#include "iowatcher.h" #ifndef EVENT_IOCP #include "hevent.h" #include "hsocket.h" #include "hssl.h" #include "hlog.h" #include "herr.h" #include "hthread.h" static void __connect_timeout_cb(htimer_t* timer) { hio_t* io = (hio_t*)timer->privdata; if (io) { char localaddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; char peeraddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; hlogw("connect timeout [%s] <=> [%s]", SOCKADDR_STR(io->localaddr, localaddrstr), SOCKADDR_STR(io->peeraddr, peeraddrstr)); io->error = ETIMEDOUT; hio_close(io); } } static void __close_timeout_cb(htimer_t* timer) { hio_t* io = (hio_t*)timer->privdata; if (io) { char localaddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; char peeraddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; hlogw("close timeout [%s] <=> [%s]", SOCKADDR_STR(io->localaddr, localaddrstr), SOCKADDR_STR(io->peeraddr, peeraddrstr)); io->error = ETIMEDOUT; hio_close(io); } } static void __accept_cb(hio_t* io) { hio_accept_cb(io); } static void __connect_cb(hio_t* io) { hio_del_connect_timer(io); hio_connect_cb(io); } static void __read_cb(hio_t* io, void* buf, int readbytes) { // printd("> %.*s\n", readbytes, buf); io->last_read_hrtime = io->loop->cur_hrtime; hio_handle_read(io, buf, readbytes); } static void __write_cb(hio_t* io, const void* buf, int writebytes) { // printd("< %.*s\n", writebytes, buf); io->last_write_hrtime = io->loop->cur_hrtime; hio_write_cb(io, buf, writebytes); } static void __close_cb(hio_t* io) { // printd("close fd=%d\n", io->fd); hio_del_connect_timer(io); hio_del_close_timer(io); hio_del_read_timer(io); hio_del_write_timer(io); hio_del_keepalive_timer(io); hio_del_heartbeat_timer(io); hio_close_cb(io); } static void ssl_server_handshake(hio_t* io) { printd("ssl server handshake...\n"); int ret = hssl_accept(io->ssl); if (ret == 0) { // handshake finish hio_del(io, HV_READ); printd("ssl handshake finished.\n"); __accept_cb(io); } else if (ret == HSSL_WANT_READ) { if ((io->events & HV_READ) == 0) { hio_add(io, ssl_server_handshake, HV_READ); } } else { hloge("ssl handshake failed: %d", ret); io->error = ERR_SSL_HANDSHAKE; hio_close(io); } } static void ssl_client_handshake(hio_t* io) { printd("ssl client handshake...\n"); int ret = hssl_connect(io->ssl); if (ret == 0) { // handshake finish hio_del(io, HV_READ); printd("ssl handshake finished.\n"); __connect_cb(io); } else if (ret == HSSL_WANT_READ) { if ((io->events & HV_READ) == 0) { hio_add(io, ssl_client_handshake, HV_READ); } } else { hloge("ssl handshake failed: %d", ret); io->error = ERR_SSL_HANDSHAKE; hio_close(io); } } static void nio_accept(hio_t* io) { // printd("nio_accept listenfd=%d\n", io->fd); int connfd = 0, err = 0, accept_cnt = 0; socklen_t addrlen; hio_t* connio = NULL; while (accept_cnt++ < 3) { addrlen = sizeof(sockaddr_u); connfd = accept(io->fd, io->peeraddr, &addrlen); if (connfd < 0) { err = socket_errno(); if (err == EAGAIN || err == EINTR) { return; } else { perror("accept"); io->error = err; goto accept_error; } } addrlen = sizeof(sockaddr_u); getsockname(connfd, io->localaddr, &addrlen); connio = hio_get(io->loop, connfd); // NOTE: inherit from listenio connio->accept_cb = io->accept_cb; connio->userdata = io->userdata; if (io->unpack_setting) { hio_set_unpack(connio, io->unpack_setting); } if (io->io_type == HIO_TYPE_SSL) { if (connio->ssl == NULL) { // io->ssl_ctx > g_ssl_ctx > hssl_ctx_new hssl_ctx_t ssl_ctx = NULL; if (io->ssl_ctx) { ssl_ctx = io->ssl_ctx; } else if (g_ssl_ctx) { ssl_ctx = g_ssl_ctx; } else { io->ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx = hssl_ctx_new(NULL); io->alloced_ssl_ctx = 1; } if (ssl_ctx == NULL) { io->error = ERR_NEW_SSL_CTX; goto accept_error; } hssl_t ssl = hssl_new(ssl_ctx, connfd); if (ssl == NULL) { io->error = ERR_NEW_SSL; goto accept_error; } connio->ssl = ssl; } hio_enable_ssl(connio); ssl_server_handshake(connio); } else { // NOTE: SSL call accept_cb after handshake finished __accept_cb(connio); } } return; accept_error: hloge("listenfd=%d accept error: %s:%d", io->fd, socket_strerror(io->error), io->error); // NOTE: Don't close listen fd automatically anyway. // hio_close(io); } static void nio_connect(hio_t* io) { // printd("nio_connect connfd=%d\n", io->fd); socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(sockaddr_u); int ret = getpeername(io->fd, io->peeraddr, &addrlen); if (ret < 0) { io->error = socket_errno(); goto connect_error; } else { addrlen = sizeof(sockaddr_u); getsockname(io->fd, io->localaddr, &addrlen); if (io->io_type == HIO_TYPE_SSL) { if (io->ssl == NULL) { // io->ssl_ctx > g_ssl_ctx > hssl_ctx_new hssl_ctx_t ssl_ctx = NULL; if (io->ssl_ctx) { ssl_ctx = io->ssl_ctx; } else if (g_ssl_ctx) { ssl_ctx = g_ssl_ctx; } else { io->ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx = hssl_ctx_new(NULL); io->alloced_ssl_ctx = 1; } if (ssl_ctx == NULL) { io->error = ERR_NEW_SSL_CTX; goto connect_error; } hssl_t ssl = hssl_new(ssl_ctx, io->fd); if (ssl == NULL) { io->error = ERR_NEW_SSL; goto connect_error; } io->ssl = ssl; } if (io->hostname) { hssl_set_sni_hostname(io->ssl, io->hostname); } ssl_client_handshake(io); } else { // NOTE: SSL call connect_cb after handshake finished __connect_cb(io); } return; } connect_error: hlogw("connfd=%d connect error: %s:%d", io->fd, socket_strerror(io->error), io->error); hio_close(io); } static void nio_connect_event_cb(hevent_t* ev) { hio_t* io = (hio_t*)ev->userdata; uint32_t id = (uintptr_t)ev->privdata; if (io->id != id) return; nio_connect(io); } static int nio_connect_async(hio_t* io) { hevent_t ev; memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); ev.cb = nio_connect_event_cb; ev.userdata = io; ev.privdata = (void*)(uintptr_t)io->id; hloop_post_event(io->loop, &ev); return 0; } static int __nio_read(hio_t* io, void* buf, int len) { int nread = 0; switch (io->io_type) { case HIO_TYPE_SSL: nread = hssl_read(io->ssl, buf, len); break; case HIO_TYPE_TCP: nread = recv(io->fd, buf, len, 0); break; case HIO_TYPE_UDP: case HIO_TYPE_KCP: case HIO_TYPE_IP: { socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(sockaddr_u); nread = recvfrom(io->fd, buf, len, 0, io->peeraddr, &addrlen); } break; default: nread = read(io->fd, buf, len); break; } // hlogd("read retval=%d", nread); return nread; } static int __nio_write(hio_t* io, const void* buf, int len) { int nwrite = 0; switch (io->io_type) { case HIO_TYPE_SSL: nwrite = hssl_write(io->ssl, buf, len); break; case HIO_TYPE_TCP: { int flag = 0; #ifdef MSG_NOSIGNAL flag |= MSG_NOSIGNAL; #endif nwrite = send(io->fd, buf, len, flag); } break; case HIO_TYPE_UDP: case HIO_TYPE_KCP: case HIO_TYPE_IP: { nwrite = sendto(io->fd, buf, len, 0, io->peeraddr, SOCKADDR_LEN(io->peeraddr)); if (((sockaddr_u*)io->localaddr)->sin.sin_port == 0) { socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(sockaddr_u); getsockname(io->fd, io->localaddr, &addrlen); } } break; default: nwrite = write(io->fd, buf, len); break; } // hlogd("write retval=%d", nwrite); return nwrite; } static void nio_read(hio_t* io) { // printd("nio_read fd=%d\n", io->fd); void* buf; int len = 0, nread = 0, err = 0; read: buf = io->readbuf.base + io->readbuf.tail; if (io->read_flags & HIO_READ_UNTIL_LENGTH) { len = io->read_until_length - (io->readbuf.tail - io->readbuf.head); } else { len = io->readbuf.len - io->readbuf.tail; } assert(len > 0); nread = __nio_read(io, buf, len); // printd("read retval=%d\n", nread); if (nread < 0) { err = socket_errno(); if (err == EAGAIN || err == EINTR) { // goto read_done; return; } else if (err == EMSGSIZE) { nread = len; } else { // perror("read"); io->error = err; goto read_error; } } if (nread == 0 && (io->io_type & HIO_TYPE_SOCK_STREAM)) { goto disconnect; } if (nread < len) { // NOTE: make string friendly ((char*)buf)[nread] = '\0'; } io->readbuf.tail += nread; __read_cb(io, buf, nread); if (nread == len && !io->closed) { // NOTE: ssl may have own cache if (io->io_type == HIO_TYPE_SSL) { // read continue goto read; } } return; read_error: disconnect: if (io->io_type & HIO_TYPE_SOCK_STREAM) { hio_close(io); } } static void nio_write(hio_t* io) { // printd("nio_write fd=%d\n", io->fd); int nwrite = 0, err = 0; hrecursive_mutex_lock(&io->write_mutex); write: if (write_queue_empty(&io->write_queue)) { hrecursive_mutex_unlock(&io->write_mutex); if (io->close) { io->close = 0; hio_close(io); } return; } offset_buf_t* pbuf = write_queue_front(&io->write_queue); char* base = pbuf->base; char* buf = base + pbuf->offset; int len = pbuf->len - pbuf->offset; nwrite = __nio_write(io, buf, len); // printd("write retval=%d\n", nwrite); if (nwrite < 0) { err = socket_errno(); if (err == EAGAIN || err == EINTR) { hrecursive_mutex_unlock(&io->write_mutex); return; } else { // perror("write"); io->error = err; goto write_error; } } if (nwrite == 0 && (io->io_type & HIO_TYPE_SOCK_STREAM)) { goto disconnect; } pbuf->offset += nwrite; io->write_bufsize -= nwrite; __write_cb(io, buf, nwrite); if (nwrite == len) { // NOTE: after write_cb, pbuf maybe invalid. // HV_FREE(pbuf->base); HV_FREE(base); write_queue_pop_front(&io->write_queue); if (!io->closed) { // write continue goto write; } } hrecursive_mutex_unlock(&io->write_mutex); return; write_error: disconnect: hrecursive_mutex_unlock(&io->write_mutex); if (io->io_type & HIO_TYPE_SOCK_STREAM) { hio_close(io); } } static void hio_handle_events(hio_t* io) { if ((io->events & HV_READ) && (io->revents & HV_READ)) { if (io->accept) { nio_accept(io); } else { nio_read(io); } } if ((io->events & HV_WRITE) && (io->revents & HV_WRITE)) { // NOTE: del HV_WRITE, if write_queue empty hrecursive_mutex_lock(&io->write_mutex); if (write_queue_empty(&io->write_queue)) { hio_del(io, HV_WRITE); } hrecursive_mutex_unlock(&io->write_mutex); if (io->connect) { // NOTE: connect just do once // ONESHOT io->connect = 0; nio_connect(io); } else { nio_write(io); } } io->revents = 0; } int hio_accept(hio_t* io) { io->accept = 1; return hio_add(io, hio_handle_events, HV_READ); } int hio_connect(hio_t* io) { int ret = connect(io->fd, io->peeraddr, SOCKADDR_LEN(io->peeraddr)); #ifdef OS_WIN if (ret < 0 && socket_errno() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { #else if (ret < 0 && socket_errno() != EINPROGRESS) { #endif perror("connect"); io->error = socket_errno(); hio_close_async(io); return ret; } if (ret == 0) { // connect ok nio_connect_async(io); return 0; } int timeout = io->connect_timeout ? io->connect_timeout : HIO_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; io->connect_timer = htimer_add(io->loop, __connect_timeout_cb, timeout, 1); io->connect_timer->privdata = io; io->connect = 1; return hio_add(io, hio_handle_events, HV_WRITE); } int hio_read (hio_t* io) { if (io->closed) { hloge("hio_read called but fd[%d] already closed!", io->fd); return -1; } hio_add(io, hio_handle_events, HV_READ); if (io->readbuf.tail > io->readbuf.head && io->unpack_setting == NULL && io->read_flags == 0) { hio_read_remain(io); } return 0; } int hio_write (hio_t* io, const void* buf, size_t len) { if (io->closed) { hloge("hio_write called but fd[%d] already closed!", io->fd); return -1; } int nwrite = 0, err = 0; hrecursive_mutex_lock(&io->write_mutex); #if WITH_KCP if (io->io_type == HIO_TYPE_KCP) { nwrite = hio_write_kcp(io, buf, len); // if (nwrite < 0) goto write_error; goto write_done; } #endif if (write_queue_empty(&io->write_queue)) { try_write: nwrite = __nio_write(io, buf, len); // printd("write retval=%d\n", nwrite); if (nwrite < 0) { err = socket_errno(); if (err == EAGAIN || err == EINTR) { nwrite = 0; hlogw("try_write failed, enqueue!"); goto enqueue; } else { // perror("write"); io->error = err; goto write_error; } } if (nwrite == len) { goto write_done; } if (nwrite == 0 && (io->io_type & HIO_TYPE_SOCK_STREAM)) { goto disconnect; } enqueue: hio_add(io, hio_handle_events, HV_WRITE); } if (nwrite < len) { if (io->write_bufsize + len - nwrite > io->max_write_bufsize) { hloge("write bufsize > %u, close it!", io->max_write_bufsize); io->error = ERR_OVER_LIMIT; goto write_error; } offset_buf_t remain; remain.len = len - nwrite; remain.offset = 0; // NOTE: free in nio_write HV_ALLOC(remain.base, remain.len); memcpy(remain.base, ((char*)buf) + nwrite, remain.len); if (io->write_queue.maxsize == 0) { write_queue_init(&io->write_queue, 4); } write_queue_push_back(&io->write_queue, &remain); io->write_bufsize += remain.len; if (io->write_bufsize > WRITE_BUFSIZE_HIGH_WATER) { hlogw("write len=%u enqueue %u, bufsize=%u over high water %u", (unsigned int)len, (unsigned int)(remain.len - remain.offset), (unsigned int)io->write_bufsize, (unsigned int)WRITE_BUFSIZE_HIGH_WATER); } } write_done: hrecursive_mutex_unlock(&io->write_mutex); if (nwrite > 0) { __write_cb(io, buf, nwrite); } return nwrite; write_error: disconnect: hrecursive_mutex_unlock(&io->write_mutex); /* NOTE: * We usually free resources in hclose_cb, * if hio_close_sync, we have to be very careful to avoid using freed resources. * But if hio_close_async, we do not have to worry about this. */ if (io->io_type & HIO_TYPE_SOCK_STREAM) { hio_close_async(io); } return nwrite < 0 ? nwrite : -1; } int hio_close (hio_t* io) { if (io->closed) return 0; if (io->destroy == 0 && hv_gettid() != io->loop->tid) { return hio_close_async(io); } hrecursive_mutex_lock(&io->write_mutex); if (io->closed) { hrecursive_mutex_unlock(&io->write_mutex); return 0; } if (!write_queue_empty(&io->write_queue) && io->error == 0 && io->close == 0 && io->destroy == 0) { io->close = 1; hrecursive_mutex_unlock(&io->write_mutex); hlogw("write_queue not empty, close later."); int timeout_ms = io->close_timeout ? io->close_timeout : HIO_DEFAULT_CLOSE_TIMEOUT; io->close_timer = htimer_add(io->loop, __close_timeout_cb, timeout_ms, 1); io->close_timer->privdata = io; return 0; } io->closed = 1; hrecursive_mutex_unlock(&io->write_mutex); hio_done(io); __close_cb(io); if (io->ssl) { hssl_free(io->ssl); io->ssl = NULL; } if (io->ssl_ctx && io->alloced_ssl_ctx) { hssl_ctx_free(io->ssl_ctx); io->ssl_ctx = NULL; } SAFE_FREE(io->hostname); if (io->io_type & HIO_TYPE_SOCKET) { closesocket(io->fd); } else if (io->io_type == HIO_TYPE_PIPE) { close(io->fd); } return 0; } #endif