#include "handler.h" #include <thread> // import std::thread #include <chrono> // import std::chrono #include "hbase.h" #include "htime.h" #include "hfile.h" #include "hstring.h" #include "EventLoop.h" // import setTimeout, setInterval int Handler::preprocessor(HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { // printf("%s:%d\n", req->client_addr.ip.c_str(), req->client_addr.port); // printf("%s\n", req->Dump(true, true).c_str()); #if REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS // 301 if (req->scheme == "http") { std::string location = hv::asprintf("https://%s:%d%s", req->host.c_str(), 8443, req->path.c_str()); return resp->Redirect(location, HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY); } #endif // Unified verification request Content-Type? // if (req->content_type != APPLICATION_JSON) { // return response_status(resp, HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); // } // Deserialize request body to json, form, etc. req->ParseBody(); // Unified setting response Content-Type? resp->content_type = APPLICATION_JSON; return HTTP_STATUS_NEXT; } int Handler::postprocessor(HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { // printf("%s\n", resp->Dump(true, true).c_str()); return resp->status_code; } int Handler::errorHandler(const HttpContextPtr& ctx) { int error_code = ctx->response->status_code; return response_status(ctx, error_code); } int Handler::Authorization(HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { // authentication sample code if (strcmp(req->path.c_str(), "/login") == 0) { return HTTP_STATUS_NEXT; } std::string token = req->GetHeader("Authorization"); if (token.empty()) { response_status(resp, 10011, "Miss Authorization header!"); return HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED; } else if (strcmp(token.c_str(), "abcdefg") != 0) { response_status(resp, 10012, "Authorization failed!"); return HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED; } return HTTP_STATUS_NEXT; } int Handler::sleep(const HttpRequestPtr& req, const HttpResponseWriterPtr& writer) { writer->WriteHeader("X-Response-tid", hv_gettid()); unsigned long long start_ms = gettimeofday_ms(); writer->response->Set("start_ms", start_ms); std::string strTime = req->GetParam("t", "1000"); if (!strTime.empty()) { int ms = atoi(strTime.c_str()); if (ms > 0) { hv_delay(ms); } } unsigned long long end_ms = gettimeofday_ms(); writer->response->Set("end_ms", end_ms); writer->response->Set("cost_ms", end_ms - start_ms); response_status(writer, 0, "OK"); return 200; } int Handler::setTimeout(const HttpContextPtr& ctx) { unsigned long long start_ms = gettimeofday_ms(); ctx->set("start_ms", start_ms); std::string strTime = ctx->param("t", "1000"); if (!strTime.empty()) { int ms = atoi(strTime.c_str()); if (ms > 0) { hv::setTimeout(ms, [ctx, start_ms](hv::TimerID timerID){ unsigned long long end_ms = gettimeofday_ms(); ctx->set("end_ms", end_ms); ctx->set("cost_ms", end_ms - start_ms); response_status(ctx, 0, "OK"); }); } } return HTTP_STATUS_UNFINISHED; } int Handler::query(const HttpContextPtr& ctx) { // scheme:[//[user[:password]@]host[:port]][/path][?query][#fragment] // ?query => HttpRequest::query_params for (auto& param : ctx->params()) { ctx->set(param.first.c_str(), param.second); } response_status(ctx, 0, "OK"); return 200; } int Handler::kv(HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { if (req->content_type != APPLICATION_URLENCODED) { return response_status(resp, HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } resp->content_type = APPLICATION_URLENCODED; resp->kv = req->GetUrlEncoded(); resp->SetUrlEncoded("int", 123); resp->SetUrlEncoded("float", 3.14); resp->SetUrlEncoded("string", "hello"); return 200; } int Handler::json(HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { if (req->content_type != APPLICATION_JSON) { return response_status(resp, HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } resp->content_type = APPLICATION_JSON; resp->json = req->GetJson(); resp->json["int"] = 123; resp->json["float"] = 3.14; resp->json["string"] = "hello"; return 200; } int Handler::form(HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { if (req->content_type != MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) { return response_status(resp, HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } resp->content_type = MULTIPART_FORM_DATA; resp->form = req->GetForm(); resp->SetFormData("int", 123); resp->SetFormData("float", 3.14); resp->SetFormData("string", "hello"); // resp->SetFormFile("file", "test.jpg"); return 200; } int Handler::grpc(HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { if (req->content_type != APPLICATION_GRPC) { return response_status(resp, HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } // parse protobuf // ParseFromString(req->body); // resp->content_type = APPLICATION_GRPC; // serailize protobuf // resp->body = SerializeAsString(xxx); response_status(resp, 0, "OK"); return 200; } int Handler::test(const HttpContextPtr& ctx) { ctx->setContentType(ctx->type()); ctx->set("bool", ctx->get<bool>("bool")); ctx->set("int", ctx->get<int>("int")); ctx->set("float", ctx->get<float>("float")); ctx->set("string", ctx->get("string")); response_status(ctx, 0, "OK"); return 200; } int Handler::restful(const HttpContextPtr& ctx) { // RESTful /:field/ => HttpRequest::query_params // path=/group/:group_name/user/:user_id std::string group_name = ctx->param("group_name"); std::string user_id = ctx->param("user_id"); ctx->set("group_name", group_name); ctx->set("user_id", user_id); response_status(ctx, 0, "OK"); return 200; } int Handler::login(const HttpContextPtr& ctx) { std::string username = ctx->get("username"); std::string password = ctx->get("password"); if (username.empty() || password.empty()) { response_status(ctx, 10001, "Miss username or password"); return HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; } else if (strcmp(username.c_str(), "admin") != 0) { response_status(ctx, 10002, "Username not exist"); return HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; } else if (strcmp(password.c_str(), "123456") != 0) { response_status(ctx, 10003, "Password wrong"); return HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; } else { ctx->set("token", "abcdefg"); response_status(ctx, 0, "OK"); return HTTP_STATUS_OK; } } int Handler::upload(const HttpContextPtr& ctx) { int status_code = 200; std::string save_path = "html/uploads/"; if (ctx->is(MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)) { status_code = ctx->request->SaveFormFile("file", save_path.c_str()); } else { std::string filename = ctx->param("filename", "unnamed.txt"); std::string filepath = save_path + filename; status_code = ctx->request->SaveFile(filepath.c_str()); } return response_status(ctx, status_code); } int Handler::recvLargeFile(const HttpContextPtr& ctx, http_parser_state state, const char* data, size_t size) { // printf("recvLargeFile state=%d\n", (int)state); int status_code = HTTP_STATUS_UNFINISHED; HFile* file = (HFile*)ctx->userdata; switch (state) { case HP_HEADERS_COMPLETE: { if (ctx->is(MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)) { // NOTE: You can use multipart_parser if you want to use multipart/form-data. ctx->close(); return HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; } std::string save_path = "html/uploads/"; std::string filename = ctx->param("filename", "unnamed.txt"); std::string filepath = save_path + filename; file = new HFile; if (file->open(filepath.c_str(), "wb") != 0) { ctx->close(); return HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } ctx->userdata = file; } break; case HP_BODY: { if (file && data && size) { if (file->write(data, size) != size) { ctx->close(); return HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } } break; case HP_MESSAGE_COMPLETE: { status_code = HTTP_STATUS_OK; ctx->setContentType(APPLICATION_JSON); response_status(ctx, status_code); if (file) { delete file; ctx->userdata = NULL; } } break; case HP_ERROR: { if (file) { file->remove(); delete file; ctx->userdata = NULL; } } break; default: break; } return status_code; } int Handler::sendLargeFile(const HttpContextPtr& ctx) { std::thread([ctx](){ ctx->writer->Begin(); std::string filepath = ctx->service->document_root + ctx->request->Path(); HFile file; if (file.open(filepath.c_str(), "rb") != 0) { ctx->writer->WriteStatus(HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); ctx->writer->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "text/html"); ctx->writer->WriteBody("<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>"); ctx->writer->End(); return; } http_content_type content_type = CONTENT_TYPE_NONE; const char* suffix = hv_suffixname(filepath.c_str()); if (suffix) { content_type = http_content_type_enum_by_suffix(suffix); } if (content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_NONE || content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_UNDEFINED) { content_type = APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; } size_t filesize = file.size(); ctx->writer->WriteHeader("Content-Type", http_content_type_str(content_type)); #if USE_TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED ctx->writer->WriteHeader("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); #else ctx->writer->WriteHeader("Content-Length", filesize); #endif ctx->writer->EndHeaders(); char* buf = NULL; int len = 40960; // 40K SAFE_ALLOC(buf, len); size_t total_readbytes = 0; int last_progress = 0; int sleep_ms_per_send = 0; if (ctx->service->limit_rate <= 0) { // unlimited } else { sleep_ms_per_send = len * 1000 / 1024 / ctx->service->limit_rate; } if (sleep_ms_per_send == 0) sleep_ms_per_send = 1; int sleep_ms = sleep_ms_per_send; auto start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto end_time = start_time; while (total_readbytes < filesize) { if (!ctx->writer->isConnected()) { break; } if (!ctx->writer->isWriteComplete()) { hv_delay(1); continue; } size_t readbytes = file.read(buf, len); if (readbytes <= 0) { // read file error! ctx->writer->close(); break; } int nwrite = ctx->writer->WriteBody(buf, readbytes); if (nwrite < 0) { // disconnected! break; } total_readbytes += readbytes; int cur_progress = total_readbytes * 100 / filesize; if (cur_progress > last_progress) { // printf("<< %s progress: %ld/%ld = %d%%\n", // ctx->request->path.c_str(), (long)total_readbytes, (long)filesize, (int)cur_progress); last_progress = cur_progress; } end_time += std::chrono::milliseconds(sleep_ms); std::this_thread::sleep_until(end_time); } ctx->writer->End(); SAFE_FREE(buf); // auto elapsed_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(end_time - start_time); // printf("<< %s taked %ds\n", ctx->request->path.c_str(), (int)elapsed_time.count()); }).detach(); return HTTP_STATUS_UNFINISHED; } int Handler::sse(const HttpContextPtr& ctx) { // SSEvent(message) every 1s hv::setInterval(1000, [ctx](hv::TimerID timerID) { if (ctx->writer->isConnected()) { char szTime[DATETIME_FMT_BUFLEN] = {0}; datetime_t now = datetime_now(); datetime_fmt(&now, szTime); ctx->writer->SSEvent(szTime); } else { hv::killTimer(timerID); } }); return HTTP_STATUS_UNFINISHED; }