#ifndef HV_EVENT_LOOP_HPP_ #define HV_EVENT_LOOP_HPP_ #include <functional> #include <queue> #include <map> #include <mutex> #include "hloop.h" #include "hthread.h" #include "Status.h" #include "Event.h" #include "ThreadLocalStorage.h" namespace hv { class EventLoop : public Status { public: typedef std::function<void()> Functor; // New an EventLoop using an existing hloop_t object, // so we can embed an EventLoop object into the old application based on hloop. // NOTE: Be careful to deal with destroy of hloop_t. EventLoop(hloop_t* loop = NULL) { setStatus(kInitializing); if (loop) { loop_ = loop; is_loop_owner = false; } else { loop_ = hloop_new(HLOOP_FLAG_AUTO_FREE); is_loop_owner = true; } connectionNum = 0; nextTimerID = 0; setStatus(kInitialized); } ~EventLoop() { stop(); } hloop_t* loop() { return loop_; } // @brief Run loop forever void run() { if (loop_ == NULL) return; if (status() == kRunning) return; ThreadLocalStorage::set(ThreadLocalStorage::EVENT_LOOP, this); setStatus(kRunning); hloop_run(loop_); setStatus(kStopped); } // stop thread-safe void stop() { if (loop_ == NULL) return; if (status() < kRunning) { if (is_loop_owner) { hloop_free(&loop_); } loop_ = NULL; return; } setStatus(kStopping); hloop_stop(loop_); loop_ = NULL; } void pause() { if (loop_ == NULL) return; if (isRunning()) { hloop_pause(loop_); setStatus(kPause); } } void resume() { if (loop_ == NULL) return; if (isPause()) { hloop_resume(loop_); setStatus(kRunning); } } // Timer interfaces: setTimer, killTimer, resetTimer TimerID setTimer(int timeout_ms, TimerCallback cb, uint32_t repeat = INFINITE, TimerID timerID = INVALID_TIMER_ID) { if (loop_ == NULL) return INVALID_TIMER_ID; assertInLoopThread(); htimer_t* htimer = htimer_add(loop_, onTimer, timeout_ms, repeat); assert(htimer != NULL); if (timerID == INVALID_TIMER_ID) { timerID = generateTimerID(); } hevent_set_id(htimer, timerID); hevent_set_userdata(htimer, this); timers[timerID] = std::make_shared<Timer>(htimer, cb, repeat); return timerID; } // setTimerInLoop thread-safe TimerID setTimerInLoop(int timeout_ms, TimerCallback cb, uint32_t repeat = INFINITE, TimerID timerID = INVALID_TIMER_ID) { if (timerID == INVALID_TIMER_ID) { timerID = generateTimerID(); } runInLoop(std::bind(&EventLoop::setTimer, this, timeout_ms, cb, repeat, timerID)); return timerID; } // alias javascript setTimeout, setInterval // setTimeout thread-safe TimerID setTimeout(int timeout_ms, TimerCallback cb) { return setTimerInLoop(timeout_ms, cb, 1); } // setInterval thread-safe TimerID setInterval(int interval_ms, TimerCallback cb) { return setTimerInLoop(interval_ms, cb, INFINITE); } // killTimer thread-safe void killTimer(TimerID timerID) { runInLoop([timerID, this](){ auto iter = timers.find(timerID); if (iter != timers.end()) { htimer_del(iter->second->timer); timers.erase(iter); } }); } // resetTimer thread-safe void resetTimer(TimerID timerID, int timeout_ms = 0) { runInLoop([timerID, timeout_ms, this](){ auto iter = timers.find(timerID); if (iter != timers.end()) { htimer_reset(iter->second->timer, timeout_ms); if (iter->second->repeat == 0) { iter->second->repeat = 1; } } }); } long tid() { if (loop_ == NULL) return hv_gettid(); return hloop_tid(loop_); } bool isInLoopThread() { if (loop_ == NULL) return false; return hv_gettid() == hloop_tid(loop_); } void assertInLoopThread() { assert(isInLoopThread()); } void runInLoop(Functor fn) { if (isRunning() && isInLoopThread()) { if (fn) fn(); } else { queueInLoop(std::move(fn)); } } void queueInLoop(Functor fn) { postEvent([fn](Event* ev) { if (fn) fn(); }); } void postEvent(EventCallback cb) { if (loop_ == NULL) return; EventPtr ev = std::make_shared<Event>(cb); hevent_set_userdata(&ev->event, this); ev->event.cb = onCustomEvent; mutex_.lock(); customEvents.push(ev); mutex_.unlock(); hloop_post_event(loop_, &ev->event); } private: TimerID generateTimerID() { return (((TimerID)tid() & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 32) | ++nextTimerID; } static void onTimer(htimer_t* htimer) { EventLoop* loop = (EventLoop*)hevent_userdata(htimer); TimerID timerID = hevent_id(htimer); TimerPtr timer = NULL; auto iter = loop->timers.find(timerID); if (iter != loop->timers.end()) { timer = iter->second; if (timer->repeat != INFINITE) --timer->repeat; } if (timer) { if (timer->cb) timer->cb(timerID); if (timer->repeat == 0) { // htimer_t alloc and free by hloop, but timers[timerID] managed by EventLoop. loop->timers.erase(timerID); } } } static void onCustomEvent(hevent_t* hev) { EventLoop* loop = (EventLoop*)hevent_userdata(hev); loop->mutex_.lock(); EventPtr ev = loop->customEvents.front(); loop->customEvents.pop(); loop->mutex_.unlock(); if (ev && ev->cb) ev->cb(ev.get()); } public: std::atomic<uint32_t> connectionNum; // for LB_LeastConnections private: hloop_t* loop_; bool is_loop_owner; std::mutex mutex_; std::queue<EventPtr> customEvents; // GUAREDE_BY(mutex_) std::map<TimerID, TimerPtr> timers; std::atomic<TimerID> nextTimerID; }; typedef std::shared_ptr<EventLoop> EventLoopPtr; // ThreadLocalStorage static inline EventLoop* tlsEventLoop() { return (EventLoop*)ThreadLocalStorage::get(ThreadLocalStorage::EVENT_LOOP); } #define currentThreadEventLoop tlsEventLoop() static inline TimerID setTimer(int timeout_ms, TimerCallback cb, uint32_t repeat = INFINITE) { EventLoop* loop = tlsEventLoop(); assert(loop != NULL); if (loop == NULL) return INVALID_TIMER_ID; return loop->setTimer(timeout_ms, cb, repeat); } static inline void killTimer(TimerID timerID) { EventLoop* loop = tlsEventLoop(); assert(loop != NULL); if (loop == NULL) return; loop->killTimer(timerID); } static inline void resetTimer(TimerID timerID, int timeout_ms) { EventLoop* loop = tlsEventLoop(); assert(loop != NULL); if (loop == NULL) return; loop->resetTimer(timerID, timeout_ms); } static inline TimerID setTimeout(int timeout_ms, TimerCallback cb) { return setTimer(timeout_ms, cb, 1); } static inline TimerID setInterval(int interval_ms, TimerCallback cb) { return setTimer(interval_ms, cb, INFINITE); } } #endif // HV_EVENT_LOOP_HPP_