#include "hv.h" #include "hmain.h" #include "iniparser.h" /* * @build: make examples * @usage: bin/hmain_test -h * bin/hmain_test -v * * bin/hmain_test -c etc/hmain_test.conf -d * ps aux | grep hmain_test * * bin/hmain_test -s stop * ps aux | grep hmain_test * */ typedef struct conf_ctx_s { IniParser* parser; int loglevel; int worker_processes; int worker_threads; int port; } conf_ctx_t; conf_ctx_t g_conf_ctx; inline void conf_ctx_init(conf_ctx_t* ctx) { ctx->parser = new IniParser; ctx->loglevel = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; ctx->worker_processes = 0; ctx->worker_threads = 0; ctx->port = 0; } static void print_version(); static void print_help(); static int parse_confile(const char* confile); static void worker_fn(void* userdata); // short options static const char options[] = "hvc:ts:dp:"; // long options static const option_t long_options[] = { {'h', "help", NO_ARGUMENT}, {'v', "version", NO_ARGUMENT}, {'c', "confile", REQUIRED_ARGUMENT}, {'t', "test", NO_ARGUMENT}, {'s', "signal", REQUIRED_ARGUMENT}, {'d', "daemon", NO_ARGUMENT}, {'p', "port", REQUIRED_ARGUMENT} }; static const char detail_options[] = R"( -h|--help Print this information -v|--version Print version -c|--confile <confile> Set configure file, default etc/{program}.conf -t|--test Test configure file and exit -s|--signal <signal> Send <signal> to process, <signal>=[start,stop,restart,status,reload] -d|--daemon Daemonize -p|--port <port> Set listen port )"; void print_version() { printf("%s version %s\n", g_main_ctx.program_name, hv_compile_version()); } void print_help() { printf("Usage: %s [%s]\n", g_main_ctx.program_name, options); printf("Options:\n%s\n", detail_options); } int parse_confile(const char* confile) { int ret = g_conf_ctx.parser->LoadFromFile(confile); if (ret != 0) { printf("Load confile [%s] failed: %d\n", confile, ret); exit(-40); } // logfile std::string str = g_conf_ctx.parser->GetValue("logfile"); if (!str.empty()) { strncpy(g_main_ctx.logfile, str.c_str(), sizeof(g_main_ctx.logfile)); } hlog_set_file(g_main_ctx.logfile); // loglevel str = g_conf_ctx.parser->GetValue("loglevel"); if (!str.empty()) { hlog_set_level_by_str(str.c_str()); } // log_filesize str = g_conf_ctx.parser->GetValue("log_filesize"); if (!str.empty()) { hlog_set_max_filesize_by_str(str.c_str()); } // log_remain_days str = g_conf_ctx.parser->GetValue("log_remain_days"); if (!str.empty()) { hlog_set_remain_days(atoi(str.c_str())); } // log_fsync str = g_conf_ctx.parser->GetValue("log_fsync"); if (!str.empty()) { logger_enable_fsync(hlog, hv_getboolean(str.c_str())); } // first log here hlogi("%s version: %s", g_main_ctx.program_name, hv_compile_version()); hlog_fsync(); // worker_processes int worker_processes = 0; #ifdef DEBUG // Disable multi-processes mode for debugging worker_processes = 0; #else str = g_conf_ctx.parser->GetValue("worker_processes"); if (str.size() != 0) { if (strcmp(str.c_str(), "auto") == 0) { worker_processes = get_ncpu(); hlogd("worker_processes=ncpu=%d", worker_processes); } else { worker_processes = atoi(str.c_str()); } } #endif g_conf_ctx.worker_processes = LIMIT(0, worker_processes, MAXNUM_WORKER_PROCESSES); // worker_threads int worker_threads = 0; str = g_conf_ctx.parser->GetValue("worker_threads"); if (str.size() != 0) { if (strcmp(str.c_str(), "auto") == 0) { worker_threads = get_ncpu(); hlogd("worker_threads=ncpu=%d", worker_threads); } else { worker_threads = atoi(str.c_str()); } } g_conf_ctx.worker_threads = LIMIT(0, worker_threads, 64); // port int port = 0; const char* szPort = get_arg("p"); if (szPort) { port = atoi(szPort); } if (port == 0) { port = g_conf_ctx.parser->Get<int>("port"); } if (port == 0) { printf("Please config listen port!\n"); exit(-10); } g_conf_ctx.port = port; hlogi("parse_confile('%s') OK", confile); return 0; } static void on_reload(void* userdata) { hlogi("reload confile [%s]", g_main_ctx.confile); parse_confile(g_main_ctx.confile); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { // g_main_ctx main_ctx_init(argc, argv); if (argc == 1) { print_help(); exit(10); } // int ret = parse_opt(argc, argv, options); int ret = parse_opt_long(argc, argv, long_options, ARRAY_SIZE(long_options)); if (ret != 0) { print_help(); exit(ret); } /* printf("---------------arg------------------------------\n"); printf("%s\n", g_main_ctx.cmdline); for (int i = 0; i < g_main_ctx.arg_kv_size; ++i) { printf("%s\n", g_main_ctx.arg_kv[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < g_main_ctx.arg_list_size; ++i) { printf("%s\n", g_main_ctx.arg_list[i]); } printf("================================================\n"); printf("---------------env------------------------------\n"); for (int i = 0; i < g_main_ctx.envc; ++i) { printf("%s\n", g_main_ctx.save_envp[i]); } printf("================================================\n"); */ // help if (get_arg("h")) { print_help(); exit(0); } // version if (get_arg("v")) { print_version(); exit(0); } // g_conf_ctx conf_ctx_init(&g_conf_ctx); const char* confile = get_arg("c"); if (confile) { strncpy(g_main_ctx.confile, confile, sizeof(g_main_ctx.confile)); } parse_confile(g_main_ctx.confile); // test if (get_arg("t")) { printf("Test confile [%s] OK!\n", g_main_ctx.confile); exit(0); } // signal signal_init(on_reload); const char* signal = get_arg("s"); if (signal) { signal_handle(signal); } #ifdef OS_UNIX // daemon if (get_arg("d")) { // nochdir, noclose int ret = daemon(1, 1); if (ret != 0) { printf("daemon error: %d\n", ret); exit(-10); } } #endif // pidfile create_pidfile(); master_workers_run(worker_fn, (void*)(intptr_t)g_conf_ctx.port, g_conf_ctx.worker_processes, g_conf_ctx.worker_threads); return 0; } void worker_fn(void* userdata) { long port = (long)(intptr_t)(userdata); while (1) { printf("port=%ld pid=%ld tid=%ld\n", port, hv_getpid(), hv_gettid()); hv_delay(60000); } }