#ifdef WITH_NGHTTP2 #include "Http2Parser.h" static nghttp2_nv make_nv(const char* name, const char* value) { nghttp2_nv nv; nv.name = (uint8_t*)name; nv.value = (uint8_t*)value; nv.namelen = strlen(name); nv.valuelen = strlen(value); nv.flags = NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE; return nv; } static nghttp2_nv make_nv2(const char* name, const char* value, int namelen, int valuelen) { nghttp2_nv nv; nv.name = (uint8_t*)name; nv.value = (uint8_t*)value; nv.namelen = namelen; nv.valuelen = valuelen; nv.flags = NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE; return nv; } static void print_frame_hd(const nghttp2_frame_hd* hd) { printd("[frame] length=%d type=%x flags=%x stream_id=%d\n", (int)hd->length, (int)hd->type, (int)hd->flags, hd->stream_id); } static int on_header_callback(nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, const uint8_t *name, size_t namelen, const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen, uint8_t flags, void *userdata); static int on_data_chunk_recv_callback(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags, int32_t stream_id, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, void *userdata); static int on_frame_recv_callback(nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, void *userdata); /* static ssize_t data_source_read_callback(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id, uint8_t *buf, size_t length, uint32_t *data_flags, nghttp2_data_source *source, void *userdata); */ Http2Parser::Http2Parser(http_session_type type) { if (cbs == NULL) { nghttp2_session_callbacks_new(&cbs); nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_header_callback(cbs, on_header_callback); nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_data_chunk_recv_callback(cbs, on_data_chunk_recv_callback); nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_recv_callback(cbs, on_frame_recv_callback); } if (type == HTTP_CLIENT) { nghttp2_session_client_new(&session, cbs, this); state = H2_SEND_MAGIC; } else if (type == HTTP_SERVER) { nghttp2_session_server_new(&session, cbs, this); state = H2_WANT_RECV; } //nghttp2_session_set_user_data(session, this); submited = NULL; parsed = NULL; stream_id = -1; stream_closed = 0; nghttp2_settings_entry settings[] = { {NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, 100} }; nghttp2_submit_settings(session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, settings, ARRAY_SIZE(settings)); state = H2_SEND_SETTINGS; //nghttp2_submit_ping(session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, NULL); //state = H2_SEND_PING; } Http2Parser::~Http2Parser() { if (session) { nghttp2_session_del(session); session = NULL; } } int Http2Parser::GetSendData(char** data, size_t* len) { // HTTP2_MAGIC,HTTP2_SETTINGS,HTTP2_HEADERS *len = nghttp2_session_mem_send(session, (const uint8_t**)data); printd("nghttp2_session_mem_send %d\n", *len); if (*len != 0) return *len; if (submited == NULL) return 0; // HTTP2_DATA if (state == H2_SEND_HEADERS) { void* content = submited->Content(); int content_length = submited->ContentLength(); // HTTP2 DATA framehd state = H2_SEND_DATA_FRAME_HD; http2_frame_hd framehd; framehd.length = content_length; framehd.type = HTTP2_DATA; framehd.flags = HTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM; framehd.stream_id = stream_id; *data = (char*)frame_hdbuf; *len = HTTP2_FRAME_HDLEN; printd("HTTP2 SEND_DATA_FRAME_HD...\n"); if (submited->ContentType() == APPLICATION_GRPC) { grpc_message_hd msghd; msghd.flags = 0; msghd.length = content_length; printd("grpc_message_hd: flags=%d length=%d\n", msghd.flags, msghd.length); if (type == HTTP_SERVER) { // grpc server send grpc-status in HTTP2 header frame framehd.flags = HTTP2_FLAG_NONE; /* // @test protobuf // message StringMessage { // string str = 1; // } int protobuf_taglen = 0; int tag = PROTOBUF_MAKE_TAG(1, WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); unsigned char* p = frame_hdbuf + HTTP2_FRAME_HDLEN + GRPC_MESSAGE_HDLEN; int bytes = varint_encode(tag, p); protobuf_taglen += bytes; p += bytes; bytes = varint_encode(content_length, p); protobuf_taglen += bytes; msghd.length += protobuf_taglen; framehd.length += protobuf_taglen; *len += protobuf_taglen; */ } grpc_message_hd_pack(&msghd, frame_hdbuf + HTTP2_FRAME_HDLEN); framehd.length += GRPC_MESSAGE_HDLEN; *len += GRPC_MESSAGE_HDLEN; } http2_frame_hd_pack(&framehd, frame_hdbuf); } else if (state == H2_SEND_DATA_FRAME_HD) { // HTTP2 DATA void* content = submited->Content(); int content_length = submited->ContentLength(); if (content_length == 0) { // skip send_data goto send_done; } else { printd("HTTP2 SEND_DATA... content_length=%d\n", content_length); state = H2_SEND_DATA; *data = (char*)content; *len = content_length; } } else if (state == H2_SEND_DATA) { send_done: state = H2_SEND_DONE; if (submited->ContentType() == APPLICATION_GRPC) { if (type == HTTP_SERVER && stream_closed) { // grpc HEADERS grpc-status printd("grpc HEADERS grpc-status: 0\n"); int flags = NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM | NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERS; nghttp2_nv nv = make_nv("grpc-status", "0"); nghttp2_submit_headers(session, flags, stream_id, NULL, &nv, 1, NULL); *len = nghttp2_session_mem_send(session, (const uint8_t**)data); } } } printd("GetSendData %d\n", *len); return *len; } int Http2Parser::FeedRecvData(const char* data, size_t len) { printd("nghttp2_session_mem_recv %d\n", len); state = H2_WANT_RECV; size_t ret = nghttp2_session_mem_recv(session, (const uint8_t*)data, len); if (ret != len) { error = ret; } return (int)ret; } int Http2Parser::SubmitRequest(HttpRequest* req) { submited = req; req->FillContentType(); req->FillContentLength(); if (req->ContentType() == APPLICATION_GRPC) { req->method = HTTP_POST; req->headers["te"] = "trailers"; req->headers["user-agent"] = "grpc-c++/1.16.0 grpc-c/6.0.0 (linux; nghttp2; hw)"; req->headers["accept-encoding"] = "identity"; req->headers["grpc-accept-encoding"] = "identity"; } std::vector<nghttp2_nv> nvs; char c_str[256] = {0}; req->ParseUrl(); nvs.push_back(make_nv(":method", http_method_str(req->method))); nvs.push_back(make_nv(":path", req->path.c_str())); nvs.push_back(make_nv(":scheme", req->scheme.c_str())); if (req->port == 0 || req->port == DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT || req->port == DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT) { nvs.push_back(make_nv(":authority", req->host.c_str())); } else { snprintf(c_str, sizeof(c_str), "%s:%d", req->host.c_str(), req->port); nvs.push_back(make_nv(":authority", c_str)); } const char* name; const char* value; for (auto& header : req->headers) { name = header.first.c_str(); value = header.second.c_str(); hv_strlower((char*)name); if (strcmp(name, "host") == 0) { // :authority continue; } if (strcmp(name, "connection") == 0) { // HTTP2 default keep-alive continue; } if (strcmp(name, "content-length") == 0) { // HTTP2 have frame_hd.length continue; } nvs.push_back(make_nv2(name, value, header.first.size(), header.second.size())); } int flags = NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERS; // we set EOS on DATA frame stream_id = nghttp2_submit_headers(session, flags, -1, NULL, &nvs[0], nvs.size(), NULL); // avoid DATA_SOURCE_COPY, we do not use nghttp2_submit_data // nghttp2_data_provider data_prd; // data_prd.read_callback = data_source_read_callback; //stream_id = nghttp2_submit_request(session, NULL, &nvs[0], nvs.size(), &data_prd, NULL); state = H2_SEND_HEADERS; return 0; } int Http2Parser::SubmitResponse(HttpResponse* res) { submited = res; res->FillContentType(); res->FillContentLength(); if (parsed && parsed->ContentType() == APPLICATION_GRPC) { // correct content_type: application/grpc if (res->ContentType() != APPLICATION_GRPC) { res->content_type = APPLICATION_GRPC; res->headers["content-type"] = http_content_type_str(APPLICATION_GRPC); } //res->headers["accept-encoding"] = "identity"; //res->headers["grpc-accept-encoding"] = "identity"; //res->headers["grpc-status"] = "0"; //res->status_code = HTTP_STATUS_OK; } std::vector<nghttp2_nv> nvs; char c_str[256] = {0}; snprintf(c_str, sizeof(c_str), "%d", res->status_code); nvs.push_back(make_nv(":status", c_str)); const char* name; const char* value; for (auto& header : res->headers) { name = header.first.c_str(); value = header.second.c_str(); hv_strlower((char*)name); if (strcmp(name, "connection") == 0) { // HTTP2 default keep-alive continue; } if (strcmp(name, "content-length") == 0) { // HTTP2 have frame_hd.length continue; } nvs.push_back(make_nv2(name, value, header.first.size(), header.second.size())); } int flags = NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERS; // we set EOS on DATA frame if (stream_id == -1) { // upgrade nghttp2_session_upgrade(session, NULL, 0, NULL); stream_id = 1; } nghttp2_submit_headers(session, flags, stream_id, NULL, &nvs[0], nvs.size(), NULL); // avoid DATA_SOURCE_COPY, we do not use nghttp2_submit_data // data_prd.read_callback = data_source_read_callback; //nghttp2_submit_response(session, stream_id, &nvs[0], nvs.size(), &data_prd); state = H2_SEND_HEADERS; return 0; } int Http2Parser::InitResponse(HttpResponse* res) { res->Reset(); res->http_major = 2; res->http_minor = 0; parsed = res; return 0; } int Http2Parser::InitRequest(HttpRequest* req) { req->Reset(); req->http_major = 2; req->http_minor = 0; parsed = req; return 0; } nghttp2_session_callbacks* Http2Parser::cbs = NULL; int on_header_callback(nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, const uint8_t *_name, size_t namelen, const uint8_t *_value, size_t valuelen, uint8_t flags, void *userdata) { printd("on_header_callback\n"); print_frame_hd(&frame->hd); const char* name = (const char*)_name; const char* value = (const char*)_value; printd("%s: %s\n", name, value); Http2Parser* hp = (Http2Parser*)userdata; if (*name == ':') { if (hp->parsed->type == HTTP_REQUEST) { // :method :path :scheme :authority HttpRequest* req = (HttpRequest*)hp->parsed; if (strcmp(name, ":method") == 0) { req->method = http_method_enum(value); } else if (strcmp(name, ":path") == 0) { req->url = value; } else if (strcmp(name, ":scheme") == 0) { req->headers["Scheme"] = value; } else if (strcmp(name, ":authority") == 0) { req->headers["Host"] = value; } } else if (hp->parsed->type == HTTP_RESPONSE) { HttpResponse* res = (HttpResponse*)hp->parsed; if (strcmp(name, ":status") == 0) { res->status_code = (http_status)atoi(value); if (res->http_cb) { res->http_cb(res, HP_MESSAGE_BEGIN, NULL, 0); } } } } else { hp->parsed->headers[name] = value; if (strcmp(name, "content-type") == 0) { hp->parsed->content_type = http_content_type_enum(value); } } return 0; } int on_data_chunk_recv_callback(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags, int32_t stream_id, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, void *userdata) { printd("on_data_chunk_recv_callback\n"); printd("stream_id=%d length=%d\n", stream_id, (int)len); //printd("%.*s\n", (int)len, data); Http2Parser* hp = (Http2Parser*)userdata; if (hp->parsed->ContentType() == APPLICATION_GRPC) { // grpc_message_hd if (len >= GRPC_MESSAGE_HDLEN) { grpc_message_hd msghd; grpc_message_hd_unpack(&msghd, data); printd("grpc_message_hd: flags=%d length=%d\n", msghd.flags, msghd.length); data += GRPC_MESSAGE_HDLEN; len -= GRPC_MESSAGE_HDLEN; //printd("%.*s\n", (int)len, data); } } if (hp->parsed->http_cb) { hp->parsed->http_cb(hp->parsed, HP_BODY, (const char*)data, len); } else { hp->parsed->body.append((const char*)data, len); } return 0; } int on_frame_recv_callback(nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame, void *userdata) { printd("on_frame_recv_callback\n"); print_frame_hd(&frame->hd); Http2Parser* hp = (Http2Parser*)userdata; switch (frame->hd.type) { case NGHTTP2_DATA: hp->state = H2_RECV_DATA; break; case NGHTTP2_HEADERS: hp->state = H2_RECV_HEADERS; break; case NGHTTP2_SETTINGS: hp->state = H2_RECV_SETTINGS; break; case NGHTTP2_PING: hp->state = H2_RECV_PING; break; case NGHTTP2_RST_STREAM: case NGHTTP2_WINDOW_UPDATE: // ignore return 0; default: break; } if (hp->state == H2_RECV_HEADERS && hp->parsed->http_cb) { hp->parsed->http_cb(hp->parsed, HP_HEADERS_COMPLETE, NULL, 0); } if (frame->hd.stream_id >= hp->stream_id) { hp->stream_id = frame->hd.stream_id; hp->stream_closed = 0; if (frame->hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM) { printd("on_stream_closed stream_id=%d\n", hp->stream_id); hp->stream_closed = 1; hp->frame_type_when_stream_closed = frame->hd.type; if (hp->state == H2_RECV_HEADERS || hp->state == H2_RECV_DATA) { if (hp->parsed->http_cb) { hp->parsed->http_cb(hp->parsed, HP_MESSAGE_COMPLETE, NULL, 0); } } } } return 0; } #endif