var BasePart = { create:function(mdc){ return { id:'partId', category:'NA', shape:null, currentShape:null, powerShape:null, spaceShape:null, states:{ expanded:false, selected:false }, option:{ expandPosition:{x:0,y:0,z:0} }, dispose:function(mdc){ mdc.scene.remove(this.shape); if ( === "mapA"){ var svg = this.shape.children[0].children[0]; //delete this.shape.children[0].children[0]; } PartManager.disposeShape(this.shape); //if (svg) console.log(svg); if (this.powerShape) { mdc.scene.remove(this.powerShape); PartManager.disposeShape(this.powerShape); } if (this.spaceShape) { mdc.scene.remove(this.spaceShape); PartManager.disposeShape(this.spaceShape); } }, init:function(){ this.shape.updateMatrixWorld(true); this.setCurrentShape(this.shape); //this.option.originPosition = this.shape.position.clone(); }, setCurrentShape:function(shape){ this.currentShape = this.shape; }, stagePower:function(mdc){ var percent = 0.01; if (this.category !== "rack") return; if (this.currentShape) this.currentShape.visible = false; if (this.powerShape) { mdc.scene.remove(this.powerShape); PartManager.disposeShape(this.powerShape); //this.powerShape.visible = true; } if (! return; percent =; this.powerShape = this.createPowerShape(this.shape.originPosition, percent); mdc.scene.add(this.powerShape); this.powerShape.position.copy(this.currentShape.position); this.powerShape.rotation.copy([0].currentShape.rotation); this.currentShape = this.powerShape; }, stageDefault:function(mdc){ if (this.category !== "rack") return; this.currentShape.visible = false; this.shape.position.copy(this.currentShape.position); this.shape.rotation.copy([0].currentShape.rotation); this.currentShape = this.shape; this.currentShape.visible = true; }, getWorldPosition:function(){ //scene.updateMatrixWorld(true); var position = new THREE.Vector3(); if (this.category === "rack") { position.setFromMatrixPosition( this.currentShape.children[0].children[0].matrixWorld); // if (this.currentShape === this.powerShape){ // position.setFromMatrixPosition( this.currentShape.children[0].matrixWorld); // } // if (this.currentShape === this.shape){ // position.setFromMatrixPosition( this.currentShape.children[0].children[0].matrixWorld); // } } else if (this.category === "base"){ position.setFromMatrixPosition( this.currentShape.matrixWorld); } else{ position.setFromMatrixPosition( this.currentShape.children[0].matrixWorld); } return position; }, stageSpace:function(mdc){ var devs = []; if (this.category !== "rack") return; if (this.currentShape) this.currentShape.visible = false; if (this.spaceShape) { mdc.scene.remove(this.spaceShape); PartManager.disposeShape(this.spaceShape); } if (! return; if ( devs =; this.spaceShape = this.createSpaceShape(this.shape.originPosition, devs); mdc.scene.add(this.spaceShape); this.spaceShape.position.copy(this.currentShape.position); this.spaceShape.rotation.copy([0].currentShape.rotation); this.currentShape = this.spaceShape; }, createSpaceShape:function(pos, devices){ var group = new THREE.Object3D(); var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 55, 200, 80 ); var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xB0CFF0, "transparent":true,"opacity":0.2,depthWrite:false } ); var geo = new THREE.EdgesGeometry( geometry ); // or WireframeGeometry( geometry ) var mat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0xB0CFF0, linewidth: 1 , "transparent":true,"opacity":0.3} ); var wireframe = new THREE.LineSegments( geo, mat ); var cube = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material); var that = this; devices.forEach(function(dev){ group.add(that.createServerShape(dev.uIndex,dev.uHigh)); }); group.add(cube); group.add(wireframe); group.position.x = pos.x; group.position.y = pos.y; group.position.z = pos.z; group.rotateY( 0 - PartManager.radians(90)); var grp = new THREE.Object3D(); grp.add(group); return grp; }, createServerShape:function(uIndex,uSize){ //var uh = 4.445; var uh = 4.7; var geometry2 = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 50, uh * uSize, 79 ); var material2 = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x84a0ac, "transparent":true,"opacity":0.8,depthWrite:false } ); //var geo = new THREE.EdgesGeometry( geometry ); //var mat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0xB0CFF0, linewidth: 1 , "transparent":true,"opacity":0.3} ); //var wireframe = new THREE.LineSegments( geo, mat ); var cube = new THREE.Mesh( geometry2, material2); cube.position.y = uIndex * uh + (uh * uSize) / 2 - 100; return cube; }, createPowerShape:function(pos, percent){ var group = new THREE.Object3D(); var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 55, 200, 80 ); var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xB0CFF0, "transparent":true,"opacity":0.2,depthWrite:false } ); var geometry2 = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 50, 200 * percent, 79 ); var material2 = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xB0CFF0, "transparent":true,"opacity":0.4,depthWrite:false } ); var geo = new THREE.EdgesGeometry( geometry ); // or WireframeGeometry( geometry ) var mat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0xB0CFF0, linewidth: 1 , "transparent":true,"opacity":0.3} ); var wireframe = new THREE.LineSegments( geo, mat ); var cube = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material); var cube2 = new THREE.Mesh( geometry2, material2); cube2.position.y = 100 * (percent - 1) + 1; group.add(cube2); group.add(cube); group.add(wireframe); group.position.x = pos.x; group.position.y = pos.y; group.position.z = pos.z; group.rotateY( 0 - PartManager.radians(90)); var grp = new THREE.Object3D(); grp.add(group); return grp; }, expand:function(){ var that = this; if (that.states.expanded) return; //var pos = that.getWorldPosition(); var shp = that.currentShape; if (this.category === "thermalMap"){ if ( === "mapB") that.currentShape.children[0].position.x = -266; if ( === "mapA") that.currentShape.children[0].position.x = 266; that.states.expanded = true; return; } new TWEEN.Tween(shp.position).to({ x: that.option.expandPosition.x, y: that.option.expandPosition.y, z: that.option.expandPosition.z },1000).delay(Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000) + 1)).easing(TWEEN.Easing.Linear.None).onComplete(function () { that.states.expanded = true; }).start(); new TWEEN.Tween(shp.rotation).to({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },1000).delay(Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000) + 1)).easing(TWEEN.Easing.Linear.None).onComplete(function () { that.states.expanded = true; }).start(); }, collapse:function(){ var that = this; if (!that.states.expanded) return; //var pos = that.getWorldPosition(); // if (this.category === "rack" &&"rack1"){ // console.log(that.getWorldPosition().x,that.getWorldPosition().y,that.getWorldPosition().z); // } if (this.category === "thermalMap"){ if ( === "mapA") that.currentShape.children[0].position.x = -166; if ( === "mapB") that.currentShape.children[0].position.x = 166; that.states.expanded = false; return; } new TWEEN.Tween(that.currentShape.position).to({ x: 0,//that.option.originPosition.x, y: 0,//that.option.originPosition.y, z: 0//that.option.originPosition.z },1000).delay(Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000) + 1)) .easing(TWEEN.Easing.Linear.None).onComplete(function () { that.states.expanded = false; }).start(); } }; } }; var PartManager = { buildPart: function(partId,partCategory, shp, opt){ var part = _.extend(BasePart.create(), {id:partId,category:partCategory, shape: shp, option: opt}); part.shape.partId = partId; return part; }, disposeObject: function(obj){ for(var b in obj){ if(typeof(obj[b]) === "function" && obj[b].name === "event"){ obj[b] = undefined; } else if(typeof(obj[b]) === "function" && obj[b].length > 0){ disposeObject(obj[b]); } else if(typeof(obj[b]) === "object" && b === "dispatch"){ disposeObject(obj[b]); } } }, disposeShape: function(obj) { if (obj !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.children.length; i++) { PartManager.disposeShape(obj.children[i]); } if(obj.dispose) { obj.dispose(); } if (obj.geometry) { obj.geometry.dispose(); obj.geometry = undefined; } if (obj.material) { if (obj.material instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial) { $.each(obj.material.materials, function(idx, o) { if (!o) return; if ( {; = undefined; delete; } o.dispose(); }); } else { obj.material.dispose(); if ({; delete; } } } } obj = undefined; }, createBase: function(rowNumber) { //地板 var bZ1 = 740 - (12 - rowNumber)*60; var bZ2 = (12 - rowNumber)*30; if(rowNumber > 12){ bZ1 += (rowNumber - 12); bZ2 -= (rowNumber - 12)/2; } //右边台阶 var sZ = (12 - rowNumber)*60 - 380; var group = new THREE.Object3D(); var baseForm = this.baseObject({x: 340, y: 40, z: bZ1 }, {x: 0, y: 20,z: bZ2}); var stageL1 = this.baseObject({x: 150, y: 15, z: 100 }, {x: 0, y: 7.5,z: 380}); var stageL2 = this.baseObject({x: 150, y: 30, z: 50 }, {x: 0, y: 15,z: 380}); var stageR1 = this.baseObject({x: 150, y: 15, z: 100 }, {x: 0, y: 7.5,z: sZ}); var stageR2 = this.baseObject({x: 150, y: 30, z: 50 }, {x: 0, y: 15,z: sZ}); group.add(baseForm); group.add(stageL1); group.add(stageL2); group.add(stageR1); group.add(stageR2); group.castShadow = true; group.receiveShadow = true; var option = { expandPosition:{x:0,y:-100,z:0} }; return this.buildPart('base','base',group, option); }, createWaterLeakageA: function(rowNumber) { var z1 = (12 - rowNumber)*30 - 340; var z2 = 340 - (12 - rowNumber)*30; var oz = -(rowNumber - 12)*30; var group = new THREE.Object3D(); function makeLine(geo, color) { var g = new MeshLine(); g.setGeometry(geo); material = new MeshLineMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color(0xffbb11), //color: new THREE.Color( "rgb(200, 20, 20)" ), //opacity: 1, resolution: new THREE.Vector2(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight), sizeAttenuation: 11, lineWidth: 12, //near: 1, //far: 100000, //depthTest: true, //depthWrite:true, blending: THREE.Subtractive, //transparent: false, side: THREE.DoubleSide }); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(g.geometry, material); //mesh.frustumCulled = false; group.add(mesh); }; var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(50, 42, z1)); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(142, 42, z1)); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(142, 42, z2)); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(50, 42, z2)); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(50, 42, z1)); makeLine(geometry); var option = { expandPosition:{x:0,y:-100,z:oz} }; return this.buildPart('waterLeakageA','waterLeakage',group, option); }, createWaterLeakageB: function(rowNumber) { var z1 = (12 - rowNumber)*30 - 340; var z2 = 340 - (12 - rowNumber)*30; var oz = -(rowNumber - 12)*30; var group = new THREE.Object3D(); function makeLine(geo, color) { var g = new MeshLine(); g.setGeometry(geo); var material = new MeshLineMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color(0xffbb11), //color: new THREE.Color( "rgb(200, 20, 20)" ), //opacity: 1, resolution: new THREE.Vector2(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight), sizeAttenuation: 11, lineWidth: 12, //near: 1, //far: 100000, //depthTest: true, //depthWrite:true, blending: THREE.Subtractive, //transparent: false, side: THREE.DoubleSide }); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(g.geometry, material); //mesh.frustumCulled = false; group.add(mesh); }; var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(-50, 42, z1)); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(-142, 42, z1)); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(-142, 42, z2)); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(-50, 42, z2)); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(-50, 42, z1)); makeLine(geometry); var option = { expandPosition:{x:0,y:-100,z:oz} }; return this.buildPart('waterLeakageB','waterLeakage',group, option); }, createDoors:function(rowNumber){ //右边门 var dZ2 = (12 - rowNumber)*60 - 372; var res = []; var group1 = new THREE.Object3D(); var group2 = new THREE.Object3D(); var cfgDoorA = { faces:{ topFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png'}, bottomFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png'}, leftFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, rightFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, frontFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/rackdoorA1.png', color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1}, backFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/rackdoorB1.png', color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1} } }; var cfgDoorB = { faces:{ topFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png'}, bottomFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png'}, leftFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, rightFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, frontFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/rackdoorB1.png', color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1}, backFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/rackdoorA1.png', color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1} } }; var doorA1 = this.cubeObject({x: 90, y: 198, z: 9 }, {x: -44, y: 138,z: 372},cfgDoorA); var doorB1 = this.cubeObject({x: 90, y: 198, z: 9 }, {x: 44, y: 138,z: 372},cfgDoorB); group1.add(doorA1); group1.add(doorB1); var option1 = { expandPosition:{x:0,y:0,z:100} }; res.push(this.buildPart('door1','door',group1, option1)); var doorA2 = this.cubeObject({x: 90, y: 198, z: 9 }, {x: -44, y: 138,z: dZ2},cfgDoorA); var doorB2 = this.cubeObject({x: 90, y: 198, z: 9 }, {x: 44, y: 138,z: dZ2},cfgDoorB); group2.add(doorA2); group2.add(doorB2); var option2 = { expandPosition:{x:0,y:0,z:-100} }; res.push(this.buildPart('door2','door',group2, option2)); return res; }, createCeiling: function(rowNumber){ var fine = rowNumber - 12; //右边门横木 var dZ2 = -(rowNumber - 12)*60 - 370 - fine; //天窗右边框 var bZ2 = -(rowNumber - 12)*60 - 360; //天窗上下边框 var cZ1 = 740 - (12 - rowNumber)*60; var cZ2 = (12 - rowNumber)*30; //电缆走线架 var tZ1 = cZ1; var tZ2 = cZ2; var wt1 = 0,wt2 = 0; if(rowNumber*2%8 == 6){ wt1 = 10; wt2 = 5; }else if(rowNumber*2%8 == 4){ wt1 = 20; wt2 = 10; } var group = new THREE.Object3D(); var cfgAssets = { faces:{ topFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, bottomFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, leftFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, rightFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, frontFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, backFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' } } }; var doorRail1 = this.cubeObject({x: 300, y: 10, z: 10 }, {x: 0, y: 240,z: 370},cfgAssets); var beam1 = this.cubeObject({x: 160, y: 30, z: 20+wt1 }, {x: 0, y: 260,z: 360-wt2},cfgAssets); var doorRail2 = this.cubeObject({x: 300, y: 10, z: 10 }, {x: 0, y: 240,z: dZ2},cfgAssets); var beam2 = this.cubeObject({x: 160, y: 30, z: 20+wt1 }, {x: 0, y: 260,z: bZ2+wt2},cfgAssets); group.add(doorRail1); group.add(beam1); group.add(doorRail2); group.add(beam2); var cfgWindow = { faces:{ topFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/ceilingwindow.png',tileWay:'T',textureSize:80, color: 0x888888,transparent:true,opacity: 0.8, widthSize:80,heightSize:740}, bottomFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/ceilingwindow.png', tileWay:'T',textureSize:80, color: 0x888888,transparent:true,opacity: 0.8, widthSize:80,heightSize:740}, leftFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, rightFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, frontFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, backFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' } } }; //var ceilingWindow = this.cubeObject({x: 160, y: 5, z: 740 }, {x: 0, y: 270,z: 0},cfgWindow); var ceilingWindow = new THREE.Object3D(); var wins = this.createWindowParts(rowNumber); for (var i = wins.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ceilingWindow.add(wins[i]); } ceilingWindow.isWindow = true; group.add(ceilingWindow); var winCover1 = this.cubeObject({x:40, y:30,z:cZ1}, {x: 95, y: 260,z: cZ2},cfgAssets); var winCover2 = this.cubeObject({x:40, y:30,z:cZ1}, {x: -95, y: 260,z: cZ2},cfgAssets); group.add(winCover1); group.add(winCover2); var cfgTroughing= { faces:{ topFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/troughing.png',tileWay:'T',textureSize:30, color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1, widthSize:30,heightSize:720}, bottomFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/troughing.png',tileWay:'T',textureSize:30, color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1, widthSize:30,heightSize:720}, leftFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/troughing.png',tileWay:'T',textureSize:30, color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1, widthSize:30,heightSize:720}, rightFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/troughing.png',tileWay:'T',textureSize:30, color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1, widthSize:30,heightSize:720}, frontFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/troughing.png', color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1}, backFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/troughing.png', color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1} } }; var troughing1 = this.cubeObject({x:30, y:15,z:tZ1}, {x: 130, y: 250,z: tZ2},cfgTroughing); var troughing2 = this.cubeObject({x:30, y:15,z:tZ1}, {x: -130, y: 250,z: tZ2},cfgTroughing); group.add(troughing1); group.add(troughing2); var cfgAlarmer= { faces:{ topFace: { transparent:true,opacity: 0}, bottomFace: { transparent:true,opacity: 0}, leftFace: {transparent:true,opacity: 0}, rightFace: { transparent:true,opacity: 0}, frontFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/alarmer.png',color: 0x9999aa, transparent:true,opacity: 1}, backFace: { transparent:true,opacity: 0} } }; var alarmer = this.cubeObject({x:20, y:20,z:0}, {x: 0, y: 260,z: 375},cfgAlarmer); group.add(alarmer); var option = { expandPosition:{x:0,y:100,z:0} }; return this.buildPart('ceiling','ceiling',group, option); }, createWindowParts:function(rowNumber){ //天窗 var w = 740 + (rowNumber - 12)*60; var cZ = -(rowNumber - 12)*60+10 - 320; // 微调 var cw = Math.floor(w/80)*80; var fine = cw - w + 20; if(rowNumber*2%8 == 6){ fine += 10; }else if(rowNumber*2%8 == 4){ fine += 20; } var wps = []; var cfgWindow = { faces:{ topFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/ceilingwindow.png',color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1}, bottomFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/ceilingwindow.png', color: 0xffffff,transparent:true,opacity: 1}, leftFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, rightFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, frontFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, backFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' } } }; var count = Math.floor(w/80); for(var i=0;i 12){ cZ2 = -120 - (rowNumber-12)*60; } var cs = []; var option = { expandPosition:{x:0,y:180,z:0} }; var cgrp1 = new THREE.Object3D(); var cgrp2 = new THREE.Object3D(); var cgrpA = new THREE.Object3D(); var cgrpB = new THREE.Object3D(); var createCamera = function(grp){ var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader(); var param ={}; param.color = 0x565656; param.needsUpdate = true; param.shading= THREE.SmoothShading; param.shininess = 100; param.envMap = reflectionCube; param.reflectivity = 0.3; param.refractionRatio = 0.5; param.depthWrite = true; loader.load( 'img/3d/molds/Round_SecurityCam_V01.obj', function ( object ) { object.traverse( function ( child ) { if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh ) { child.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(param); } }); object.scale.set( 4, 4, 4 ); grp.add( object ); var geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 14, 32, 32 ,0,Math.PI * 2,Math.PI, Math.PI /2 + 0.1); var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color:0x17202a, shininess:300, shading: THREE.SmoothShading, envMap:reflectionCube, reflectivity: 0.5, refractionRatio:0, depthWrite:true, transparent:true, side: THREE.DoubleSide } ); var sphere = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); sphere.position.y = 5; grp.add(sphere); }); }; createCamera(cgrp1); cgrp1.position.y = 240; cgrp1.position.z = cZ1; cgrpA.add(cgrp1); createCamera(cgrp2); cgrp2.position.y = 240; cgrp2.position.z = cZ2; cgrpB.add(cgrp2); cs.push(this.buildPart('camera1','camera',cgrpA, option)); cs.push(this.buildPart('camera2','camera',cgrpB, option)); return cs; }, createCabinets: function(data){ var cabinets = []; if(data.number){ var optionLeft = { expandPosition:{x:-100,y:0,z:0} }; var optionRight = { expandPosition:{x:100,y:0,z:0} }; var rowNumber = parseInt(parseInt(data.number)/2); for(var i = 1;i <= parseInt(data.number);i++){ var group = new THREE.Object3D(); var rack = undefined; var x = 125,z = 335,f = -90; if(i <= rowNumber){ z = 335 - (i - 1)*61; }else{ z = 335 - (i - rowNumber - 1)*61; x = -125; f = 90; } var row = getRackByNumber(data.rowRacks,i); if(row != undefined){ rack = this.createRack({x: x, y: 140, z: z }, f, row.type); }else{ rack = this.createRack({x: x, y: 140, z: z }, f, "dark");//dark } group.add(rack); group.originPosition = {x: x, y: 140, z: z }; if(i <= rowNumber){ cabinets.push(this.buildPart("rack"+i,"rack",group, optionRight)); }else{ cabinets.push(this.buildPart("rack"+i,"rack",group, optionLeft)); } } } function getRackByNumber(racks,number){ var obj = undefined; if(racks){ racks.forEach(function(item){ if( == number) obj = item; }); } return obj; } return cabinets; }, createRack : function(position, al, Type){ var group = new THREE.Object3D(); var cfg = { angle:al, faces:{ topFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, bottomFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, leftFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, rightFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' }, frontFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/'+Type+'.png' }, backFace: { texture: 'img/3d/molds/dark.png' } } }; var rack = this.cubeObject({x:60,y:200,z:80},position,cfg); if(Type == "dark") rack.material.visible = false; //rack.castShadow = true; //rack.receiveShadow = true; group.add(rack); return group; }, cubeObject: function(size, pos, cfg){ var obj = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.CubeGeometry(size.x, size.y, size.z).clone(), new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( [ this.newFace(cfg.faces.rightFace), // +x this.newFace(cfg.faces.leftFace), // -x this.newFace(cfg.faces.topFace), // +y this.newFace(cfg.faces.bottomFace), // -y this.newFace(cfg.faces.frontFace), // +z this.newFace(cfg.faces.backFace) // -z ])); obj.position.x = pos.x; obj.position.y = pos.y; obj.position.z = pos.z; if (cfg.angle) obj.rotateY( 0 - this.radians(cfg.angle)); return obj; }, radians : function(degrees) { return degrees * Math.PI / 180; }, baseObject: function(size, pos) { var xm = this.newFace({tileWay:'T',widthSize:size.z,heightSize:size.y,textureSize:256,texture:"/img/3d/molds/basemetal.png"}); var ym = this.newFace({tileWay:'T',widthSize:size.x,heightSize:size.z,textureSize:256,texture:"/img/3d/molds/basemetal.png"}); var zm = this.newFace({tileWay:'T',widthSize:size.x,heightSize:size.y,textureSize:256,texture:"/img/3d/molds/basemetal.png"}); //var ym = this.newFace({widthSize:size.x,heightSize:size.z,texture:"/img/3d/molds/basemetal.png"}); //var zm = this.newFace({widthSize:size.x,heightSize:size.y,texture:"/img/3d/molds/basemetal.png"}); // var obj = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.CubeGeometry(size.x,size.y,size.z), // new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(xm)); var obj = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.CubeGeometry(size.x, size.y, size.z).clone(), new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( [ xm, // +x xm, // -x ym, // +y ym, // -y zm, // +z zm // -z ])); obj.position.x = pos.x; obj.position.y = pos.y; obj.position.z = pos.z; //obj.castShadow = true; //obj.receiveShadow = true; return obj; }, newFace: function(cfg) { var param = {}; if (cfg.texture) = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(cfg.texture); // if (cfg.widthSize) { // = = THREE.RepeatWrapping; // var walltileSize = 256; // / walltileSize, cfg.heightSize / walltileSize); // } if (cfg.tileWay){ = = THREE.RepeatWrapping; var walltileSize = cfg.textureSize; if (cfg.tileWay == "H") cfg.faceSize / walltileSize, 1); if (cfg.tileWay == "T") cfg.widthSize / walltileSize, cfg.heightSize / walltileSize); if (cfg.tileWay == "V"), cfg.faceSize / walltileSize); } if (cfg.side) param.side = cfg.side; if (cfg.color) param.color = new THREE.Color(cfg.color); if (cfg.transparent) param.transparent = cfg.transparent; var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(param); if (cfg.opacity) { material.opacity = cfg.opacity; } else { material.opacity = 1; } if (material.opacity !== 1) material.depthWrite = false; param.needsUpdate = true; //param.anisotropy = 16; param.shading= THREE.SmoothShading; //param.color = 0x222222; param.shininess = 100; param.envMap = reflectionCube; //param.transparent = true; //param.combine = THREE.MixOperation; //param.reflectivity = 0.3; param.refractionRatio = 0.5; //param.envMap.mapping = new THREE.CubeReflectionMapping(); //return new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial(param); return new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial(param); //return material; } };