#ifndef HV_TCP_SERVER_HPP_ #define HV_TCP_SERVER_HPP_ #include "hsocket.h" #include "hssl.h" #include "hlog.h" #include "EventLoopThreadPool.h" #include "Channel.h" namespace hv { template<class TSocketChannel = SocketChannel> class TcpServerEventLoopTmpl { public: typedef std::shared_ptr<TSocketChannel> TSocketChannelPtr; TcpServerEventLoopTmpl(EventLoopPtr loop = NULL) { acceptor_loop = loop ? loop : std::make_shared<EventLoop>(); port = 0; listenfd = -1; tls = false; tls_setting = NULL; unpack_setting = NULL; max_connections = 0xFFFFFFFF; load_balance = LB_RoundRobin; } virtual ~TcpServerEventLoopTmpl() { HV_FREE(tls_setting); HV_FREE(unpack_setting); } EventLoopPtr loop(int idx = -1) { EventLoopPtr worker_loop = worker_threads.loop(idx); if (worker_loop == NULL) { worker_loop = acceptor_loop; } return worker_loop; } //@retval >=0 listenfd, <0 error int createsocket(int port, const char* host = "") { listenfd = Listen(port, host); if (listenfd < 0) return listenfd; this->host = host; this->port = port; return listenfd; } // closesocket thread-safe void closesocket() { if (listenfd >= 0) { hloop_t* loop = acceptor_loop->loop(); if (loop) { hio_t* listenio = hio_get(loop, listenfd); assert(listenio != NULL); hio_close_async(listenio); } listenfd = -1; } } void setMaxConnectionNum(uint32_t num) { max_connections = num; } void setLoadBalance(load_balance_e lb) { load_balance = lb; } // NOTE: totalThreadNum = 1 acceptor_thread + N worker_threads (N can be 0) void setThreadNum(int num) { worker_threads.setThreadNum(num); } int startAccept() { if (listenfd < 0) { listenfd = createsocket(port, host.c_str()); if (listenfd < 0) { hloge("createsocket %s:%d return %d!\n", host.c_str(), port, listenfd); return listenfd; } } hloop_t* loop = acceptor_loop->loop(); if (loop == NULL) return -2; hio_t* listenio = haccept(loop, listenfd, onAccept); assert(listenio != NULL); hevent_set_userdata(listenio, this); if (tls) { hio_enable_ssl(listenio); if (tls_setting) { int ret = hio_new_ssl_ctx(listenio, tls_setting); if (ret != 0) { hloge("new SSL_CTX failed: %d", ret); closesocket(); return ret; } } } return 0; } int stopAccept() { if (listenfd < 0) return -1; hloop_t* loop = acceptor_loop->loop(); if (loop == NULL) return -2; hio_t* listenio = hio_get(loop, listenfd); assert(listenio != NULL); return hio_del(listenio, HV_READ); } // start thread-safe void start(bool wait_threads_started = true) { if (worker_threads.threadNum() > 0) { worker_threads.start(wait_threads_started); } acceptor_loop->runInLoop(std::bind(&TcpServerEventLoopTmpl::startAccept, this)); } // stop thread-safe void stop(bool wait_threads_stopped = true) { closesocket(); if (worker_threads.threadNum() > 0) { worker_threads.stop(wait_threads_stopped); } } int withTLS(hssl_ctx_opt_t* opt = NULL) { tls = true; if (opt) { if (tls_setting == NULL) { HV_ALLOC_SIZEOF(tls_setting); } opt->endpoint = HSSL_SERVER; *tls_setting = *opt; } return 0; } void setUnpack(unpack_setting_t* setting) { if (setting == NULL) { HV_FREE(unpack_setting); return; } if (unpack_setting == NULL) { HV_ALLOC_SIZEOF(unpack_setting); } *unpack_setting = *setting; } // channel const TSocketChannelPtr& addChannel(hio_t* io) { uint32_t id = hio_id(io); auto channel = std::make_shared<TSocketChannel>(io); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(mutex_); channels[id] = channel; return channels[id]; } TSocketChannelPtr getChannelById(uint32_t id) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(mutex_); auto iter = channels.find(id); return iter != channels.end() ? iter->second : NULL; } void removeChannel(const TSocketChannelPtr& channel) { uint32_t id = channel->id(); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(mutex_); channels.erase(id); } size_t connectionNum() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(mutex_); return channels.size(); } int foreachChannel(std::function<void(const TSocketChannelPtr& channel)> fn) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(mutex_); for (auto& pair : channels) { fn(pair.second); } return channels.size(); } // broadcast thread-safe int broadcast(const void* data, int size) { return foreachChannel([data, size](const TSocketChannelPtr& channel) { channel->write(data, size); }); } int broadcast(const std::string& str) { return broadcast(str.data(), str.size()); } private: static void newConnEvent(hio_t* connio) { TcpServerEventLoopTmpl* server = (TcpServerEventLoopTmpl*)hevent_userdata(connio); if (server->connectionNum() >= server->max_connections) { hlogw("over max_connections"); hio_close(connio); return; } // NOTE: attach to worker loop EventLoop* worker_loop = currentThreadEventLoop; assert(worker_loop != NULL); hio_attach(worker_loop->loop(), connio); const TSocketChannelPtr& channel = server->addChannel(connio); channel->status = SocketChannel::CONNECTED; channel->onread = [server, &channel](Buffer* buf) { if (server->onMessage) { server->onMessage(channel, buf); } }; channel->onwrite = [server, &channel](Buffer* buf) { if (server->onWriteComplete) { server->onWriteComplete(channel, buf); } }; channel->onclose = [server, &channel]() { EventLoop* worker_loop = currentThreadEventLoop; assert(worker_loop != NULL); --worker_loop->connectionNum; channel->status = SocketChannel::CLOSED; if (server->onConnection) { server->onConnection(channel); } server->removeChannel(channel); // NOTE: After removeChannel, channel may be destroyed, // so in this lambda function, no code should be added below. }; if (server->unpack_setting) { channel->setUnpack(server->unpack_setting); } channel->startRead(); if (server->onConnection) { server->onConnection(channel); } } static void onAccept(hio_t* connio) { TcpServerEventLoopTmpl* server = (TcpServerEventLoopTmpl*)hevent_userdata(connio); // NOTE: detach from acceptor loop hio_detach(connio); EventLoopPtr worker_loop = server->worker_threads.nextLoop(server->load_balance); if (worker_loop == NULL) { worker_loop = server->acceptor_loop; } ++worker_loop->connectionNum; worker_loop->runInLoop(std::bind(&TcpServerEventLoopTmpl::newConnEvent, connio)); } public: std::string host; int port; int listenfd; bool tls; hssl_ctx_opt_t* tls_setting; unpack_setting_t* unpack_setting; // Callback std::function<void(const TSocketChannelPtr&)> onConnection; std::function<void(const TSocketChannelPtr&, Buffer*)> onMessage; // NOTE: Use Channel::isWriteComplete in onWriteComplete callback to determine whether all data has been written. std::function<void(const TSocketChannelPtr&, Buffer*)> onWriteComplete; uint32_t max_connections; load_balance_e load_balance; private: // id => TSocketChannelPtr std::map<uint32_t, TSocketChannelPtr> channels; // GUAREDE_BY(mutex_) std::mutex mutex_; EventLoopPtr acceptor_loop; EventLoopThreadPool worker_threads; }; template<class TSocketChannel = SocketChannel> class TcpServerTmpl : private EventLoopThread, public TcpServerEventLoopTmpl<TSocketChannel> { public: TcpServerTmpl(EventLoopPtr loop = NULL) : EventLoopThread(loop) , TcpServerEventLoopTmpl<TSocketChannel>(EventLoopThread::loop()) , is_loop_owner(loop == NULL) {} virtual ~TcpServerTmpl() { stop(true); } EventLoopPtr loop(int idx = -1) { return TcpServerEventLoopTmpl<TSocketChannel>::loop(idx); } // start thread-safe void start(bool wait_threads_started = true) { TcpServerEventLoopTmpl<TSocketChannel>::start(wait_threads_started); if (!isRunning()) { EventLoopThread::start(wait_threads_started); } } // stop thread-safe void stop(bool wait_threads_stopped = true) { if (is_loop_owner) { EventLoopThread::stop(wait_threads_stopped); } TcpServerEventLoopTmpl<TSocketChannel>::stop(wait_threads_stopped); } private: bool is_loop_owner; }; typedef TcpServerTmpl<SocketChannel> TcpServer; } #endif // HV_TCP_SERVER_HPP_