#ifndef HV_ENDIAN_H_ #define HV_ENDIAN_H_ #include "hplatform.h" #if defined(OS_MAC) #include #define htobe16(v) OSSwapHostToBigInt16(v) #define htobe32(v) OSSwapHostToBigInt32(v) #define htobe64(v) OSSwapHostToBigInt64(v) #define be16toh(v) OSSwapBigToHostInt16(v) #define be32toh(v) OSSwapBigToHostInt32(v) #define be64toh(v) OSSwapBigToHostInt64(v) #define htole16(v) OSSwapHostToLittleInt16(v) #define htole32(v) OSSwapHostToLittleInt32(v) #define htole64(v) OSSwapHostToLittleInt64(v) #define le16toh(v) OSSwapLittleToHostInt16(v) #define le32toh(v) OSSwapLittleToHostInt32(v) #define le64toh(v) OSSwapLittleToHostInt64(v) #elif defined(OS_WIN) #if _WIN32_WINNT < _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8 /* * Byte order conversion functions for 64-bit integers and 32 + 64 bit * floating-point numbers. IEEE big-endian format is used for the * network floating point format. */ #define _WS2_32_WINSOCK_SWAP_LONG(l) \ ( ( ((l) >> 24) & 0x000000FFL ) | \ ( ((l) >> 8) & 0x0000FF00L ) | \ ( ((l) << 8) & 0x00FF0000L ) | \ ( ((l) << 24) & 0xFF000000L ) ) #define _WS2_32_WINSOCK_SWAP_LONGLONG(l) \ ( ( ((l) >> 56) & 0x00000000000000FFLL ) | \ ( ((l) >> 40) & 0x000000000000FF00LL ) | \ ( ((l) >> 24) & 0x0000000000FF0000LL ) | \ ( ((l) >> 8) & 0x00000000FF000000LL ) | \ ( ((l) << 8) & 0x000000FF00000000LL ) | \ ( ((l) << 24) & 0x0000FF0000000000LL ) | \ ( ((l) << 40) & 0x00FF000000000000LL ) | \ ( ((l) << 56) & 0xFF00000000000000LL ) ) #ifndef htonll __inline unsigned __int64 htonll ( unsigned __int64 Value ) { const unsigned __int64 Retval = _WS2_32_WINSOCK_SWAP_LONGLONG (Value); return Retval; } #endif /* htonll */ #ifndef ntohll __inline unsigned __int64 ntohll ( unsigned __int64 Value ) { const unsigned __int64 Retval = _WS2_32_WINSOCK_SWAP_LONGLONG (Value); return Retval; } #endif /* ntohll */ #ifndef htonf __inline unsigned __int32 htonf ( float Value ) { unsigned __int32 Tempval; unsigned __int32 Retval; Tempval = *(unsigned __int32*)(&Value); Retval = _WS2_32_WINSOCK_SWAP_LONG (Tempval); return Retval; } #endif /* htonf */ #ifndef ntohf __inline float ntohf ( unsigned __int32 Value ) { const unsigned __int32 Tempval = _WS2_32_WINSOCK_SWAP_LONG (Value); float Retval; *((unsigned __int32*)&Retval) = Tempval; return Retval; } #endif /* ntohf */ #ifndef htond __inline unsigned __int64 htond ( double Value ) { unsigned __int64 Tempval; unsigned __int64 Retval; Tempval = *(unsigned __int64*)(&Value); Retval = _WS2_32_WINSOCK_SWAP_LONGLONG (Tempval); return Retval; } #endif /* htond */ #ifndef ntohd __inline double ntohd ( unsigned __int64 Value ) { const unsigned __int64 Tempval = _WS2_32_WINSOCK_SWAP_LONGLONG (Value); double Retval; *((unsigned __int64*)&Retval) = Tempval; return Retval; } #endif /* ntohd */ #endif #define htobe16(v) htons(v) #define htobe32(v) htonl(v) #define htobe64(v) htonll(v) #define be16toh(v) ntohs(v) #define be32toh(v) ntohl(v) #define be64toh(v) ntohll(v) #if (BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN) #define htole16(v) (v) #define htole32(v) (v) #define htole64(v) (v) #define le16toh(v) (v) #define le32toh(v) (v) #define le64toh(v) (v) #elif (BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN) #define htole16(v) __builtin_bswap16(v) #define htole32(v) __builtin_bswap32(v) #define htole64(v) __builtin_bswap64(v) #define le16toh(v) __builtin_bswap16(v) #define le32toh(v) __builtin_bswap32(v) #define le64toh(v) __builtin_bswap64(v) #endif #elif HAVE_ENDIAN_H #include #elif HAVE_SYS_ENDIAN_H #include #else #warning "Not found endian.h!" #endif #define PI8(p) *(int8_t*)(p) #define PI16(p) *(int16_t*)(p) #define PI32(p) *(int32_t*)(p) #define PI64(p) *(int64_t*)(p) #define PU8(p) *(uint8_t*)(p) #define PU16(p) *(uint16_t*)(p) #define PU32(p) *(uint32_t*)(p) #define PU64(p) *(uint64_t*)(p) #define PF32(p) *(float*)(p) #define PF64(p) *(double*)(p) #define GET_BE16(p) be16toh(PU16(p)) #define GET_BE32(p) be32toh(PU32(p)) #define GET_BE64(p) be64toh(PU64(p)) #define GET_LE16(p) le16toh(PU16(p)) #define GET_LE32(p) le32toh(PU32(p)) #define GET_LE64(p) le64toh(PU64(p)) #define PUT_BE16(p, v) PU16(p) = htobe16(v) #define PUT_BE32(p, v) PU32(p) = htobe32(v) #define PUT_BE64(p, v) PU64(p) = htobe64(v) #define PUT_LE16(p, v) PU16(p) = htole16(v) #define PUT_LE32(p, v) PU32(p) = htole32(v) #define PUT_LE64(p, v) PU64(p) = htole64(v) // NOTE: uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*)buf; #define POP_BE8(p, v) v = *p; ++p #define POP_BE16(p, v) v = be16toh(PU16(p)); p += 2 #define POP_BE32(p, v) v = be32toh(PU32(p)); p += 4 #define POP_BE64(p, v) v = be64toh(PU64(p)); p += 8 #define POP_LE8(p, v) v= *p; ++p #define POP_LE16(p, v) v = le16toh(PU16(p)); p += 2 #define POP_LE32(p, v) v = le32toh(PU32(p)); p += 4 #define POP_LE64(p, v) v = le64toh(PU64(p)); p += 8 #define PUSH_BE8(p, v) *p = v; ++p #define PUSH_BE16(p, v) PU16(p) = htobe16(v); p += 2 #define PUSH_BE32(p, v) PU32(p) = htobe32(v); p += 4 #define PUSH_BE64(p, v) PU64(p) = htobe64(v); p += 8 #define PUSH_LE8(p, v) *p = v; ++p #define PUSH_LE16(p, v) PU16(p) = htole16(v); p += 2 #define PUSH_LE32(p, v) PU32(p) = htole32(v); p += 4 #define PUSH_LE64(p, v) PU64(p) = htole64(v); p += 8 // NOTE: NET_ENDIAN = BIG_ENDIAN #define POP8(p, v) POP_BE8(p, v) #define POP16(p, v) POP_BE16(p, v) #define POP32(p, v) POP_BE32(p, v) #define POP64(p, v) POP_BE64(p, v) #define POP_N(p, v, n) memcpy(v, p, n); p += n #define PUSH8(p, v) PUSH_BE8(p, v) #define PUSH16(p, v) PUSH_BE16(p, v) #define PUSH32(p, v) PUSH_BE32(p, v) #define PUSH64(p, v) PUSH_BE64(p, v) #define PUSH_N(p, v, n) memcpy(p, v, n); p += n static inline int detect_endian() { union { char c; short s; } u; u.s = 0x1122; return u.c ==0x11 ? BIG_ENDIAN : LITTLE_ENDIAN; } #ifdef __cplusplus template uint8_t* serialize(uint8_t* buf, T value, int host_endian = LITTLE_ENDIAN, int buf_endian = BIG_ENDIAN) { size_t size = sizeof(T); uint8_t* pDst = buf; uint8_t* pSrc = (uint8_t*)&value; if (host_endian == buf_endian) { memcpy(pDst, pSrc, size); } else { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { pDst[i] = pSrc[size-i-1]; } } return buf+size; } template uint8_t* deserialize(uint8_t* buf, T* value, int host_endian = LITTLE_ENDIAN, int buf_endian = BIG_ENDIAN) { size_t size = sizeof(T); uint8_t* pSrc = buf; uint8_t* pDst = (uint8_t*)value; if (host_endian == buf_endian) { memcpy(pDst, pSrc, size); } else { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { pDst[i] = pSrc[size-i-1]; } } return buf+size; } #endif // __cplusplus #endif // HV_ENDIAN_H_