/* * tinyproxyd tiny http proxy server * * @build make examples * * @http_server bin/tinyhttpd 8000 * @proxy_server bin/tinyproxyd 1080 * * @proxy_client bin/curl -v www.httpbin.org/get --http-proxy * bin/curl -v www.httpbin.org/post -d hello --http-proxy * curl -v www.httpbin.org/get --proxy * curl -v www.httpbin.org/post -d hello --proxy * */ #include "hv.h" #include "hloop.h" /* * workflow: * hloop_new -> hloop_create_tcp_server -> hloop_run -> * on_accept -> HV_ALLOC(http_conn_t) -> hio_readline -> * on_recv -> parse_http_request_line -> hio_readline -> * on_recv -> parse_http_head -> ... -> hio_readline -> * on_head_end -> hio_setup_upstream -> * on_upstream_connect -> hio_write_upstream(head) -> * on_body -> hio_write_upstream(body) -> * on_upstream_close -> hio_close -> * on_close -> HV_FREE(http_conn_t) * */ static char proxy_host[64] = ""; static int proxy_port = 1080; static int proxy_ssl = 0; static int thread_num = 1; static hloop_t* accept_loop = NULL; static hloop_t** worker_loops = NULL; #define HTTP_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT 60000 // ms #define HTTP_MAX_URL_LENGTH 256 #define HTTP_MAX_HEAD_LENGTH 1024 typedef enum { s_begin, s_first_line, s_request_line = s_first_line, s_status_line = s_first_line, s_head, s_head_end, s_body, s_end } http_state_e; typedef struct { // first line int major_version; int minor_version; union { // request line struct { char method[32]; char path[HTTP_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; }; // status line struct { int status_code; char status_message[64]; }; }; // headers char host[64]; int content_length; char content_type[64]; unsigned keepalive: 1; unsigned proxy: 1; char head[HTTP_MAX_HEAD_LENGTH]; int head_len; // body char* body; int body_len; // body_len = content_length } http_msg_t; typedef struct { hio_t* io; http_state_e state; http_msg_t request; // http_msg_t response; } http_conn_t; static int http_request_dump(http_conn_t* conn, char* buf, int len) { http_msg_t* msg = &conn->request; int offset = 0; // request line const char* path = msg->path; if (msg->proxy) { const char* pos = strstr(msg->path, "://"); pos = pos ? pos + 3 : msg->path; path = strchr(pos, '/'); } if (path == NULL) path = "/"; offset += snprintf(buf + offset, len - offset, "%s %s HTTP/%d.%d\r\n", msg->method, path, msg->major_version, msg->minor_version); // headers if (msg->proxy) { if (msg->head_len) { memcpy(buf + offset, msg->head, msg->head_len); offset += msg->head_len; } char peeraddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; SOCKADDR_STR(hio_peeraddr(conn->io), peeraddrstr); offset += snprintf(buf + offset, len - offset, "X-Origin-IP: %s\r\n", peeraddrstr); } else { offset += snprintf(buf + offset, len - offset, "Connection: %s\r\n", msg->keepalive ? "keep-alive" : "close"); if (msg->content_length > 0) { offset += snprintf(buf + offset, len - offset, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", msg->content_length); } if (*msg->content_type) { offset += snprintf(buf + offset, len - offset, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", msg->content_type); } } // TODO: Add your headers offset += snprintf(buf + offset, len - offset, "\r\n"); // body if (msg->body && msg->content_length > 0) { memcpy(buf + offset, msg->body, msg->content_length); offset += msg->content_length; } return offset; } static bool parse_http_request_line(http_conn_t* conn, char* buf, int len) { // GET / HTTP/1.1 http_msg_t* req = &conn->request; sscanf(buf, "%s %s HTTP/%d.%d", req->method, req->path, &req->major_version, &req->minor_version); if (req->major_version != 1) return false; if (req->minor_version == 1) req->keepalive = 1; // printf("%s %s HTTP/%d.%d\r\n", req->method, req->path, req->major_version, req->minor_version); return true; } static bool parse_http_head(http_conn_t* conn, char* buf, int len) { http_msg_t* req = &conn->request; // Content-Type: text/html const char* key = buf; const char* val = buf; char* delim = strchr(buf, ':'); if (!delim) return false; *delim = '\0'; val = delim + 1; // trim space while (*val == ' ') ++val; // printf("%s: %s\r\n", key, val); if (stricmp(key, "Host") == 0) { strncpy(req->host, val, sizeof(req->host) - 1); } else if (stricmp(key, "Content-Length") == 0) { req->content_length = atoi(val); } else if (stricmp(key, "Content-Type") == 0) { strncpy(req->content_type, val, sizeof(req->content_type) - 1); } else if (stricmp(key, "Connection") == 0 || stricmp(key, "Proxy-Connection") == 0) { if (stricmp(val, "close") == 0) { req->keepalive = 0; } } return true; } static void on_upstream_connect(hio_t* upstream_io) { // printf("on_upstream_connect\n"); http_conn_t* conn = (http_conn_t*)hevent_userdata(upstream_io); http_msg_t* req = &conn->request; // send head char stackbuf[HTTP_MAX_HEAD_LENGTH + 1024] = {0}; char* buf = stackbuf; int buflen = sizeof(stackbuf); int msglen = http_request_dump(conn, buf, buflen); hio_write(upstream_io, buf, msglen); if (conn->state != s_end) { // start recv body then upstream hio_read_start(conn->io); } else { if (req->keepalive) { // Connection: keep-alive\r\n // reset and receive next request memset(&conn->request, 0, sizeof(http_msg_t)); // memset(&conn->response, 0, sizeof(http_msg_t)); conn->state = s_first_line; hio_readline(conn->io); } } // start recv response hio_read_start(upstream_io); } static int on_head_end(http_conn_t* conn) { http_msg_t* req = &conn->request; if (req->host[0] == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "No Host header!\n"); return -1; } char backend_host[64] = {0}; strcpy(backend_host, req->host); int backend_port = 80; char* pos = strchr(backend_host, ':'); if (pos) { *pos = '\0'; backend_port = atoi(pos + 1); } if (backend_port == proxy_port && (strcmp(backend_host, proxy_host) == 0 || strcmp(backend_host, "localhost") == 0 || strcmp(backend_host, "") == 0)) { req->proxy = 0; return 0; } // NOTE: blew for proxy req->proxy = 1; int backend_ssl = strncmp(req->path, "https", 5) == 0 ? 1 : 0; // printf("upstream %s:%d\n", backend_host, backend_port); hloop_t* loop = hevent_loop(conn->io); // hio_t* upstream_io = hio_setup_tcp_upstream(conn->io, backend_host, backend_port, backend_ssl); hio_t* upstream_io = hio_create_socket(loop, backend_host, backend_port, HIO_TYPE_TCP, HIO_CLIENT_SIDE); if (upstream_io == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to upstream %s:%d!\n", backend_host, backend_port); return -3; } if (backend_ssl) { hio_enable_ssl(upstream_io); } hevent_set_userdata(upstream_io, conn); hio_setup_upstream(conn->io, upstream_io); hio_setcb_read(upstream_io, hio_write_upstream); hio_setcb_close(upstream_io, hio_close_upstream); hio_setcb_connect(upstream_io, on_upstream_connect); hio_connect(upstream_io); return 0; } static int on_body(http_conn_t* conn, void* buf, int readbytes) { http_msg_t* req = &conn->request; if (req->proxy) { hio_write_upstream(conn->io, buf, readbytes); } return 0; } static int on_request(http_conn_t* conn) { // NOTE: just reply 403, please refer to examples/tinyhttpd if you want to reply other. http_msg_t* req = &conn->request; char buf[256] = {0}; int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "HTTP/%d.%d %d %s\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n", req->major_version, req->minor_version, 403, "Forbidden"); hio_write(conn->io, buf, len); return 403; } static void on_close(hio_t* io) { // printf("on_close fd=%d error=%d\n", hio_fd(io), hio_error(io)); http_conn_t* conn = (http_conn_t*)hevent_userdata(io); if (conn) { HV_FREE(conn); hevent_set_userdata(io, NULL); } hio_close_upstream(io); } static void on_recv(hio_t* io, void* buf, int readbytes) { char* str = (char*)buf; // printf("on_recv fd=%d readbytes=%d\n", hio_fd(io), readbytes); // printf("%.*s", readbytes, str); http_conn_t* conn = (http_conn_t*)hevent_userdata(io); http_msg_t* req = &conn->request; switch (conn->state) { case s_begin: // printf("s_begin"); conn->state = s_first_line; case s_first_line: // printf("s_first_line\n"); if (readbytes < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Not match \r\n!"); hio_close(io); return; } str[readbytes - 2] = '\0'; if (parse_http_request_line(conn, str, readbytes - 2) == false) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse http request line:\n%s\n", str); hio_close(io); return; } // start read head conn->state = s_head; hio_readline(io); break; case s_head: // printf("s_head\n"); if (readbytes < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Not match \r\n!"); hio_close(io); return; } if (readbytes == 2 && str[0] == '\r' && str[1] == '\n') { conn->state = s_head_end; } else { // NOTE: save head if (strnicmp(str, "Proxy-", 6) != 0) { if (req->head_len + readbytes < HTTP_MAX_HEAD_LENGTH) { memcpy(req->head + req->head_len, buf, readbytes); req->head_len += readbytes; } } str[readbytes - 2] = '\0'; if (parse_http_head(conn, str, readbytes - 2) == false) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse http head:\n%s\n", str); hio_close(io); return; } hio_readline(io); break; } case s_head_end: // printf("s_head_end\n"); if (on_head_end(conn) < 0) { hio_close(io); return; } if (req->content_length == 0) { conn->state = s_end; if (req->proxy) { // NOTE: wait upstream connect! } else { goto s_end; } } else { conn->state = s_body; if (req->proxy) { // NOTE: start read body on_upstream_connect // hio_read_start(io); } else { // WARN: too large content_length should read multiple times! hio_readbytes(io, req->content_length); } break; } case s_body: // printf("s_body\n"); if (on_body(conn, buf, readbytes) < 0) { hio_close(io); return; } req->body = str; req->body_len += readbytes; if (readbytes == req->content_length) { conn->state = s_end; } else { // Not end break; } case s_end: s_end: // printf("s_end\n"); // received complete request if (req->proxy) { // NOTE: reply by upstream } else { on_request(conn); } if (hio_is_closed(io)) return; if (req->keepalive) { // Connection: keep-alive\r\n // reset and receive next request memset(&conn->request, 0, sizeof(http_msg_t)); // memset(&conn->response, 0, sizeof(http_msg_t)); conn->state = s_first_line; hio_readline(io); } else { // Connection: close\r\n if (req->proxy) { // NOTE: wait upstream close! } else { hio_close(io); } } break; default: break; } } static void new_conn_event(hevent_t* ev) { hloop_t* loop = ev->loop; hio_t* io = (hio_t*)hevent_userdata(ev); hio_attach(loop, io); /* char localaddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; char peeraddrstr[SOCKADDR_STRLEN] = {0}; printf("tid=%ld connfd=%d [%s] <= [%s]\n", (long)hv_gettid(), (int)hio_fd(io), SOCKADDR_STR(hio_localaddr(io), localaddrstr), SOCKADDR_STR(hio_peeraddr(io), peeraddrstr)); */ hio_setcb_close(io, on_close); hio_setcb_read(io, on_recv); hio_set_keepalive_timeout(io, HTTP_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT); http_conn_t* conn = NULL; HV_ALLOC_SIZEOF(conn); conn->io = io; hevent_set_userdata(io, conn); // start read first line conn->state = s_first_line; hio_readline(io); } static hloop_t* get_next_loop() { static int s_cur_index = 0; if (s_cur_index == thread_num) { s_cur_index = 0; } return worker_loops[s_cur_index++]; } static void on_accept(hio_t* io) { hio_detach(io); hloop_t* worker_loop = get_next_loop(); hevent_t ev; memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); ev.loop = worker_loop; ev.cb = new_conn_event; ev.userdata = io; hloop_post_event(worker_loop, &ev); } static HTHREAD_ROUTINE(worker_thread) { hloop_t* loop = (hloop_t*)userdata; hloop_run(loop); return 0; } static HTHREAD_ROUTINE(accept_thread) { hloop_t* loop = (hloop_t*)userdata; hio_t* listenio = hloop_create_tcp_server(loop, proxy_host, proxy_port, on_accept); if (listenio == NULL) { exit(1); } if (proxy_ssl) { hio_enable_ssl(listenio); } printf("tinyproxyd listening on %s:%d, listenfd=%d, thread_num=%d\n", proxy_host, proxy_port, hio_fd(listenio), thread_num); hloop_run(loop); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s proxy_port [thread_num]\n", argv[0]); return -10; } proxy_port = atoi(argv[1]); if (argc > 2) { thread_num = atoi(argv[2]); } else { thread_num = get_ncpu(); } if (thread_num == 0) thread_num = 1; worker_loops = (hloop_t**)malloc(sizeof(hloop_t*) * thread_num); for (int i = 0; i < thread_num; ++i) { worker_loops[i] = hloop_new(HLOOP_FLAG_AUTO_FREE); hthread_create(worker_thread, worker_loops[i]); } accept_loop = hloop_new(HLOOP_FLAG_AUTO_FREE); accept_thread(accept_loop); return 0; }