#include "hv.h" #include "hssl.h" #include "hmain.h" #include "iniparser.h" #include "HttpServer.h" #include "hasync.h" // import hv::async #include "router.h" hv::HttpServer g_http_server; hv::HttpService g_http_service; static void print_version(); static void print_help(); static int parse_confile(const char* confile); // long options static const option_t long_options[] = { {'h', "help", NO_ARGUMENT, "Print this information"}, {'v', "version", NO_ARGUMENT, "Print version"}, {'c', "confile", REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, "Set configure file, default etc/{program}.conf"}, {'t', "test", NO_ARGUMENT, "Test configure file and exit"}, {'s', "signal", REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, "send signal to process, signal=[start,stop,restart,status,reload]"}, {'d', "daemon", NO_ARGUMENT, "Daemonize"}, {'p', "port", REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, "Set listen port"} }; void print_version() { printf("%s version %s\n", g_main_ctx.program_name, hv_compile_version()); } void print_help() { char detail_options[1024] = {0}; dump_opt_long(long_options, ARRAY_SIZE(long_options), detail_options, sizeof(detail_options)); printf("%s\n", detail_options); } int parse_confile(const char* confile) { IniParser ini; int ret = ini.LoadFromFile(confile); if (ret != 0) { printf("Load confile [%s] failed: %d\n", confile, ret); exit(-40); } // logfile std::string str = ini.GetValue("logfile"); if (!str.empty()) { strncpy(g_main_ctx.logfile, str.c_str(), sizeof(g_main_ctx.logfile)); } hlog_set_file(g_main_ctx.logfile); // loglevel str = ini.GetValue("loglevel"); if (!str.empty()) { hlog_set_level_by_str(str.c_str()); } // log_filesize str = ini.GetValue("log_filesize"); if (!str.empty()) { hlog_set_max_filesize_by_str(str.c_str()); } // log_remain_days str = ini.GetValue("log_remain_days"); if (!str.empty()) { hlog_set_remain_days(atoi(str.c_str())); } // log_fsync str = ini.GetValue("log_fsync"); if (!str.empty()) { logger_enable_fsync(hlog, hv_getboolean(str.c_str())); } hlogi("%s version: %s", g_main_ctx.program_name, hv_compile_version()); hlog_fsync(); // worker_processes int worker_processes = 0; #ifdef DEBUG // Disable multi-processes mode for debugging worker_processes = 0; #else str = ini.GetValue("worker_processes"); if (str.size() != 0) { if (strcmp(str.c_str(), "auto") == 0) { worker_processes = get_ncpu(); hlogd("worker_processes=ncpu=%d", worker_processes); } else { worker_processes = atoi(str.c_str()); } } #endif g_http_server.worker_processes = LIMIT(0, worker_processes, MAXNUM_WORKER_PROCESSES); // worker_threads int worker_threads = 0; str = ini.GetValue("worker_threads"); if (str.size() != 0) { if (strcmp(str.c_str(), "auto") == 0) { worker_threads = get_ncpu(); hlogd("worker_threads=ncpu=%d", worker_threads); } else { worker_threads = atoi(str.c_str()); } } g_http_server.worker_threads = LIMIT(0, worker_threads, 64); // worker_connections str = ini.GetValue("worker_connections"); if (str.size() != 0) { g_http_server.worker_connections = atoi(str.c_str()); } // http_port int port = 0; const char* szPort = get_arg("p"); if (szPort) { port = atoi(szPort); } if (port == 0) { port = ini.Get("port"); } if (port == 0) { port = ini.Get("http_port"); } g_http_server.port = port; // https_port if (HV_WITH_SSL) { g_http_server.https_port = ini.Get("https_port"); } if (g_http_server.port == 0 && g_http_server.https_port == 0) { printf("Please config listen port!\n"); exit(-10); } // base_url str = ini.GetValue("base_url"); if (str.size() != 0) { g_http_service.base_url = str; } // document_root str = ini.GetValue("document_root"); if (str.size() != 0) { g_http_service.document_root = str; } // home_page str = ini.GetValue("home_page"); if (str.size() != 0) { g_http_service.home_page = str; } // error_page str = ini.GetValue("error_page"); if (str.size() != 0) { g_http_service.error_page = str; } // index_of str = ini.GetValue("index_of"); if (str.size() != 0) { g_http_service.index_of = str; } // keepalive_timeout str = ini.GetValue("keepalive_timeout"); if (str.size() != 0) { g_http_service.keepalive_timeout = atoi(str.c_str()); } // limit_rate str = ini.GetValue("limit_rate"); if (str.size() != 0) { g_http_service.limit_rate = atoi(str.c_str()); } // access_log str = ini.GetValue("access_log"); if (str.size() != 0) { g_http_service.enable_access_log = hv_getboolean(str.c_str()); } // cors if (ini.Get("cors")) { g_http_service.AllowCORS(); } // ssl if (g_http_server.https_port > 0) { std::string crt_file = ini.GetValue("ssl_certificate"); std::string key_file = ini.GetValue("ssl_privatekey"); std::string ca_file = ini.GetValue("ssl_ca_certificate"); hlogi("SSL backend is %s", hssl_backend()); hssl_ctx_opt_t param; memset(¶m, 0, sizeof(param)); param.crt_file = crt_file.c_str(); param.key_file = key_file.c_str(); param.ca_file = ca_file.c_str(); param.endpoint = HSSL_SERVER; if (g_http_server.newSslCtx(¶m) != 0) { #ifdef OS_WIN if (strcmp(hssl_backend(), "schannel") == 0) { hlogw("schannel needs pkcs12 formatted certificate file."); g_http_server.https_port = 0; } #else hloge("SSL certificate verify failed!"); exit(0); #endif } else { hlogi("SSL certificate verify ok!"); } } // proxy auto proxy_keys = ini.GetKeys("proxy"); for (const auto& proxy_key : proxy_keys) { str = ini.GetValue(proxy_key, "proxy"); if (str.empty()) continue; if (proxy_key[0] == '/') { // reverse proxy const std::string& path = proxy_key; std::string proxy_url = hv::ltrim(str, "> "); hlogi("reverse_proxy %s => %s", path.c_str(), proxy_url.c_str()); g_http_service.Proxy(path.c_str(), proxy_url.c_str()); } else if (strcmp(proxy_key.c_str(), "proxy_connect_timeout") == 0) { g_http_service.proxy_connect_timeout = atoi(str.c_str()); } else if (strcmp(proxy_key.c_str(), "proxy_read_timeout") == 0) { g_http_service.proxy_read_timeout = atoi(str.c_str()); } else if (strcmp(proxy_key.c_str(), "proxy_write_timeout") == 0) { g_http_service.proxy_write_timeout = atoi(str.c_str()); } else if (strcmp(proxy_key.c_str(), "forward_proxy") == 0) { hlogi("forward_proxy = %s", str.c_str()); if (hv_getboolean(str.c_str())) { g_http_service.EnableForwardProxy(); } } else if (strcmp(proxy_key.c_str(), "trust_proxies") == 0) { auto trust_proxies = hv::split(str, ';'); for (auto trust_proxy : trust_proxies) { trust_proxy = hv::trim(trust_proxy); if (trust_proxy.empty()) continue; hlogi("trust_proxy %s", trust_proxy.c_str()); g_http_service.AddTrustProxy(trust_proxy.c_str()); } } else if (strcmp(proxy_key.c_str(), "no_proxies") == 0) { auto no_proxies = hv::split(str, ';'); for (auto no_proxy : no_proxies) { no_proxy = hv::trim(no_proxy); if (no_proxy.empty()) continue; hlogi("no_proxy %s", no_proxy.c_str()); g_http_service.AddNoProxy(no_proxy.c_str()); } } } hlogi("parse_confile('%s') OK", confile); return 0; } static void on_reload(void* userdata) { hlogi("reload confile [%s]", g_main_ctx.confile); parse_confile(g_main_ctx.confile); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { // g_main_ctx main_ctx_init(argc, argv); int ret = parse_opt_long(argc, argv, long_options, ARRAY_SIZE(long_options)); if (ret != 0) { print_help(); exit(ret); } // help if (get_arg("h")) { print_help(); exit(0); } // version if (get_arg("v")) { print_version(); exit(0); } // parse_confile const char* confile = get_arg("c"); if (confile) { strncpy(g_main_ctx.confile, confile, sizeof(g_main_ctx.confile)); } parse_confile(g_main_ctx.confile); // test if (get_arg("t")) { printf("Test confile [%s] OK!\n", g_main_ctx.confile); exit(0); } // signal signal_init(on_reload); const char* signal = get_arg("s"); if (signal) { signal_handle(signal); } #ifdef OS_UNIX // daemon if (get_arg("d")) { // nochdir, noclose int ret = daemon(1, 1); if (ret != 0) { printf("daemon error: %d\n", ret); exit(-10); } } #endif // pidfile create_pidfile(); // http_server Router::Register(g_http_service); g_http_server.registerHttpService(&g_http_service); #if 0 std::atomic_flag init_flag = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; g_http_server.onWorkerStart = [&init_flag](){ if (!init_flag.test_and_set()) { hv::async::startup(); } }; g_http_server.onWorkerStop = [&init_flag](){ if (init_flag.test_and_set()) { hv::async::cleanup(); } }; #endif g_http_server.run(); return ret; }