angular.module('nurseApp') // (重写)设备导航栏 .controller('sidebarCtrl',['$scope', '$rootScope', 'deviceService', function($scope, $rootScope, deviceService){ $scope.isExpand = true;// 默认展开 $scope.SidebarId = localStorage.getItem("SidebarId"); $scope.SidebarPartId = localStorage.getItem("SidebarPartId"); (function(){ loadSidebar(); })(); function loadSidebar(){ deviceService.GetShowConfigureMold().then(function (sidebar) { $scope.DeviceSidebar = sidebar; if($scope.SidebarId == null && sidebar){ $scope.SidebarId = sidebar[0].configId; if($scope.SidebarPartId == null && sidebar[0].parts){ $scope.SidebarPartId = sidebar[0].parts[0].configId; }else{ $scope.SidebarPartId = -1; } //localStorage.setItem("SidebarId",$scope.SidebarId); //localStorage.setItem("SidebarPartId",$scope.SidebarPartId); } //console.log(sidebar, $scope.SidebarId, $scope.SidebarPartId); }); } $rootScope.$on("loadSidebar", function (fun) { loadSidebar(); }); $scope.sidebarActive = function(item, part){ if(part == undefined){ if(item &&{ $scope.SidebarId = item.configId; $scope.SidebarPartId =[0].configId; window.location.href = '#/deviceInfo/'[0].deviceId; }else{ $scope.SidebarId = item.configId; $scope.SidebarPartId = -1; } }else{ $scope.SidebarId = item.configId; $scope.SidebarPartId = part.configId; window.location.href = '#/deviceInfo/'+part.deviceId; } //localStorage.setItem("SidebarId",$scope.SidebarId); //localStorage.setItem("SidebarPartId",$scope.SidebarPartId); }; } ]) // (重写)设备详情页(活动告警、实时数据、设备控制) .controller('deviceInfoCtrl',['$scope', '$rootScope', '$stateParams', '$interval', '$modal', 'deviceService', 'activeSignalService', 'activeDeviceService', 'alarmService', 'baseTypeService', 'userService', 'devcontrolService', 'balert', function($scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, $interval, $modal, deviceService, activeSignalService, activeDeviceService, alarmService, baseTypeService, userService, devcontrolService, balert){ (function(){ if($stateParams.deviceId == 0){ deviceService.GetShowConfigureMold().then(function (sidebar) { if(sidebar && sidebar[0].parts){ $scope.deviceId = sidebar[0].parts[0].deviceId; loadDeviceInfo(); loadDeviceControl(); } }); }else{ $scope.deviceId = $stateParams.deviceId; loadDeviceInfo(); loadDeviceControl(); } })(); function loadDeviceInfo(){ if(!$scope.deviceId) return; // 活动告警 alarmService.getAlarmsByDeviceId($scope.deviceId).then(function (data) { $scope.alarms = data; }); // 实时数据 if($scope.tableParams){ var index = ($scope.tableParams.currentPage - 1)*$scope.tableParams.itemsPerPage; var count = $scope.tableParams.itemsPerPage; loadDeviceSignal($scope.deviceId, index, count); } } //#region 活动告警 $scope.beginEndAlarm = function (uniqueId) { $scope.selectedAlarmUniqueId = uniqueId; //alert($scope.selectedAlarmUniqueId); remarkDialog = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: 'partials/alarmRemarkDialog.html', show: false }); remarkDialog.$promise.then(; }; $scope.endEndAlarm = function (note) { if (note == undefined || note == "") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.RoomHome.AlarmTitle.EndAlarm.ReasonError, 3000);//'理由不能为空!' return; } var logonId = localStorage.getItem("username"); var param = "'" + $scope.selectedAlarmUniqueId + "'|" + logonId + "|" + note; alarmService.endAlarm(param).then(function (data) { remarkDialog.hide(); }); }; //#endregion //#region 实时数据 //分页对象定义 $scope.filter = { isQuery: false }; $scope.tableParams = { currentPage: 1,//当前页面 itemsPerPage: 100,//显示条数 pagesLength: 10, totalItems: 0,//总条数 hint: { the: $scope.languageJson.Paging.The, page: $scope.languageJson.Paging.Page, articel: $scope.languageJson.Paging.Articel, eachPage: $scope.languageJson.Paging.EachPage, total: $scope.languageJson.Paging.Total, noData: $scope.languageJson.Paging.NoData }, list: [],//数据集 perPageOptions: [100, 200, 500, 1000],//显示条数组 onChange: function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue == undefined) return; $scope.stop(); // var index = ($scope.tableParams.currentPage - 1)*$scope.tableParams.itemsPerPage; // var count = $scope.tableParams.itemsPerPage; // loadDeviceSignal($scope.deviceId, index, count); $scope.start(); } }; function loadDeviceSignal(deviceId, index, count){ activeDeviceService.getActiveDevices().then(function (data) { var dev = undefined; data.forEach(function (item) { if ( == $stateParams.deviceId) dev = item; }); if (dev == undefined) return; if (dev.status === "Alarm") = $scope.languageJson.RoomHome.AlarmTitle.DataTable.Alarm;//"告警中" if (dev.status === "Normal") = $scope.languageJson.RoomHome.AlarmTitle.DataTable.Normal;//"正常运行" if (dev.status === "Disconnect") = $scope.languageJson.RoomHome.AlarmTitle.DataTable.Disconnect;//"已中断" dev.colorClass = function () { if (dev.status === "Alarm") return "text-danger"; if (dev.status === "Normal") return "text-success"; if (dev.status === "Disconnect") return "text-muted"; }; dev.iconClass = function () { if (dev.status === "Alarm") return "fa fa-bell"; if (dev.status === "Normal") return "fa fa-check"; if (dev.status === "Disconnect") return "fa fa-times"; }; $scope.device = dev; }); activeSignalService.getActiveSignalByDeviceByPage(deviceId, index, count).then(function (signals) { if ($scope.device && $scope.device.status != undefined && $scope.device.status == "Disconnect") {//设备状态为中断时,所有的信号状态都为中断 signals.forEach(function (item) { item.alarmSeverity = -255; }); } $scope.tableParams.list = signals; //console.log(deviceId, index, count, signals.length); }); activeSignalService.getActiveSignalByDeviceTotal(deviceId).then(function (total) { $scope.tableParams.totalItems = parseInt(total); $rootScope.$emit('resultTotal',{}); //console.log($scope.deviceId, total); }); } $scope.getStatusLabel = function (status) { if (status == 255) return $scope.languageJson.RoomHome.AlarmTitle.DataTable.Normal;//"正常" else if (status == -255) return $scope.languageJson.RoomHome.AlarmTitle.DataTable.Disconnect;//"已中断" else if (parseInt(status) >= 0 && parseInt(status) <= 3) return $scope.languageJson.RoomHome.AlarmTitle.DataTable.Alarm;//"告警" else return $scope.languageJson.RoomHome.AlarmTitle.DataTable.Loading;//"加载中" }; // 信号状态提示 $scope.getStatusTextClass = function (preClass, status) { if (status == 255) return preClass + " text-success"; else if (status >= 0 && status <= 3) return preClass + " text-danger"; else return "text-muted"; }; // 信号状态图标 $scope.getStatusIconClass = function (status) { if (status == 255) return "fa fa-check"; else if (status >= 0 && status <= 3) return "fa fa-bell"; else return "fa fa-times"; }; //#endregion //#region 设备控制 function loadDeviceControl(){ if(!$scope.deviceId) return; baseTypeService.GetAllControlMeaningByDeviceId($scope.deviceId,1).then(function(controls){ $scope.Controls = controls; //console.log(controls); }); } var controlSetterDlg = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: 'partials/controlauthorizesetter.html', show: false }); $scope.sendControlClk = function(control){ var isShow = false; var value = "0"; if(control.CommandType == "1"){//遥调 isShow = false; value = control.MinValue; }else{//遥控 isShow = true; value = control.ParameterValue; } $scope.controlinfo = { isPwd : true, isShow : isShow, pwdType : 'LoginPassword', Pwd : '', deviceid : $scope.deviceId, controlid : control.BaseTypeId, optionType : value, optionValue : value, commdanType : control.CommandType, min: control.MinValue, max: control.MaxValue }; controlSetterDlg.$promise.then(; }; $scope.sendcontrol = function(){ var alert = $scope.languageJson.Configuration.RemoteControl.Alert; var paras = $scope.controlinfo; var userName = localStorage.getItem("username"); userService.changePassword(userName,paras.userpwd).then(function(data){ if(data == "OK"){ devcontrolService.senddevcontrol(paras.deviceid,paras.controlid,paras.optionType,userName).then(function(data){ if(data == "success"){'success', alert.Succeed, 3000);//"下发命令成功!" controlSetterDlg.hide(); } else'danger', alert.Failed, 3000);//"下发命令失败!" }); }else'danger', alert.PasswordError,3000);//'密码不正确,请重新输入!' }); } $scope.changeValue = function(value){ $scope.controlinfo.optionType = value; }; //#endregion //#region 定时器 var stop = undefined; $scope.start = function () { if (angular.isDefined(stop)) return; loadDeviceInfo(); stop = $interval(function () { loadDeviceInfo(); }, 3000); }; $scope.stop = function () { if (angular.isDefined(stop)) { $interval.cancel(stop); stop = undefined; } }; $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { // Make sure that the interval is destroyed too $scope.stop(); }); //#endregion } ]) // (重写)配置管理 .controller('ConfigCtrl',['$scope', '$rootScope', '$modal', '$filter', 'notifyService', 'stationService', 'equipmentTemplateService', 'TemplateService', 'baseTypeService', 'uploadService', 'monitorUnitService', 'employeeService', 'equipmentService', 'portService', 'samplerUnitService', 'deviceService', 'balert', 'bconfirm', function($scope, $rootScope, $modal, $filter, notifyService, stationService, equipmentTemplateService, TemplateService, baseTypeService, uploadService, monitorUnitService, employeeService, equipmentService, portService, samplerUnitService, deviceService, balert, bconfirm){ //#region 1.初始化配置 //配置分页基本参数 $scope.paginationConf = { hint: { the: $scope.languageJson.Paging.The, page: $scope.languageJson.Paging.Page, articel: $scope.languageJson.Paging.Articel, eachPage: $scope.languageJson.Paging.EachPage, total: $scope.languageJson.Paging.Total, noData: $scope.languageJson.Paging.NoData }, currentPage: 1, itemsPerPage: 10, pagesLength: 10, totalItems: 0, equipments: [], perPageOptions: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], onChange: function () { } }; $scope.equipmentItems = -1; //中心 $ = {}; $ = -1; $ = ""; $ = -1; $ = ""; $ = false; //局站 $scope.station = {}; $scope.stationId = -1; $scope.station.stationName = ""; $scope.station.contactId = -1; $scope.station.remark = ""; $scope.station.employee = {}; //监控单元 $scope.monitorUnit = {}; $scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId = -1; //模板 $scope.equipmentTemplate = {}; $scope.equipmentTemplate.EquipmentTemplateId = -1; $scope.equipmentTemplate.EquipmentTemplateName = ""; //设备 $ = {}; $ = -1; $ = ""; $ = -1; $ = -1; $ = -1; $ = -1; $ = -1; //端口 $scope.portFlag = 0; $scope.port = {}; $scope.port.PortId = -1; $scope.port.MonitorUnitId = -1; $scope.port.PortNo = -1; $scope.port.PortType = 0; $scope.port.Setting = "9600,n,8,1"; $scope.port.PortTypeVar = {}; //采集单元 $scope.samplerUnit = {}; $scope.samplerUnit.SamplerUnitId = -1; $scope.samplerUnit.PortId = -1; $scope.samplerUnit.MonitorUnitId = -1; $scope.samplerUnit.Address = 1; $scope.samplerUnit.DllPath = ""; $scope.samplerUnit.SamplerId = -1; $scope.samplerUnit.SamplerType = -1; $scope.samplerUnit.SamplerUnitName = ""; $scope.Template = { EquipmentCategory: [], Property: [] }; $scope.Signal = { SignalCategory: [], SignalType: [], ChannelType: [], DataType: [] }; $scope.Event = { EventCategory: [], StartType: [], EndType: [], EventSeverity: [] }; $scope.Control = { ControlCategory: [], ControlSeverity: [], CommandType: [], ControlType: [], DataType: [] }; $scope.seleBaseType = {}; //#endregion //#region 2.初始化数据 (function(){ //获取端口类型 notifyService.getDataItems("39").then(function (data) { var result = data; if (result == "fail to get dataItems") { alert($scope.languageJson.Config.Failed.Title);/*获取端口类型失败,请检查连接是否正常!*/ } else { $scope.portTypes = parsePortTypes(data); } }); //进入局站管理页面后,判断局站是否进行初始化,如果没有初始化,初始化局站 stationService.initStationInfo().then(function (data) { var result = data; if (result == "fail to init station info") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Failed.Initialization, 3000);/*'初始化局站失败,请检查连接是否正常!'*/ } else { //获取局站数据 stationService.getStationInfo().then(function (data) { var result = data; if (result == "fail to get station info") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Failed.Station, 3000);/*'获取局站信息失败,请检查连接是否正常!'*/ } else { getStation(result); //获取中心配置 stationService.getCenterInfo().then(function (data) { var result = data; if (result == "fail to get center info") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Failed.Center, 3000);/*'获取中心信息失败,请检查连接是否正常!'*/ } else { getCenter(result); } }); //获取监控单元数据 monitorUnitService.getMonitorUnit($scope.stationId).then(function (data) { $scope.monitorUnit = getMonitorUnit(data); }); //获取人员信息 employeeService.getAllEmployees().then(function (data) { $scope.employees = parseEmployees(data); for (var i = 0; i < $scope.employees.length; i++) { if ($scope.employees[i].EmployeeId == $scope.station.contactId) { $scope.station.employee = $scope.employees[i]; break; } } }); } }); } }); $scope.selectEvent = {}; //初始化 模板列表 equipmentTemplateService.getAllEquipmentTemplate().then(function (data) { $scope.equipmentTemplates = parseEquipmentTemplate(data); if ($scope.equipmentTemplates[0]) $scope.selectEvent.EquipmentTemplateId = $scope.equipmentTemplates[0].EquipmentTemplateId; }); //初始化等级信息 $scope.selectEventSever = {}; TemplateService.getAllEventSeverity().then(function (data) { $scope.equipmentEvent = data; $scope.selectEventSever.EventSeverity = $scope.equipmentEvent[0].EventSeverity; }); function initTemplateDataItem() { TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("7").then(function (data) { $scope.Template.EquipmentCategory = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("9").then(function (data) { $scope.Template.Property = data; }); TemplateService.GetEquipmentBaseType().then(function (data) { $scope.Template.EquipmentBaseType = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("17").then(function (data) { $scope.Signal.SignalCategory = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("18").then(function (data) { $scope.Signal.SignalType = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("22").then(function (data) { $scope.Signal.ChannelType = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("70").then(function (data) { $scope.Signal.DataType = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("24").then(function (data) { $scope.Event.EventCategory = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("25").then(function (data) { $scope.Event.StartType = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("26").then(function (data) { $scope.Event.EndType = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("23").then(function (data) { $scope.Event.EventSeverity = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("31").then(function (data) { $scope.Control.ControlCategory = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("28").then(function (data) { $scope.Control.ControlSeverity = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("32").then(function (data) { $scope.Control.CommandType = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("68").then(function (data) { $scope.Control.ControlType = data; }); TemplateService.GetDataItemByEntryId("70").then(function (data) { $scope.Control.DataType = data; }); uploadService.GetAllJsonTemplates().then(function (data) { $scope.ConfigTemplates = parseJsonTemplate(data); }); uploadService.GetAllJsonConfiguration().then(function (data) { $scope.JsonConfiguration = parseJsonTemplate(data); }); }; initTemplateDataItem(); baseTypeService.getDeviceList().then(function(data){ $scope.AllDevices = data; }); })(); //解析端口类型数据 function parsePortTypes(data) { var dataArray = []; var lan = $scope.languageJson.Language; data.forEach(function (element, index) { //if (element.ItemId == 1 || element.ItemId == 5 || element.ItemId == 6) if (element.ItemId == 1 || element.ItemId == 5 || element.ItemId == 6 || element.ItemId == 3 || element.ItemId == 19) { //只保留串口和网口 var portType = {}; portType.PortTypeId = element.ItemId; if (lan == "Chinese") portType.PortTypeValue = element.ItemValue; else portType.PortTypeValue = element.ItemAlias; dataArray.push(portType); } }); return dataArray; } // 解析设备模板 function parseEquipmentTemplate(data) { var result = []; if (data) { data.forEach(function (item) { if (item.SoName != undefined && item.SoName.indexOf(".") != -1) { var index = item.SoName.indexOf("."); item.SoName = item.SoName.substring(0, index) + ".so"; if(result.length == 0){ result.push(item); }else{ var f = _.findWhere(result, {EquipmentTemplateId:item.EquipmentTemplateId}); if(f == undefined){ result.push(item); } } } }); } return result; } // 解析组态模板 function parseJsonTemplate(data) { data.forEach(function (item) { if ($scope.languageJson.Language != "Chinese") { if ( == "201") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT201; else if ( == "301") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT301; else if ( == "401") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT401; else if ( == "402") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT402; else if ( == "501") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT501; else if ( == "702") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT702; else if ( == "1001") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT1001; else if ( == "1004") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT1004; else if ( == "1006") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT1006; else if ( == "1101") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT1101; else if ( == "1201") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT1201; else if ( == "1501") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT1501; else if ( == "2001") = $scope.languageJson.ConfigurationType.CT2001; } if ( == "8888") = $scope.languageJson.Configuration.ConfigurationPage.Export.Topology;//"拓扑图" else if ( == "8889") = $scope.languageJson.Configuration.ConfigurationPage.Export.MDC;//"MDC统计"; //else if( == "8890") = $scope.languageJson.Configuration.ConfigurationPage.Export.IView;//"iView首页"; else if ( == "9999") = $scope.languageJson.Configuration.ConfigurationPage.Export.Blank;//"空白页面"; else if ( == "9999.table") = $scope.languageJson.Configuration.ConfigurationPage.Export.Table;//"表格页面"; }); return data; } // 获取站点信息 function getStation(data) { data.forEach(function (element, index) { $scope.stationId = element.StationId; $scope.station.stationName = element.StationName; $scope.station.contactId = element.ContactId; $scope.station.remark = element.Description; }); } // 获取中心站点信息 function getCenter(data) { data.forEach(function (element, index) { $ = element.CenterId; $ = element.CenterIP; $ = element.CenterDSIP; $ = element.CenterPort; if (element.Enable == "true") { $ = true; } else { $ = false; } }); } // 获取监控器信息 function getMonitorUnit(data) { var mu = {}; data.forEach(function (element, index) { mu.MonitorUnitId = element.MonitorUnitId; }); return mu; } // 解析人员信息 function parseEmployees(data) { var dataArray = []; data.forEach(function (element, index) { var employee = {}; employee.EmployeeId = element.EmployeeId; employee.EmployeeName = element.EmployeeName; employee.Mobile = element.Mobile; employee.Email = element.Email; dataArray.push(employee); }); return dataArray; } //#endregion //#region 3.设备信息管理 //#region 3.1.新增设备 var addEquipmentDialog = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: 'fsu_model/partials/addEquipment.html', show: false }); $scope.addEquipmentClick = function(){ //增加设备前初始化 $scope.equipmentTemplate = {}; $ = {}; $scope.port = {}; $scope.samplerUnit = {}; $scope.portType = undefined; $scope.portFlag = 0; $scope.configurationType = ""; $scope.templates = false; $scope.uploadGroup = false; addEquipmentDialog.$promise.then(; }; $scope.addClick = function(){ //增加设备前校验输入是否正确 //判断是否输入完成 if ($ == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Enter, 3000);/*请输入设备名称!*/ return; } //检查名称长度是否超长 if ($ > 128) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Allowed, 3000);/*设备名称长度不允许超过128位!*/ return; } //检查端口、采集单元信息是否输入正确 if (!PortAndSPUnitValidate($scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId)) { return; } //虚拟端口:106端口只能配置成IO设备 var isPortNo = false; if ($scope.port.PortNo == 106) { if ($ != 1004) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Ports, 3000);/*'106端口只能配置成IO设备!'*/ return; } } //终端服务端口:已存在100端口,开放端口设置 if ($scope.port.PortType == 6) { if ($scope.port.PortNo < 100 || $scope.port.PortNo >= 201) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Network, 3000);/*'网口的端口号只能在100-200之间!'*/ return; } } //非基本串口,不可重复端口号 if (parseInt($scope.port.PortType) != 1 && parseInt($scope.port.PortType) != 6) { $scope.paginationConf.equipments.forEach(function (item, index) { if (item.PortNo == $scope.port.PortNo) { isPortNo = true; } }); if (isPortNo) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Repeated, 3000);/*'端口已存在,不能重复!'*/ return; } } //判断设备是否重名、端口的地址是否重复 equipmentService.checkEquipmentConfig(0, $, $scope.port.PortNo, $scope.samplerUnit.Address).then(function (result) { if (result == "OK") { //新增设备 AddEquipment($scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId); } else if (result == "Name Exists") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Exists, 3000);/*'设备名称已存在!'*/ return; } else if (result == "Address Exists") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Script, 3000);/*'同端口的地址不能重复!'*/ return; } else {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Wrong, 3000);/*'脚本错误,请尝试其他端口!'*/ return; } }); }; //新增设备前校验端口和采集单元设置 function PortAndSPUnitValidate(monitorUnitId) { if ($scope.port.PortNo == "" || $scope.port.PortNo == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Port.Title, 3000);/*'请输入端口号'*/ return false; } if (isNaN($scope.port.PortNo)) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Port.Entered, 3000);/*'端口号输入有误!'*/ return false; } if ($scope.port.PortType == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Port.Select, 3000);/*'请选择端口类型'*/ return false; } if ($scope.port.Setting == "" || $scope.port.Setting == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Port.Communication, 3000);/*'请输入通讯参数'*/ return false; } if ($scope.samplerUnit.Address == "" || $scope.samplerUnit.Address == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Port.Address, 3000);/*'请输入地址'*/ return false; } if (isNaN($scope.samplerUnit.Address)) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Port.Incorrectly, 3000);/*'地址输入有误!'*/ return false; } if ($scope.samplerUnit.DllPath == "" || $scope.samplerUnit.DllPath == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Port.SO, 3000);/*'请输入SO库名!'*/ return false; } return true; } function AddEquipment(monitorUnitId) { //增加端口 // FSU特殊处理 if($scope.port.PortType == "1") $scope.port.PortType = "6"; portService.getInsertPort($scope.port).then(function (data) { if (data == "fail to get insert port") { //插入失败'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Failed, 3000);/*'插入端口失败,请检查连接是否正常!'*/ return; } else { //插入成功,返回portId $scope.samplerUnit.PortId = parseInt(data); samplerUnitService.getInsertSamplerUnit($scope.samplerUnit).then(function (data) { if (data == "fail to get insert samplerUnit") { //插入失败'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Connection, 3000);/*'插入采集单元失败,请检查连接是否正常!'*/ return; } else { //插入成功,返回samplerUnitId $ = parseInt(data); $ = $scope.stationId; $ = $scope.equipmentTemplate.EquipmentTemplateId; $ = $scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId; equipmentService.getInsertEquipment($,$scope.configurationType).then(function (data) { if (data == "fail to get insert equipment") { //插入失败'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Faileds, 3000);/*'插入设备失败,请检查连接是否正常!'*/ return; } else { $scope.equipmentItems = parseInt(data); $scope.paginationConf.totalItems = $scope.equipmentItems;'success', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Equipments, 3000);/*'增加设备成功!'*/ addEquipmentDialog.hide(); } }); } }); } }); } //#endregion //#region 3.1.1.新增设备:选择协议文件 var templateDialog = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: 'partials/selectTemplate.html', show: false }); $scope.selectTemplateClick = function(){ equipmentTemplateService.getAllEquipmentTemplate().then(function (data) { $scope.equipmentTemplates = data; //初始化 $scope.equipmentTemplate = {}; $ = {}; $scope.port = {}; $scope.samplerUnit = {}; $scope.portFlag = 0; templateDialog.$promise.then(; }); }; $scope.selectEquipmentTemplateId = function (equipmentTemplateId) { $scope.selectedTemplateId = equipmentTemplateId; }; $ = function () { if ($scope.selectedTemplateId == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Select.Please, 3000);/*请选择模板!*/ return; } //获取所选模板 equipmentTemplateService.getEquipmentTemplate($scope.selectedTemplateId).then(function (data) { $scope.equipmentTemplate = getEquipmentTemplate(data); //获取默认设备名 equipmentService.getDefaultEquipment($scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId, $scope.equipmentTemplate.EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (data) { $ = getEquipment(data); }); //获取默认端口 $scope.portNoChange(1); }); $scope.selectedTemplateId = undefined; templateDialog.hide(); }; function getEquipmentTemplate(data) { var template = {}; data.forEach(function (element, index) { template.EquipmentTemplateId = element.EquipmentTemplateId; template.EquipmentTemplateName = element.EquipmentTemplateName; }); return template; } function getEquipment(data) { var equipment = {}; data.forEach(function (element, index) { equipment.EquipmentId = element.EquipmentId; equipment.EquipmentName = element.EquipmentName; equipment.EquipmentType = element.EquipmentType; }); return equipment; } function getPort(data) { var port = {}; data.forEach(function (element, index) { port.PortId = element.PortId; port.MonitorUnitId = element.MonitorUnitId; port.PortName = element.PortName; port.PortNo = element.PortNo; port.PortType = element.PortType; port.Setting = element.Setting; }); return port; } function getSamplerUnit(data) { var samplerUnit = {}; data.forEach(function (element, index) { samplerUnit.SamplerUnitId = element.SamplerUnitId; samplerUnit.PortId = element.PortId; samplerUnit.MonitorUnitId = element.MonitorUnitId; samplerUnit.Address = element.Address; samplerUnit.DllPath = element.DllPath; samplerUnit.SamplerId = element.SamplerId; samplerUnit.SamplerType = element.SamplerType; samplerUnit.SamplerUnitName = element.SamplerUnitName; }); return samplerUnit; } function parsePortByFSU(port, samplerUnit){ if(port.PortType == "1"){ if(samplerUnit && samplerUnit.Address){ var portNo = port.PortNo; if(portNo.length < 2) portNo = "0"+portNo; port.Setting = ""+portNo; } } return port; } // 端口号 值变化事件 $scope.portNoChange = function(portNo){ portService.getDefaultPort($scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId, portNo).then(function (data) { $scope.port = getPort(data); $scope.portFlag = 1; if($scope.port.PortType == "6" && parseInt($scope.port.PortNo) <= 16){ $scope.port.PortTypeVar = $scope.portTypes[0]; $scope.port.PortType = "1"; }else{ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.portTypes.length; i++) { if ($scope.portTypes[i].PortTypeId == $scope.port.PortType) { $scope.port.PortTypeVar = $scope.portTypes[i]; break; } } } //获取默认采集单元 samplerUnitService.getDefaultSamplerUnit($scope.equipmentTemplate.EquipmentTemplateId, $scope.port.PortId, $scope.port.PortNo, $scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId).then(function (data) { $scope.samplerUnit = getSamplerUnit(data); // FSU版特殊处理 $scope.port = parsePortByFSU($scope.port, $scope.samplerUnit); }); }); }; // 端口类型 值变化直接 $scope.portTypeChange = function (portTypeId) { //portTypeId => 串口:1、SNMP口:3、虚拟端口:5、网口:6、简单逻辑口:19 $scope.port.PortType = portTypeId; $(".address-text").html($scope.languageJson.Config.Equipment.Address); $(".address-input").show(); //端口不重复 if (portTypeId == 3 || portTypeId == 6 || portTypeId == 19) { var nextNo = 1; if ($scope.paginationConf && $scope.paginationConf.equipments) { $scope.paginationConf.equipments.forEach(function (item) { if (item.PortNo != 106 && parseInt(item.PortNo) > nextNo) nextNo = parseInt(item.PortNo); }); } if ($scope.port.PortNo < 100) { if (portTypeId == 3) {//SNMP if (nextNo >= 150) $scope.port.PortNo = nextNo + 1; else $scope.port.PortNo = 150; } else if (portTypeId == 19) {//简单逻辑串口 if (nextNo > 200) $scope.port.PortNo = nextNo + 1; else $scope.port.PortNo = 201; } else {//网口 if (nextNo == 105) $scope.port.PortNo = 107; else if (nextNo >= 100) $scope.port.PortNo = nextNo + 1; else $scope.port.PortNo = 100; } } } //通讯参数文本 与 IP参数文本 切换 if (portTypeId != 1 && portTypeId != 5) { $(".param-text").html($scope.languageJson.Config.Equipment.IPParameters); } else $(".param-text").html($scope.languageJson.Config.Equipment.Parameters); //通讯参数值 if (portTypeId == 1) {//串口 $scope.port.Setting = ""; $scope.port.PortNo = 1; } else if (portTypeId == 3 || portTypeId == 6 || portTypeId == 19) {//SNMP口:3、网口:6、简单逻辑口:19 $scope.port.Setting = ""; } else if (portTypeId == 5) {//虚拟口 $scope.port.Setting = ""; $scope.port.PortNo = 106; } $scope.portNoChange($scope.port.PortNo); }; //#endregion //#region 3.2.新增IO设备 var ioTemplateDialog = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: 'partials/selectIOTemplate.html', show: false }); $scope.addIOEquipmentClick = function(){ //增加设备前初始化 $scope.equipmentTemplate = {}; $ = {}; $scope.port = {}; $scope.samplerUnit = {}; //判断是否存在IO设备 equipmentService.getIOEquipments($scope.stationId).then(function (data) { //返回IO设备个数 var result = data; if (result == "fail to get io equipments") { /*查看IO设备是否存在失败,请检查数据库连接是否正常*/'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Check, 3000); } else { var ioEquipments = data.length; if (ioEquipments > 0) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Already, 3000);/*已存在IO设备,不允许重复增加!*/ } else { //插入IO设备 /*请确认是否增加IO设备?*/$scope, $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Pease).then(function (data) { if (data) { InsertIOEquipment(); } }); } } }); }; $scope.selectIO = function () { if ($scope.selectedIOTemplateId == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Select.Please, 3000);/*请选择模板!*/ return; } AddIOEquipment($scope.selectedIOTemplateId); ioTemplateDialog.hide(); }; $scope.selectIOEquipmentTemplateId = function (equipmentTemplateId) { $scope.selectedIOTemplateId = equipmentTemplateId; }; function InsertIOEquipment() { //第一步:获取IO模板 equipmentTemplateService.getIOEquipmentTemplates().then(function (data) { var ioEquipmentTemplateId = -1; var result = data; if (result == "fail to get io equipmentTemplates") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Port.Failed, 3000);/*'获取IO模板失败,请检查数据库连接是否正常!'*/ return; } else { //获取IO模板成功 $scope.ioEquipmentTemplates = data; //第二步:获取IO模板ID if ($scope.ioEquipmentTemplates.length <= 0) { //没有IO模板'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Port.Entereds, 3000);/*'没有找到IO模板,请在协议管理中增加IO模板!'*/ return; } else if ($scope.ioEquipmentTemplates.length > 1) { //存在多个IO模板,需要弹出对话框供用户选择 $scope.selectedIOEquipmentTemplateId = -1; ioTemplateDialog.$promise.then(; return; } else { ioEquipmentTemplateId = $scope.ioEquipmentTemplates[0].EquipmentTemplateId; } } //第三步:增加IO设备 AddIOEquipment(ioEquipmentTemplateId); }); } function AddIOEquipment(equipmentTemplateId) { //获取所选模板 equipmentTemplateService.getEquipmentTemplate(equipmentTemplateId).then(function (data) { $scope.equipmentTemplate = getEquipmentTemplate(data); //获取默认端口 portService.getDefaultPort($scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId, 106).then(function (data) { if(parseInt($scope.port.PortType) > 1 && parseInt(data[0].PortType) > 1) return; $scope.port = getPort(data); // FSU版特殊处理 $scope.port.PortType = "6"; $scope.port.Setting = ""; //获取默认采集单元 samplerUnitService.getDefaultSamplerUnit($scope.equipmentTemplate.EquipmentTemplateId, $scope.port.PortId, $scope.port.PortNo, $scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId).then(function (data) { $scope.samplerUnit = getSamplerUnit(data); //获取默认设备 equipmentService.getDefaultEquipment($scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId, $scope.equipmentTemplate.EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (data) { $ = getEquipment(data); AddEquipment($scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId); }); }); }); }); } //#endregion //#region 3.3新增自诊断设备 var hostEquipmentDlg = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: 'partials/selectHostTemplate.html', show: false }); $scope.addHostEquipmentClick = function () { equipmentService.getHostEquipments($scope.stationId).then(function (data) { var result = data; if (result == "fail to get io equipments") { /*查看自诊断设备是否存在失败,请检查数据库连接是否正常*/'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.AddHost.GetErrorPrompt, 3000); } else { var equipments = data.length; if (equipments > 0) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.AddHost.ExistPrompt, 3000);/*已存在自诊断设备,不允许重复增加!*/ } else { //插入IO设备 /*请确认是否增加自诊断设备?*/$scope, $scope.languageJson.Config.AddHost.SelectPrompt).then(function (data) { if (data) { InsertHostEquipment(); } }); } } }); }; function InsertHostEquipment() { //第一步:获取IO模板 equipmentTemplateService.getHostEquipmentTemplates().then(function (data) { var hostEquipmentTemplateId = -1; var result = data; if (result == "fail to get io equipmentTemplates") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Port.Failed, 3000);/*'获取IO模板失败,请检查数据库连接是否正常!'*/ return; } else { //获取自诊断模板成功 $scope.hostEquipmentTemplates = data; //第二步:获取自诊断模板ID if ($scope.hostEquipmentTemplates.length <= 0) { //没有自诊断模板'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.AddHost.NoExistPrompt, 3000);/*'没有找到自诊断模板,请在协议管理中增加自诊断模板!'*/ return; } else if ($scope.hostEquipmentTemplates.length > 1) { //存在多个自诊断模板,需要弹出对话框供用户选择 $scope.selectedHostTemplateId = undefined; hostEquipmentDlg.$promise.then(; return; } else { hostEquipmentTemplateId = $scope.hostEquipmentTemplates[0].EquipmentTemplateId; } } //第三步:增加自诊断设备 AddHostEquipment(hostEquipmentTemplateId); }); } $scope.selectHostEquipmentTemplateId = function (equipmentTemplateId) { $scope.selectedHostTemplateId = equipmentTemplateId; }; $scope.selectHost = function () { if ($scope.selectedHostTemplateId == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Select.Please, 3000);/*请选择模板!*/ return; } AddHostEquipment($scope.selectedHostTemplateId); hostEquipmentDlg.hide(); }; function AddHostEquipment(equipmentTemplateId) { //获取所选模板 equipmentTemplateService.getEquipmentTemplate(equipmentTemplateId).then(function (data) { $scope.equipmentTemplate = getEquipmentTemplate(data); //获取默认端口 portService.getDefaultPort($scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId, 31).then(function (data) { $scope.port = getPort(data); //获取默认采集单元 samplerUnitService.getDefaultSamplerUnit($scope.equipmentTemplate.EquipmentTemplateId, $scope.port.PortId, $scope.port.PortNo, $scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId).then(function (data) { $scope.samplerUnit = getSamplerUnit(data); //获取默认设备 equipmentService.getDefaultEquipment($scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId, $scope.equipmentTemplate.EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (data) { $ = getEquipment(data); AddEquipment($scope.monitorUnit.MonitorUnitId); }); }); }); }); } //#endregion //#region 3.4.修改设备 var updEquipmentDlg = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: 'partials/updEquipment.html', show: false }); $scope.updateEquipmentClick = function (data) { //var e = $scope.paginationConf.equipments; $ = data; portService.getDefaultPort(data.MonitorUnitId, data.PortNo).then(function (port) { if (port.length > 0) { $ = port[0].Setting; $ = port[0].PortId; $ = port[0].PortType; // FSU特殊处理 if($ == "6" && parseInt(port[0].PortNo) <= 16){ $ = "1"; } //是否有其他同端口的设备,如果有其他端口则不允许修改“端口类型”和“通讯参数” var isExist = isOtherPortExist(data.EquipmentId, port[0].PortNo); if (isExist) $ = true; else $ = false; samplerUnitService.getDefaultSamplerUnit(data.EquipmentTemplateId, port[0].PortId, port[0].PortNo, data.MonitorUnitId).then(function (unit) { if (unit.length > 0) { $scope.samplerUnit = unit[0]; } }); $ = getEquipmentTemplateNameById(data.EquipmentTemplateId); } }); updEquipmentDlg.$promise.then(; }; function getEquipmentTemplateNameById(etid) { var etname = ""; if ($scope.equipmentTemplates) { $scope.equipmentTemplates.forEach(function (item) { if (item.EquipmentTemplateId == etid) etname = item.EquipmentTemplateName; }); } return etname; } function isOtherPortExist(equipment, portNo) { var is = false; if ($scope.paginationConf && $scope.paginationConf.equipments) { $scope.paginationConf.equipments.forEach(function (item) { if (item.PortNo == portNo) { if (item.EquipmentId != equipment) is = true; } }); } return is; } $scope.updClick = function () { if ($ == "" || $ == "" || $ == "" || $ == "" || $ == "" || $ == "") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Confirms.Device, 3000);/*'设备信息均不能为空!'*/ return; } equipmentService.checkEquipmentConfig($, $, $, $ (result) { if (result == "OK") { //添加端口 // FSU特殊处理 if($ == "1") $ = "6"; portService.getInsertPort($ (portId) { if (portId == "fail to get insert port") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Failed, 3000);/*'插入端口失败,请检查连接是否正常!'*/ return; } else { //添加采集单元 $scope.samplerUnit.PortId = parseInt(portId); $scope.samplerUnit.Address = $; //修改so库 if ($ != $scope.samplerUnit.DllPath) { $scope.samplerUnit.SamplerUnitId = -1; $scope.samplerUnit.DllPath = $; } samplerUnitService.getInsertSamplerUnit($scope.samplerUnit).then(function (units) { if (units == "fail to get insert samplerUnit") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Connection, 3000);/*'插入采集单元失败,请检查连接是否正常!'*/ return; } else { $ = parseInt(units); //修改设备 equipmentService.updateEquipment($, $, $, $ (data) { if (data == "OK") {'success', $scope.languageJson.Config.Confirms.Modify, 3000);/*'修改设备成功!'*/ $ = {}; updEquipmentDlg.hide(); } else {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Confirms.Modifying, 3000);/*'修改设备失败!'*/ } }); } }); } }); } else if (result == "Name Exists") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Confirms.Exists, 3000);/*'设备名称已存在!'*/ return; } else if (result == "Address Exists") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Confirms.Port, 3000);/*'同端口的地址不能重复!'*/ return; } }); }; $scope.changePortNo = function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue == undefined || newValue == oldValue) return; portService.getDefaultPort($, newValue).then(function (port) { if (port.length > 0) { $ = port[0].Setting; $ = port[0].PortId; $ = port[0].PortType; var isExist = isOtherPortExist(newValue); if (port[0].PortId != -1 && isExist) $ = true; else $ = false; samplerUnitService.getDefaultSamplerUnit($, port[0].PortId, port[0].PortNo, $ (unit) { if (unit.length > 0) { $scope.samplerUnit = unit[0]; // FSU特殊处理 $ = parsePortByFSU($, $scope.samplerUnit); } }); } }); }; //#endregion //#region 3.4.1.修改设备:重新绑定设备模板 var templateListDlg = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: 'partials/equipmentTemplates.html', show: false }); $scope.showTemplateListClick = function (templateId) { if ($scope.equipmentTemplates) { $scope.equipmentTemplates.forEach(function (item) { if (item.EquipmentTemplateId == templateId) { // 解决DLL后缀问题 if(item.SoName.toUpperCase().indexOf("DLL") > -1) { var index = item.SoName.lastIndexOf("."); item.SoName = item.SoName.substring(0,index)+".so"; } $scope.Rebinding = item; $scope.Rebinding.CategoryName = getCategoryName($scope.Rebinding.EquipmentCategory); $scope.Rebinding.PropertyName = getPropertyName($scope.Rebinding.Property); } }); } templateListDlg.$promise.then(; }; function getCategoryName(category) { var name = category; if ($scope.Template.EquipmentCategory) { $scope.Template.EquipmentCategory.forEach(function (item) { if (item.ItemId == category) { if ($scope.languageJson.Language == "English") name = item.ItemAlias; else name = item.ItemValue; } }); } return name; } function getPropertyName(property) { var result = ""; var name = ""; var pros = property.split("/"); if (pros) { pros.forEach(function (pro) { if ($scope.Template.Property) { $scope.Template.Property.forEach(function (item) { if (pro == item.ItemId) { if ($scope.languageJson.Language == "English") name = item.ItemAlias; else name = item.ItemValue; } }); } if (result == "") result = name; else result += "/" + name; }); } return result; } $scope.changeRebinding = function (obj) { $scope.Rebinding = angular.fromJson(obj); // 解决DLL后缀问题 if($scope.Rebinding.SoName.toUpperCase().indexOf("DLL") > -1) { var index = $scope.Rebinding.SoName.lastIndexOf("."); $scope.Rebinding.SoName = $scope.Rebinding.SoName.substring(0,index)+".so"; } $scope.Rebinding.CategoryName = getCategoryName($scope.Rebinding.EquipmentCategory); $scope.Rebinding.PropertyName = getPropertyName($scope.Rebinding.Property); }; //重新绑定模板 $scope.rebindingClick = function () { var equipmentId = $; var equipmentTemplateId = $scope.Rebinding.EquipmentTemplateId; $ = $scope.Rebinding.SoName; equipmentService.RebindingEquipmentTemplate(equipmentId, equipmentTemplateId).then(function (data) { if (data == "OK") {'success', $scope.languageJson.Config.Confirms.Modify, 3000);/*'修改设备成功!'*/ $ = $scope.Rebinding.EquipmentTemplateId; $ = $scope.Rebinding.EquipmentTemplateName; templateListDlg.hide(); } else {'danger', "[" + data + "]" + $scope.languageJson.Config.Confirms.Modifying, 3000);/*'修改设备失败!'*/ } }); }; //#endregion //#region 3.5.删除设备 $scope.removeEquipmentClick = function (id, name, samplerUnitId) { $scope.selectedEquipmentId = id; $scope.selectedEquipmentName = name;$scope, $scope.languageJson.Config.Confirms.Title + $scope.selectedEquipmentId + ")" + $scope.selectedEquipmentName + "?").then(function (data) { if (data) { equipmentService.deleteEquipment($scope.stationId, $scope.selectedEquipmentId, samplerUnitId).then(function (data) { //删除完成后,返回设备个数 var result = data; if (result == "fail to delete equipment") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Confirms.Deleting, 3000);/*'删除设备失败,请检查连接是否正常!'*/ } else { $scope.equipmentItems = parseInt(data); $scope.paginationConf.totalItems = $scope.equipmentItems;'success', $scope.languageJson.Config.Confirms.Successfully, 3000);/*'删除设备成功!'*/ } }); } }); }; //#endregion //#region 3.6.配置生效 $scope.reLoadEquipmentConfigClick = function () { /*请确认是否执行配置生效?*/$scope, $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Whether).then(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.loading = true; equipmentService.reLoadEquipment($scope.stationId, $scope.station.stationName).then(function (data) { //删除完成后,返回设备个数 var result = data; var ver = localStorage.getItem("versions"); if (result == "fail to reload equipment") {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Sails, 3000);/*执行配置生效失败,请检查连接是否正常!*/ } else { if (ver == "IView") {'success', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Configuration, 3000);/*'执行配置生效成功!'*/ } else{'success', $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Configuration, 3000);/*'执行配置生效成功!'*/ $("#side-menu .sub-li").remove(); deviceService.getAllDevicesType().then(); } } $scope.loading = false; // 重新加载组态列 $rootScope.$emit("loadSidebar"); }); //生成备份文件 equipmentService.CreateConfigManager().then(function (data) { }); } }); }; //#endregion //#endregion //#region 4.局站信息管理 $scope.saveStationConfigClick = function () { if ($scope.station.stationName === undefined || $scope.station.contactId == -1) { //'局站信息不完整,请检查是否输入完整!''danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Stations.Input, 3000); return; } $scope.loading = true; stationService.updateStationInfo($scope.stationId, $scope.station.stationName, $scope.station.contactId, $scope.station.remark).then(function (data) { if (data == "OK") { equipmentService.ReLoadFSU().then(function (data) { $scope.loading = false;'success', $scope.languageJson.Config.Stations.Successfully, 3000);//'保存局站配置成功!' }); } else { //'保存局站配置失败!''danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Stations.Failed, 3000); } }); }; $scope.contactManChange = function (EmployeeId) { $scope.station.contactId = EmployeeId; }; //#endregion //#region 5.中心信息管理 $scope.saveCenterConfigClick = function () { if ($ === undefined || $ === undefined || $ == -1 || $ == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Room.The, 3000);/*中心信息不完整,请检查是否输入完整!*/ return; } $scope.loading = true; stationService.updateCenterInfo($, $, $, $, $ (data) { if (data == "OK") { equipmentService.ReLoadFSU().then(function (data) { $scope.loading = false;'success', $scope.languageJson.Config.Room.Center, 3000);/*'保存中心配置成功!'*/ }); } else {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Room.Saves, 3000);/*'保存中心配置失败!'*/ } }); }; $scope.resetCenterConfigClick = function () { $ = {}; $ = -1; $ = ""; $ = 15001; $ = ""; $ = false; }; $scope.selectEnable = function () { var a = $; }; //#endregion //#region 6.模板管理 //#region 6.1.设备模板 // 查询 $scope.selectEventClick = function () { document.querySelector("#rollBtn").style.display = "block"; document.querySelector("#rollAlarm").style.display = "block"; if ($scope.selectEvent.EquipmentTemplateId == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Templatenames.Please, 3000);/*'请选择设备模板!'*/ return; } //遍历选中的模板设备编号 $scope.equipmentTemplates.forEach(function (item) { if (item.EquipmentTemplateId == $scope.selectEvent.EquipmentTemplateId) $scope.selectEvent.EquipmentBaseType = item.EquipmentBaseType; }); TemplateService.GetSignalByEquipmentTemplateId($scope.selectEvent.EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (data) { TemplateService.GetSignalMeaningsByEquipmentTemplateId($scope.selectEvent.EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (datas) { $scope.SignalMeaningsList = datas; $scope.SignalList = parseSignalList(data, datas); $scope.filterSignalList = $filter('filter')($scope.SignalList, $scope.query); GetEventByEquipmentTemplateId($scope.selectEvent.EquipmentTemplateId); GetControlByEquipmentTemplateId($scope.selectEvent.EquipmentTemplateId); }); }); }; //查询信号 function GetSignalByEquipmentTemplateId(EquipmentTemplateId) { TemplateService.GetSignalByEquipmentTemplateId(EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (data) { TemplateService.GetSignalMeaningsByEquipmentTemplateId(EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (datas) { $scope.SignalMeaningsList = datas; $scope.SignalList = parseSignalList(data, datas); $scope.filterSignalList = $filter('filter')($scope.SignalList, $scope.query); document.getElementById('signalListSelAll').indeterminate = false }); }); }; //查询事件 function GetEventByEquipmentTemplateId(EquipmentTemplateId) { TemplateService.GetEventByEquipmentTemplateId(EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (data) { TemplateService.GetEventConditionByEquipmentTemplateId(EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (datas) { $scope.EventConditionList = datas; $scope.EventList = parseEventList(data, datas); }); }); }; //查询控制 function GetControlByEquipmentTemplateId(EquipmentTemplateId) { TemplateService.GetControlByEquipmentTemplateId(EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (data) { TemplateService.GetControlMeaningsByEquipmentTemplateId(EquipmentTemplateId).then(function (datas) { $scope.ControlMeaningsList = datas; $scope.ControlList = parseControlList(data, datas); }); }); }; function parseSignalList(data, datas) { data.forEach(function (item) { $scope.Signal.SignalCategory.forEach(function (es) { if (item.SignalCategory == es.ItemId) { item.SignalCategoryName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); $scope.Signal.ChannelType.forEach(function (es) { if (item.ChannelType == es.ItemId) { item.ChannelTypeName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); $scope.Signal.DataType.forEach(function (es) { if (item.DataType == es.ItemId) { item.DataTypeName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); if (item.Enable == 'true' || item.Visible == 'true') item.IsOpen = true; else item.IsOpen = false; if (datas) { item.DataMeanings = []; datas.forEach(function (sm) { if (item.SignalId == sm.SignalId) { if (item.Meanings == undefined) { item.Meanings = sm.Meanings; } else { item.Meanings += "/" + sm.Meanings; } item.DataMeanings.push(sm); } }); } }); return data; }; function parseEventList(data, datas) { data.forEach(function (item) { $scope.Event.EventCategory.forEach(function (es) { if (item.EventCategory == es.ItemId) { item.EventCategoryName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); $scope.Event.StartType.forEach(function (es) { if (item.StartType == es.ItemId) { item.StartTypeName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); $scope.Event.EndType.forEach(function (es) { if (item.EndType == es.ItemId) { item.EndTypeName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); if (item.Enable == 'true' || item.Visible == 'true') item.IsOpen = true; else item.IsOpen = false; if (datas) { item.EventCondition = []; datas.forEach(function (ec) { if (item.EventId == ec.EventId) { if (item.EventSeverity == undefined) { item.EventSeverity = ec.EventSeverity; item.EventSeverityName = getEventSeverityName(ec.EventSeverity); item.Meanings = ec.EventConditionId; } else { item.EventSeverity += "/" + ec.EventSeverity; item.EventSeverityName += "/" + getEventSeverityName(ec.EventSeverity); item.Meanings += "/" + ec.EventConditionId; } item.EventCondition.push(ec); } }); } if ($scope.SignalList) { $scope.SignalList.forEach(function (s) { if (item.SignalId == s.SignalId) { item.SignalName = s.SignalName; } }); } if (item.Enable == "true" || item.Enable == true) item.Shield = false; else item.Shield = true; }); return data; }; function getEventSeverityName(severity) { var name = ""; if ($scope.Event.EventSeverity) { $scope.Event.EventSeverity.forEach(function (item) { if (item.ItemId == severity) { if ($scope.languageJson.Language == "English") name = item.ItemAlias; else name = item.ItemValue; } }); } return name; } function parseControlList(data, datas) { data.forEach(function (item) { $scope.Control.ControlCategory.forEach(function (es) { if (item.ControlCategory == es.ItemId) { item.ControlCategoryName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); $scope.Control.ControlSeverity.forEach(function (es) { if (item.ControlSeverity == es.ItemId) { item.ControlSeverityName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); $scope.Control.CommandType.forEach(function (es) { if (item.CommandType == es.ItemId) { item.CommandTypeName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); $scope.Control.ControlType.forEach(function (es) { if (item.ControlType == es.ItemId) { item.ControlTypeName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); $scope.Control.DataType.forEach(function (es) { if (item.DataType == es.ItemId) { item.DataTypeName = getLanguageItem(es); } }); if (item.Enable == 'true' || item.Visible == 'true') item.IsOpen = true; else item.IsOpen = false; if (datas) { item.DataMeanings = []; datas.forEach(function (cm) { if (item.ControlId == cm.ControlId) { if (item.Meanings == undefined) { item.Meanings = cm.Meanings; } else { item.Meanings += "/" + cm.Meanings; } item.DataMeanings.push(cm); } }); } if ($scope.SignalList) { $scope.SignalList.forEach(function (s) { if (item.SignalId == s.SignalId) { item.SignalName = s.SignalName; } }); } }); return data; } function getLanguageItem(item) { if ($scope.languageJson == undefined) $scope.languageJson = angular.fromJson(sessionStorage.getItem('languageJson')); var lan = $scope.languageJson.Language; if (lan == 'English') return item.ItemAlias else return item.ItemValue } //修改模版 var ModifyTemplateDialog = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: 'partials/ModifyTemplate.html', show: false }); $scope.UpdateEquipmentTemplateClick = function () { $scope.equipmentTemplates.forEach(function (item) { if (item.EquipmentTemplateId == $scope.selectEvent.EquipmentTemplateId) { $scope.UpdateTemplate = item; ModifyTemplateDialog.$promise.then(; checkoutProperty($scope.UpdateTemplate.Property); return; } }); }; function checkoutProperty(data) { var d = data.split("/"); if (data) $scope.UpdateTemplate.Property = data; else $scope.UpdateTemplate.Property = ""; if ($scope.Template.Property) $scope.Template.Property.forEach(function (item) { item.isChecked = false; var str = []; d.forEach(function (pro) { if (pro == item.ItemId) { item.isChecked = true; } }); }); }; //设备模板属性 $scope.isShowProperty = false; $scope.showProperty = function () { //$("#myProperty").show(); $("#myProperty").css("display", "block"); $scope.isShowProperty = true; }; $(function () { $(document).click(function (e) { var myDiv = $("#myProperty"); if (myDiv.css("display") == "block" && $scope.isShowProperty == false) { //$("#myProperty").hide(); $("#myProperty").css("display", "none"); } $scope.isShowProperty = false; }); }); $scope.ClickProperty = function (id) { if ($scope.Template.Property) $scope.Template.Property.forEach(function (item) { if (item.ItemId == id) { if (!item.isChecked) { item.isChecked = true; $scope.UpdateTemplate.Property = sortProperty($scope.UpdateTemplate.Property, id, true); } else { item.isChecked = false; $scope.UpdateTemplate.Property = sortProperty($scope.UpdateTemplate.Property, id, false); } } }); }; function sortProperty(str, pro, isAdd) { var result = ""; if (isAdd) {//添加 if (str == "" || str == undefined) result = pro; else { str = str + "/" + pro; var arr = str.split("/"); arr = arr.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (result == "") result += arr[i]; else result += "/" + arr[i]; } } } else {//删除 var arr = str.split("/"); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == pro) continue; if (result == "") result += arr[i]; else result += "/" + arr[i]; } } return result; }; $scope.SaveEquipmentTemplate = function () { var is = false; $scope.equipmentTemplates.forEach(function (item) { if ($scope.UpdateTemplate.EquipmentTemplateId != item.EquipmentTemplateId && $scope.UpdateTemplate.EquipmentTemplateName == item.EquipmentTemplateName) { is = true; } }); if (is) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Templatenames.Title, 3000);/*'模板名称不能相同!'*/ return; } if ($scope.UpdateTemplate.EquipmentTemplateName == "" || $scope.UpdateTemplate.EquipmentTemplateName == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Templatenames.Cannot, 3000);/*'模板名称不能为空!'*/ return; } if ($scope.UpdateTemplate.EquipmentCategory == "" || $scope.UpdateTemplate.EquipmentCategory == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Templatenames.Type, 3000);/*'类型不能为空!'*/ return; } if ($scope.UpdateTemplate.EquipmentBaseType == "" || $scope.UpdateTemplate.EquipmentBaseType == undefined) {'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Templatenames.Empty, 3000);/*'设备基类不能为空!'*/ return; } TemplateService.SaveEquipmentTemplate($scope.UpdateTemplate).then(function (data) { if (data == "SUCCESS") {'success', $scope.languageJson.Config.Templatenames.Successfully, 3000);/*'修改成功!'*/ ModifyTemplateDialog.hide(); } else'danger', $scope.languageJson.Config.Templatenames.Fail, 3000);/*'修改失败!'*/ }); }; // 导出协议模板 $scope.ExportProtocol = function (templateId) { $scope.loading = true; TemplateService.ExportProtocol(templateId).then(function (data) { $scope.loading = false; }); }; //#endregion //#region 6.2.信号管理 //#region 6.2.1.新增/修改信号 var SignalSetterDialog = $modal({ scope: $scope, templateUrl: 'partials/SignalSetter.html', show: false }); // 新增页面弹出框 $scope.AddSignal = function () { //console.log($scope.paginationConf.equipments); if ($scope.selectEvent.EquipmentBaseType != undefined && (parseInt($scope.selectEvent.EquipmentBaseType) >= 1100 && parseInt($scope.selectEvent.EquipmentBaseType) < 1200)) $scope.ChargeShow = true; else $scope.ChargeShow = false; $scope.btnName = $scope.languageJson.Config.Signal.News;/*新增*/ TemplateService.GetNextSignalId($scope.selectEvent.EquipmentTemplateId, 'Signal').then(function (data) { $scope.Signals = { EquipmentTemplateId: $scope.selectEvent.EquipmentTemplateId, DeviceId:"-1", SignalId: parseInt(data) + 1, SignalName: $scope.languageJson.Config.Config.Newsignal, SignalType: '2', ChannelNo: '-2', ChannelType: '1', DataType: '0', SignalCategory: '1', ShowPrecision: '0', Enable: true, Visible: true, BaseTypeId: '', Expression: '', Unit: '', StoreInterval: '', AbsValueThreshold: '', PercentThreshold: '', StaticsPeriod: '', ChargeStoreInterVal: '', ChargeAbsValue: '', IsBaseNameExt: "display:none;" };/*'新信号'*/ $scope.CategoryHide = false; SignalSetterDialog.$promise.then(; setTimeout(function () { $("#Inspect-Hint").attr("data-original-title", "