket Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo= */ resp->status_code = HTTP_STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS; resp->headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade"; resp->headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket"; // Sec-WebSocket-Accept: auto iter_key = req->headers.find(SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY); if (iter_key != req->headers.end()) { char ws_accept[32] = {0}; ws_encode_key(iter_key->second.c_str(), ws_accept); resp->headers[SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT] = ws_accept; } // Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: auto iter_protocol = req->headers.find(SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL); if (iter_protocol != req->headers.end()) { hv::StringList subprotocols = hv::split(iter_protocol->second, ','); if (subprotocols.size() > 0) { hlogw("%s: %s => just select first protocol %s", SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL, iter_protocol->second.c_str(), subprotocols[0].c_str()); resp->headers[SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL] = subprotocols[0]; } } SendHttpResponse(); if (!SwitchWebSocket()) { hloge("[%s:%d] unsupported websocket", ip, port); return SetError(ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL); } // onopen WebSocketOnOpen(); return 0; } int HttpHandler::upgradeHTTP2() { /* HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols Connection: Upgrade Upgrade: h2c */ resp->status_code = HTTP_STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS; resp->headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade"; resp->headers["Upgrade"] = "h2c"; SendHttpResponse(); if (!SwitchHTTP2()) { hloge("[%s:%d] unsupported HTTP2", ip, port); return SetError(ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL); } // NOTE: send HTTP2_SETTINGS frame SendHttpResponse(false); return 0; } //------------------proxy-------------------------------------- int HttpHandler::handleProxy() { if (forward_proxy) { return handleForwardProxy(); } if (reverse_proxy) { return handleReverseProxy(); } return 0; } int HttpHandler::handleForwardProxy() { if (service && service->enable_forward_proxy) { return connectProxy(req->url); } else { hlogw("Forbidden to forward proxy %s", req->url.c_str()); SetError(HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN); } return 0; } int HttpHandler::handleReverseProxy() { return connectProxy(req->url); } int HttpHandler::connectProxy(const std::string& strUrl) { if (!io) return ERR_NULL_POINTER; HUrl url; url.parse(strUrl); hlogi("[%s:%d] proxy_pass %s", ip, port, strUrl.c_str()); if (proxy_connected) { if (url.host == proxy_host && url.port == proxy_port) { // reuse keepalive connection sendProxyRequest(); return 0; } else { // detach and close previous connection hio_t* upstream_io = hio_get_upstream(io); if (upstream_io) { hio_setcb_close(upstream_io, NULL); closeProxy(); } } } if (forward_proxy && !service->IsTrustProxy(url.host.c_str())) { hlogw("Forbidden to proxy %s", url.host.c_str()); SetError(HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN); return 0; } hloop_t* loop = hevent_loop(io); proxy = 1; proxy_host = url.host; proxy_port = url.port; hio_t* upstream_io = hio_create_socket(loop, proxy_host.c_str(), proxy_port, HIO_TYPE_TCP, HIO_CLIENT_SIDE); if (upstream_io == NULL) { return SetError(ERR_SOCKET, HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY); } if (url.scheme == "https") { hio_enable_ssl(upstream_io); } hevent_set_userdata(upstream_io, this); hio_setup_upstream(io, upstream_io); hio_setcb_connect(upstream_io, HttpHandler::onProxyConnect); hio_setcb_close(upstream_io, HttpHandler::onProxyClose); if (service->proxy_connect_timeout > 0) { hio_set_connect_timeout(upstream_io, service->proxy_connect_timeout); } if (service->proxy_read_timeout > 0) { hio_set_read_timeout(io, service->proxy_read_timeout); } if (service->proxy_write_timeout > 0) { hio_set_write_timeout(io, service->proxy_write_timeout); } hio_connect(upstream_io); // NOTE: wait upstream_io connected then start read hio_read_stop(io); return 0; } int HttpHandler::closeProxy() { if (proxy && proxy_connected) { proxy_connected = 0; if (io) hio_close_upstream(io); } return 0; } int HttpHandler::sendProxyRequest() { if (!io || !proxy_connected) return -1; req->headers.erase("Host"); req->FillHost(proxy_host.c_str(), proxy_port); req->headers.erase("Proxy-Connection"); req->headers["Connection"] = keepalive ? "keep-alive" : "close"; req->headers["X-Real-IP"] = ip; // NOTE: send head + received body std::string msg = req->Dump(true, false) + req->body; // printf("%s\n", msg.c_str()); req->Reset(); hio_write_upstream(io, (void*)msg.c_str(), msg.size()); if (parser->IsComplete()) state = WANT_SEND; return msg.size(); } void HttpHandler::onProxyConnect(hio_t* upstream_io) { // printf("onProxyConnect\n"); HttpHandler* handler = (HttpHandler*)hevent_userdata(upstream_io); hio_t* io = hio_get_upstream(upstream_io); assert(handler != NULL && io != NULL); handler->proxy_connected = 1; if (handler->req->method == HTTP_CONNECT) { // handler->resp->status_code = HTTP_STATUS_OK; // handler->SendHttpResponse(); hio_write(io, HTTP_200_CONNECT_RESPONSE, HTTP_200_CONNECT_RESPONSE_LEN); handler->state = SEND_DONE; // NOTE: recv request then upstream hio_setcb_read(io, hio_write_upstream); } else { handler->sendProxyRequest(); } // NOTE: start recv request continue then upstream if (handler->upgrade) hio_setcb_read(io, hio_write_upstream); hio_read_start(io); // NOTE: start recv response then upstream hio_setcb_read(upstream_io, hio_write_upstream); hio_read_start(upstream_io); } void HttpHandler::onProxyClose(hio_t* upstream_io) { // printf("onProxyClose\n"); HttpHandler* handler = (HttpHandler*)hevent_userdata(upstream_io); if (handler == NULL) return; handler->proxy_connected = 0; hevent_set_userdata(upstream_io, NULL); int error = hio_error(upstream_io); if (error == ETIMEDOUT) { handler->SendHttpStatusResponse(HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT); } handler->error = error; hio_close_upstream(upstream_io); }