/* * network client * * @build: make examples * @server bin/httpd -s restart -d * @usage: bin/nc 8080 * > GET / HTTP/1.1 * > Connection: close * > [Enter] * > GET / HTTP/1.1 * > Connection: keep-alive * > [Enter] */ /* * @test udp client * @build ./configure && make examples * @client bin/nc -u 1234 * */ /* * @test ssl client * @build ./configure --with-openssl && make clean && make * @client bin/nc -s 1234 * */ /* * @test kcp client * @build ./configure --with-kcp && make clean && make * @client bin/nc -k 1234 * */ #include "hloop.h" #include "hbase.h" #include "hsocket.h" #include "hssl.h" #define RECV_BUFSIZE 8192 static char recvbuf[RECV_BUFSIZE]; static char protocol = 't'; static const char* protocolname = "tcp"; // for stdin static hio_t* stdinio = NULL; // for socket static hio_t* sockio = NULL; static int verbose = 0; static void send_heartbeat(hio_t* io) { static char buf[] = "PING\r\n"; // printf("send_heartbeat %s", buf); hio_write(io, buf, 6); } static void on_recv(hio_t* io, void* buf, int readbytes) { // printf("on_recv fd=%d readbytes=%d\n", hio_fd(io), readbytes); if (verbose) { char localaddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; char peeraddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; printf("[%s] <=> [%s]\n", SOCKADDR_STR(hio_localaddr(io), localaddrstr), SOCKADDR_STR(hio_peeraddr(io), peeraddrstr)); } printf("%.*s", readbytes, (char*)buf); // test hio_set_readbuf in hread_cb #if 0 static int total_readbytes = 0; total_readbytes += readbytes; if (total_readbytes >= RECV_BUFSIZE) { total_readbytes = 0; } hio_set_readbuf(io, recvbuf + total_readbytes, RECV_BUFSIZE - total_readbytes); printf("%.*s", total_readbytes, recvbuf); #endif fflush(stdout); } static void on_stdin(hio_t* io, void* buf, int readbytes) { // printf("on_stdin fd=%d readbytes=%d\n", hio_fd(io), readbytes); // printf("> %s\n", buf); char* str = (char*)buf; // test hio_read_start/hio_read_stop/hio_close/hloop_stop #if 1 if (strncmp(str, "start", 5) == 0) { printf("call hio_read_start\n"); hio_read_start(sockio); return; } else if (strncmp(str, "stop", 4) == 0) { printf("call hio_read_stop\n"); hio_read_stop(sockio); return; } else if (strncmp(str, "close", 5) == 0) { printf("call hio_close\n"); hio_close(sockio); return; } else if (strncmp(str, "quit", 4) == 0) { printf("call hloop_stop\n"); hloop_stop(hevent_loop(io)); return; } #endif // CR|LF => CRLF for test most protocols char eol = str[readbytes-1]; if (eol == '\n' || eol == '\r') { if (readbytes > 1 && str[readbytes-2] == '\r' && eol == '\n') { // have been CRLF } else { ++readbytes; str[readbytes - 2] = '\r'; str[readbytes - 1] = '\n'; } } hio_write(sockio, buf, readbytes); if (strncmp(str, "CLOSE", 5) == 0) { printf("call hio_close\n"); hio_close(sockio); } } static void on_close(hio_t* io) { // printf("on_close fd=%d error=%d\n", hio_fd(io), hio_error(io)); hio_del(stdinio, HV_READ); } static void on_connect(hio_t* io) { // printf("on_connect fd=%d\n", hio_fd(io)); if (verbose) { char localaddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; char peeraddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; printf("connect connfd=%d [%s] => [%s]\n", hio_fd(io), SOCKADDR_STR(hio_localaddr(io), localaddrstr), SOCKADDR_STR(hio_peeraddr(io), peeraddrstr)); } hio_read_start(io); // uncomment to test heartbeat // hio_set_heartbeat(sockio, 3000, send_heartbeat); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 3) { printf("\ Usage: nc [-tusk] host port\n\ Options:\n\ -t Use tcp protocol (default)\n\ -u Use udp protocol\n\ -s Use ssl protocol\n\ -k Use kcp protocol\n\ Examples: nc 80\n\ nc -u 80\n"); return -10; } int index = 1; if (argv[1][0] == '-') { protocol = argv[1][1]; switch(protocol) { case 't': protocolname = "tcp"; break; case 'u': protocolname = "udp"; break; case 's': protocolname = "ssl"; break; case 'k': protocolname = "kcp"; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported protocol '%c'\n", protocol); exit(1); } ++index; } const char* host = argv[index++]; int port = atoi(argv[index++]); if (verbose) { printf("%s %s %d\n", protocolname, host, port); } HV_MEMCHECK; hloop_t* loop = hloop_new(HLOOP_FLAG_QUIT_WHEN_NO_ACTIVE_EVENTS); // stdin use default readbuf stdinio = hread(loop, 0, NULL, 0, on_stdin); if (stdinio == NULL) { return -20; } // socket if (protocol == 't' || protocol == 's') { // tcp sockio = hloop_create_tcp_client(loop, host, port, on_connect, on_close); if (sockio == NULL) { return -20; } if (protocol == 's') { if (strcmp(hssl_backend(), "nossl") == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Please recompile WITH_SSL!\n"); exit(1); } hio_enable_ssl(sockio); } } else if (protocol == 'u' || protocol == 'k') { // udp sockio = hloop_create_udp_client(loop, host, port); if (sockio == NULL) { return -20; } if (protocol == 'k') { #if WITH_KCP static kcp_setting_t s_kcp_setting; kcp_setting_init_with_normal_mode(&s_kcp_setting); s_kcp_setting.conv = hv_rand(1, 999999); hio_set_kcp(sockio, &s_kcp_setting); #else fprintf(stderr, "Please recompile WITH_KCP!\n"); exit(1); #endif } hio_read(sockio); } // printf("sockfd=%d\n", hio_fd(sockio)); hio_setcb_close(sockio, on_close); hio_setcb_read(sockio, on_recv); hio_set_readbuf(sockio, recvbuf, RECV_BUFSIZE); hloop_run(loop); hloop_free(&loop); return 0; }