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2024-05-24 12:19:45 +08:00
* Timeglider for Javascript / jQuery
* http://timeglider.com/jquery
* Copyright 2011, Mnemograph LLC
* Licensed under Timeglider Dual License
* http://timeglider.com/jquery/?p=license
// initial declaration of timeglider object for widget
// authoring app will declare a different object, so
// this will defer to window.timeglider
timeglider = window.timeglider || {mode:"publish", version:"0.1.0", ui:{touchtesting:false}};
* TG_Date
* dependencies: jQuery, Globalize
* You might be wondering why we're not extending JS Date().
* That might be a good idea some day. There are some
* major issues with Date(): the "year zero" (or millisecond)
* in JS and other date APIs is 1970, so timestamps are negative
* prior to that; JS's Date() can't handle years prior to
* -271820, so some extension needs to be created to deal with
* times (on the order of billions of years) existing before that.
* This TG_Date object also has functionality which goes hand-in-hand
* with the date hashing system: each event on the timeline is hashed
* according to day, year, decade, century, millenia, etc
"a profile of" ISO 8601 date format
Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)
YYYY-MM-DD 08:15 (strlen 16)
YYYY-MM-DD 08:15:30 (strlen 19)
(above would assume either a timeline-level timezone, or UTC)
containing its own timezone, this would ignore timeline timezone
YYYY-MM-DD 08:15:30-07:00
timeglider.TG_Date = {};
var tg = timeglider, $ = jQuery;
// caches speed up costly calculations
var getRataDieCache = {},
getDaysInYearSpanCache = {},
getBCRataDieCache = {},
getDateFromRDCache = {},
getDateFromSecCache = {};
var VALID_DATE_PATTERN = /^(\-?\d+)?(\-\d{1,2})?(\-\d{1,2})?(?:T| )?(\d{1,2})?(?::)?(\d{1,2})?(?::)?(\d{1,2})?(\+|\-)?(\d{1,2})?(?::)?(\d{1,2})?/;
tg.TG_Date = function (strOrNum, date_display, offSec) {
var dateStr, isoStr, gotSec,
offsetSeconds = offSec || 0;
if (typeof(strOrNum) == "number") {
dateStr = isoStr = TG_Date.getDateFromSec(strOrNum);
gotSec = (strOrNum + offsetSeconds);
} else if (typeof(strOrNum) === "object") {
// TODO: JS Date object?
// dateStr = strOrNum.ye + "-" + strOrNum.mo + "-" + strOrNum.da
} else {
if (strOrNum == "today") {
strOrNum = TG_Date.getToday();
dateStr = isoStr = strOrNum;
if (VALID_DATE_PATTERN.test(dateStr)) {
// !TODO: translate strings like "today" and "now"
// "next week", "a week from thursday", "christmas"
var parsed = TG_Date.parse8601(dateStr);
if (parsed.tz_ho) {
// this is working ------ timezones in the string translate correctly
// OK: transforms date properly to UTC since it should have been there
parsed = TG_Date.toFromUTC(parsed, {hours:parsed.tz_ho, minutes:parsed.tz_mi}, "to");
// ye, mo, da, ho, mi, se arrive in parsed (with tz_)
// SERIAL day from year zero
this.rd = TG_Date.getRataDie(this);
// SERIAL month from year 0
this.mo_num = getMoNum(this);
// SERIAL second from year 0
this.sec = gotSec || getSec(this);
this.date_display = (date_display) ? (date_display.toLowerCase()).substr(0,2) : "ho";
// TODO: get good str from parse8601
this.dateStr = isoStr;
} else {
return {error:"invalid date"};
return this;
} // end TG_Date Function
var TG_Date = tg.TG_Date;
* getTimeUnitSerial
* gets the serial number of specified time unit, using a ye-mo-da date object
* used in addToTicksArray() in Mediator
* @param fd {object} i.e. the focus date: {ye:1968, mo:8, da:20}
* @param unit {string} scale-unit (da, mo, ye, etc)
* @return {number} a non-zero serial for the specified time unit
TG_Date.getTimeUnitSerial = function (fd, unit) {
var ret = 0;
var floorCeil;
if (fd.ye < 0) {
floorCeil = Math.ceil;
} else {
floorCeil = Math.floor;
switch (unit) {
case "da": ret = fd.rd; break;
// set up mo_num inside TG_Date constructor
case "mo": ret = fd.mo_num; break;
case "ye": ret = fd.ye; break;
case "de": ret = floorCeil(fd.ye / 10); break;
case "ce": ret = floorCeil(fd.ye / 100); break;
case "thou": ret = floorCeil(fd.ye / 1000); break;
case "tenthou": ret = floorCeil(fd.ye / 10000); break;
case "hundredthou": ret = floorCeil(fd.ye / 100000); break;
case "mill": ret = floorCeil(fd.ye / 1000000); break;
case "tenmill": ret = floorCeil(fd.ye / 10000000); break;
case "hundredmill": ret = floorCeil(fd.ye / 100000000); break;
case "bill": ret = floorCeil(fd.ye / 1000000000); break;
return ret;
TG_Date.getMonthDays = function(mo,ye) {
if ((TG_Date.isLeapYear(ye) == true) && (mo==2)) {
return 29;
} else {
return TG_Date.monthsDayNums[mo];
TG_Date.twentyFourToTwelve = function (e) {
var dob = {};
dob.ye = e.ye;
dob.mo = e.mo || 1;
dob.da = e.da || 1;
dob.ho = e.ho || 0;
dob.mi = e.mi || 0;
dob.ampm = "am";
if (e.ho >= 12) {
dob.ampm = "pm";
if (e.ho > 12) {
dob.ho = e.ho - 12;
} else {
dob.ho = 12;
} else if (e.ho == 0) {
dob.ho = 12;
dob.ampm = "am";
} else {
dob.ho = e.ho;
if (dob.mi < 9) {
dob.mi = "0" + dob.mi;
return dob;
TG_Date.getMonthAdj = function (serial, tw) {
var d = TG_Date.getDateFromMonthNum(serial);
var w;
switch (d.mo) {
// 31 days
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12:
var w = Math.floor(tw + ((tw/28) * 3));
return {"width":w, "days":31};
// Blasted February!
case 2:
if (TG_Date.isLeapYear(d.ye) == true) {
w = Math.floor(tw + (tw/28));
return {"width":w, "days":29};
} else {
return {"width":tw, "days":28};
// 30 days
w = Math.floor(tw + ((tw/28) * 2));
return {"width":w, "days":30};
* getDateFromMonthNum
* Gets a month (1-12) and year from a serial month number
* @param mn {number} serial month number
* @return {object} ye, mo (numbers)
TG_Date.getDateFromMonthNum = function(mn) {
var rem = 0;
var ye, mo;
if (mn > 0) {
rem = mn % 12;
if (rem == 0) { rem = 12 };
mo = rem;
ye = Math.ceil(mn / 12);
} else {
// BCE!
rem = Math.abs(mn) % 12;
mo = (12 - rem) + 1;
if (mo == 13) mo = 1;
// NOYEARZERO problem: here we would subtract
// a year from the results to eliminate the year 0
ye = -1 * Math.ceil(Math.abs(mn) / 12); // -1
return {ye:ye, mo:mo};
* getMonthWidth
* Starting with a base-width for a 28-day month, calculate
* the width for any month with the possibility that it might
* be a leap-year February.
* @param mo {number} month i.e. 1 = January, 12 = December
* @param ye {number} year
TG_Date.getMonthWidth = function(mo,ye,tickWidth) {
var dayWidth = tickWidth / 28;
var ad;
var nd = 28;
switch (mo) {
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: ad = 3; break;
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: ad = 2; break;
// leap year
case 2: if (TG_Date.isLeapYear(ye) == true) { ad = 1; } else { ad=0; }; break;
var width = Math.floor(tickWidth + (dayWidth * ad));
var days = nd + ad;
return {width:width, numDays:days};
TG_Date.getToday = function () {
var d = new Date();
return d.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + (d.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + d.getUTCDate() + " " + d.getUTCHours() + ":" + d.getUTCMinutes() + ":" + d.getUTCSeconds();
* Helps calculate the position of a modulo remainder in getRataDie()
TG_Date.getMonthFromRemDays = function (dnum, yr) {
var tack = 0;
var rem = 0;
var m = 0;
if (TG_Date.isLeapYear(yr)){ tack = 1; } else { tack=0; }
if (dnum <= 31) { m = 1; rem = dnum; }
else if ((dnum >31) && (dnum <= 59 + tack)) { m = 2; rem = dnum - (31 + tack); }
else if ((dnum > 59 + tack) && (dnum <= 90 + tack)) { m = 3; rem = dnum - (59 + tack); }
else if ((dnum > 90 + tack) && (dnum <= 120 + tack)) { m = 4; rem = dnum - (90 + tack); }
else if ((dnum > 120 + tack) && (dnum <= 151 + tack)) { m = 5; rem = dnum - (120 + tack); }
else if ((dnum > 151 + tack) && (dnum <= 181 + tack)) { m = 6; rem = dnum - (151 + tack); }
else if ((dnum > 181 + tack) && (dnum <= 212 + tack)) { m = 7; rem = dnum - (181 + tack); }
else if ((dnum > 212 + tack) && (dnum <= 243 + tack)) { m = 8; rem = dnum - (212 + tack); }
else if ((dnum > 243 + tack) && (dnum <= 273 + tack)) { m = 9; rem = dnum - (243 + tack); }
else if ((dnum > 273 + tack) && (dnum <= 304 + tack)) { m = 10; rem = dnum - (273 + tack); }
else if ((dnum > 304 + tack) && (dnum <= 334 + tack)) { m = 11; rem = dnum - (304 + tack); }
else { m = 12; rem = dnum - (334 + tack); }
return {mo:m, da:rem};
GET YYYY.MM.DD FROM (serial) rata die
@param snum is the rata die or day serial number
TG_Date.getDateFromRD = function (snum) {
if (getDateFromRDCache[snum]) {
return getDateFromRDCache[snum]
// in case it arrives as an RD-decimal
var snumAb = Math.floor(snum);
var bigP = 146097; // constant days in big cal cycle
var chunk1 = Math.floor(snumAb / bigP);
var chunk1days = chunk1 * bigP;
var chunk1yrs = Math.floor(snumAb / bigP) * 400;
var chunk2days = snumAb - chunk1days;
var dechunker = chunk2days;
var ct = 1;
var ia = chunk1yrs + 1;
var iz = ia + 400;
for (var i = ia; i <= iz; i++) {
if (dechunker > 365) {
dechunker -= 365;
if (TG_Date.isLeapYear(i)) { dechunker -= 1; }
} else { i = iz; }
var yt = chunk1yrs + ct;
if (dechunker == 0) dechunker = 1;
var inf = TG_Date.getMonthFromRemDays(dechunker,yt);
// in case...
var miLong = (snum - snumAb) * 1440;
var mi = Math.floor(miLong % 60);
var ho = Math.floor(miLong / 60);
if ((TG_Date.isLeapYear(yt)) && (inf['mo'] == 2)) {
inf['da'] += 1;
var ret = yt + "-" + inf['mo'] + "-" + inf['da'] + " " + ho + ":" + mi + ":00";
getDateFromRDCache[snum] = ret;
return ret;
}, // end getDateFromRD
TG_Date.getDateFromSec = function (sec) {
// FIRST GET Rata die
if (getDateFromSecCache[sec]) {
return getDateFromSecCache[sec]
// the sec/86400 represents a "rd-decimal form"
// that will allow extraction of hour, minute, second
var ret = TG_Date.getDateFromRD(sec / 86400);
getDateFromSecCache[sec] = ret;
return ret;
TG_Date.isLeapYear = function(y) {
if (y % 400 == 0) {
return true;
} else if (y % 100 == 0){
return false;
} else if (y % 4 == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* getRataDie
* Core "normalizing" function for dates, the serial number day for
* any date, starting with year 1 (well, zero...), wraps a getBCRataDie()
* for getting negative year serial days
* @param dat {object} date object with {ye, mo, da}
* @return {number} the serial day
TG_Date.getRataDie = function (dat) {
var ye = dat.ye;
var mo = dat.mo;
var da = dat.da;
var ret = 0;
if (getRataDieCache[ye + "-" + mo + "-" + da]) {
return getRataDieCache[ye + "-" + mo + "-" + da];
if (ye >= 0) {
if (ye == 0) ye = 1;
var fat = (Math.floor(ye / 400)) * 146097,
remStart = (ye - (ye % 400)),
moreDays = parseInt(getDaysInYearSpan(remStart, ye)),
daysSoFar = parseInt(getDaysSoFar(mo,ye));
ret = (fat + moreDays + daysSoFar + da) - 366;
} else if (ye < 0) {
ret = TG_Date.getBCRataDie({ye:ye, mo:mo, da:da});
getRataDieCache[ye + "-" + mo + "-" + da] = ret;
return ret;
////// internal RataDie functions
* getDaysInYearSpan
* helps calculate chunks of whole years
* @param a {number} initial year in span
* @param z {number} last year in span
* @return {number} days in span of arg. years
function getDaysInYearSpan (a, z) {
if (getDaysInYearSpanCache[a + "-" + z]) {
return getDaysInYearSpanCache[a + "-" + z];
var t = 0;
for (var i = a; i < z; i++){
if (TG_Date.isLeapYear(i)) { t += 366; } else { t += 365; }
getDaysInYearSpanCache[a + "-" + z] = t;
return t;
function getDaysSoFar (mo,ye) {
var d;
switch (mo) {
case 1: d=0; break; // 31
case 2: d=31; break; // 29
case 3: d=59; break; // 31
case 4: d=90; break; // 30
case 5: d=120; break; // 31
case 6: d=151; break; // 30
case 7: d=181; break; // 31
case 8: d=212; break; // 31
case 9: d=243; break; // 30
case 10: d=273;break; // 31
case 11: d=304;break; // 30
case 12: d=334;break; // 31
if (mo > 2) {
if (TG_Date.isLeapYear(ye)) { d += 1; }
return d;
TG_Date.monthNamesLet = ["","J","F","M","A","M","J","J","A","S","O","N","D"];
TG_Date.monthsDayNums = [0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,29];
TG_Date.units = ["da", "mo", "ye", "de", "ce", "thou", "tenthou", "hundredthou", "mill", "tenmill", "hundredmill", "bill"];
Counts serial days starting with -1 in year -1. Visualize a number counting
from "right to left" on top of the other calendrical pieces chunking away
from "left to right". But since there's no origin farther back before 0
we have no choice.
@param dat object with .ye, .mo, .da
TG_Date.getBCRataDie = function (dat) {
var ye = dat.ye,
mo = dat.mo,
da = dat.da;
if (getBCRataDieCache[ye + "-" + mo + "-" + da]) {
return getBCRataDieCache[ye + "-" + mo + "-" + da];
if (mo == 0) mo = 1;
if (da == 0) da = 1;
var absYe = Math.abs(ye);
var chunks = [0,335,306,275,245,214,184,153,122,92,61,31,0];
var mdays = TG_Date.monthsDayNums[mo];
var rawYeDays = (absYe - 1) * 366;
var rawMoDays = chunks[mo];
var rawDaDays = (mdays - da) + 1;
var ret = -1 * (rawYeDays + rawMoDays + rawDaDays);
getBCRataDieCache[ye + "-" + mo + "-" + da] = ret;
return ret;
TG_Date.setCulture = function(culture_str) {
var cult = tg.culture = Globalize.culture(culture_str || "default");
// ["","January", "February", "March", etc];
TG_Date.monthNames = $.merge([""], cult.calendar.months.names);
// ["","Jan", "Feb", "Mar", etc];
TG_Date.monthNamesAbbr = $.merge([""], cult.calendar.months.namesAbbr);
// ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", etc];
TG_Date.dayNames = cult.calendar.days.names;
// ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", etc];
TG_Date.dayNamesAbbr = cult.calendar.days.namesAbbr;
TG_Date.dayNamesShort = cult.calendar.days.namesShort;
TG_Date.patterns = cult.calendar.patterns;
TG_Date.prototype = {
format : function (sig, useLimit, tz_off) {
var offset = tz_off || {"hours":0, "minutes":0};
var jsDate, ddlim = "da", fromUTC; // jsDate
var tgFormatDate = function(fromUTC, display) {
var tgd = timeglider.TG_Date,
f = "", d = fromUTC, ampm, hopack = {},
disp = display || "da",
bceYe = function(ye) {
var y = parseInt(ye,10);
if (y < 0) {
return Math.abs(y) + " bce";
} else {
return y;
switch (disp) {
case "no": return ""; break;
case "ye": f = bceYe(d.ye); break;
case "mo": f = tgd.monthNamesAbbr[d.mo] + " " + bceYe(d.ye); break;
case "da": f =bceYe(d.ye) + "-"+ tgd.monthNamesAbbr[d.mo] + "-" + d.da ; break;
case "ho":
ampm = "AM";
hoPack = tgd.twentyFourToTwelve(d);
var hour=hoPack.ho;
f =d.ye+"-"+d.mo+"-"+d.da+ " " +hour+":"+hoPack.mi;
//f = tgd.monthNamesAbbr[d.mo]
//+ " " + d.da + ", "
//+ bceYe(d.ye) + " "
//+ hoPack.ho + ":" + hoPack.mi + " " + hoPack.ampm;
} // end switch
return f;
if (useLimit == true) {
// reduce to 2 chars for consistency
ddlim = this.date_display.substr(0,2);
switch (ddlim) {
case "no": return ""; break;
case "ye": sig = "yyyy"; break;
case "mo": sig = "MMM yyyy"; break;
case "da": sig = "MMM d, yyyy"; break;
case "ho": sig = "MMM d, yyyy h:mm tt"; break;
default: sig = "f";
var cloner = _.clone(this),
fromUTC = TG_Date.toFromUTC(cloner, offset, "from");
if (timeglider.i18n) {
// make use of possible other culture via i18n
return timeglider.i18n.formatDate(fromUTC, ddlim);
} else {
// dates before roughly this time do not work in JS
if (fromUTC.ye < -270000){
return this.ye;
} else {
// jsDate = new Date(fromUTC.ye, (fromUTC.mo-1), fromUTC.da, fromUTC.ho, fromUTC.mi, fromUTC.se, 0);
// return Globalize.format(jsDate, sig);
return tgFormatDate(fromUTC, ddlim);
} // end .prototype
TG_Date.getTimeOffset = function(offsetString) {
// remove all but numbers, minus, colon
var oss = offsetString.replace(/[^-\d:]/gi, ""),
osA = oss.split(":"),
ho = parseInt(osA[0], 10),
mi = parseInt(osA[1], 10),
// minutes negative if hours are
sw = (ho < 0) ? -1 : 1,
miDec = sw * ( mi / 60 ),
dec = (ho + miDec),
se = dec * 3600;
var ob = {"decimal":dec, "hours":ho, "minutes":mi, "seconds":se, "string":oss};
return ob;
TG_Date.tzOffsetStr = function (datestr, offsetStr) {
if (datestr) {
if (datestr.length == 19) {
datestr += offsetStr;
} else if (datestr.length == 16) {
datestr += ":00" + offsetStr;
return datestr;
* TG_parse8601
* transforms string into TG Date object
TG_Date.parse8601 = function(str){
len str
4 YyYyYyY
7 YyYyYyY-MM
10 YyYyYyY-MM-DD
13 YyYyYyY-MM-DDTHH (T is optional between day and hour)
var ye, mo, da, ho, mi, se, bce, bce_ye, tz_pm, tz_ho, tz_mi,
mo_default = 1,
da_default = 1,
ho_default = 0,
mi_default = 0,
se_default = 0,
dedash = function (n){
if (n) {
return parseInt(n.replace("-", ""), 10);
} else {
return 0;
// YyYyYyY MM DD
var rx = str.match(reg);
// picks up positive OR negative (bce)
ye = parseInt(rx[1]);
if (!ye) return {"error":"invalid date; no year provided"};
mo = dedash(rx[2]) || mo_default;
da = dedash(rx[3]) || da_default;
// rx[4] is the "T" or " "
ho = dedash(rx[4]) || ho_default;
// rx[6] is ":"
mi = dedash(rx[5]) || mi_default;
// rx[8] is ":"
se = dedash(rx[6]) || se_default;
// if year is < 1 or > 9999, override
// tz offset, set it to 0/UTC no matter what
// If the offset is negative, we want to make
// sure that minutes are considered negative along
// with the hours"-07:00" > {tz_ho:-7; tz_mi:-30}
tz_pm = rx[7] || "+";
tz_ho = parseInt(rx[8], 10) || 0;
if (tz_pm == "-") {tz_ho = tz_ho * -1;}
tz_mi = parseInt(rx[9], 10) || 0;
if (tz_pm == "-") {tz_mi = tz_mi * -1;}
return {"ye":ye, "mo":mo, "da":da, "ho":ho, "mi":mi, "se":se, "tz_ho":tz_ho, "tz_mi":tz_mi};
}; // parse8601
TG_Date.getLastDayOfMonth = function(ye, mo) {
var lastDays = [0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31],
da = 0;
if (mo == 2 && TG_Date.isLeapYear(ye) == true) {
da = 29;
} else {
da = lastDays[mo];
return da;
* getDateTimeStrings
* @param str {String} ISO8601 date string
* @return {Object} date, time as strings with am or pm
TG_Date.getDateTimeStrings = function (str) {
var obj = TG_Date.parse8601(str);
if (str == "today" || str == "now") {
return {"date": str, "time":""}
} else {
var date_val = obj.ye + "-" + unboil(obj.mo) + "-" + unboil(obj.da);
var ampm = "pm";
if (obj.ho >= 12) {
if (obj.ho > 12) obj.ho -= 12;
ampm = "pm";
} else {
if (obj.ho == 0) { obj.ho = "12"; }
ampm = "am";
var time_val = boil(obj.ho) + ":" + unboil(obj.mi) + " " + ampm;
return {"date": date_val, "time":time_val}
// This is for a separate date input field --- YYYY-MM-DD (DATE ONLY)
// field needs to be restricted by the $.alphanumeric plugin
TG_Date.transValidateDateString = function (date_str) {
if (date_str == "today" || date_str == "now"){
return date_str;
if (!date_str) return false; // date needs some value
var reg = /^(\-?\d+|today|now) ?(bce?)?-?(\d{1,2})?-?(\d{1,2})?/,
valid = "",
match = date_str.match(reg),
zb = TG_Date.zeroButt;
if (match) {
// now: 9999-09-09
// today: get today
// translate
var ye = match[1],
bc = match[2] || "",
mo = match[3] || "07",
da = match[4] || "1";
if (parseInt(ye, 10) < 0 || bc.substr(0,1) == "b") {
ye = -1 * (Math.abs(ye));
if (TG_Date.validateDate(ye, mo, da)) {
return ye + "-" + zb(mo) + "-" + zb(da);
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
// This is for a separate TIME input field: 12:30 pm
// field needs to be restricted by the $.alphanumeric plugin
TG_Date.transValidateTimeString = function (time_str) {
if (!time_str) return "12:00:00";
var reg = /^(\d{1,2}|noon):?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})? ?(am|pm)?/i,
match = time_str.toLowerCase().match(reg),
valid = "",
zb = TG_Date.zeroButt;
if (match[1]) {
// translate
if (match[0] == "noon") {
valid = "12:00:00"
} else {
// HH MM
var ho = parseInt(match[1], 10) || 12;
var mi = parseInt(match[2], 10) || 0;
var se = parseInt(match[3], 10) || 0;
var ampm = match[4] || "am";
if (TG_Date.validateTime(ho, mi, se) == false) return false;
if (ampm == "pm" && ho < 12) {
ho += 12;
} else if (ampm == "am" && ho ==12){
ho = 0;
valid = zb(ho) + ":" + zb(mi) + ":" + zb(se);
} else {
valid = false;
return valid;
// make sure hours and minutes are valid numbers
TG_Date.validateTime = function (ho, mi, se) {
if ((ho < 0 || ho > 23) || (mi < 0 || mi > 59) || (se < 0 || se > 59)) { return false; }
return true;
* validateDate
* Rejects dates like "2001-13-32" and such
TG_Date.validateDate = function (ye, mo, da) {
// this takes care of leap year
var ld = TG_Date.getMonthDays(mo, ye);
if ((da > ld) || (da <= 0)) { return false; }
// invalid month numbers
if ((mo > 12) || (mo < 0)) { return false; }
// there's no year "0"
if (ye == 0) { return false; }
return true;
// make sure hours and minutes are valid numbers
TG_Date.zeroButt = function (n) {
var num = parseInt(n, 10);
if (num > 9) {
return String(num);
} else {
return "0" + num;
* toFromUTC
* transforms TG_Date object to be either in UTC (GMT!) or in non-UTC
* @param ob: {Object} date object including ye, mo, da, etc
* @param offset: {Object} eg: hours, minutes {Number} x 2
* @param toFrom: either "to" UTC or "from"
* with offsets made clear. Used for formatting dates at all times
* since all event dates are stored in UTC
* @ return {Object} returns SIMPLE DATE OBJECT: not a full TG_Date instance
* since we don't want the overhead of calculating .rd etc.
TG_Date.toFromUTC = function (ob, offset, toFrom) {
var nh_dec = 0,
lastDays = [0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,29],
deltaFloatToHM = function (flt){
var fl = Math.abs(flt),
h = Math.floor(fl),
dec = fl - h,
m = Math.round(dec * 60);
return {"ho":h, "mi":m, "se":0};
delta = {};
// Offset is the "timezone setting" on the timeline,
// or the timezone to which to translate from UTC
if (toFrom == "from") {
delta.ho = -1 * offset.hours;
delta.mi = -1 * offset.minutes;
} else if (toFrom == "to"){
delta.ho = offset.hours;
delta.mi = offset.minutes;
} else {
delta.ho = -1 * ob.tz_ho;
delta.mi = -1 * ob.tz_mi;
// no change, man!
if (delta.ho == 0 && delta.mi ==0) {
return ob;
// decimal overage or underage after adding offset
var ho_delta = (ob.ho + (ob.mi / 60)) + ((-1 * delta.ho) + ((delta.mi * -1) / 60));
if (ho_delta < 0) {
// go back a day
nh_dec = 24 + ho_delta;
if (ob.da > 1) {
ob.da = ob.da - 1;
} else {
// day is 1....
if (ob.mo == 1) {
// & month is JAN, go back to DEC
ob.ye = ob.ye - 1; ob.mo = 12; ob.da = 31;
} else {
ob.mo = ob.mo-1;
// now that we know month, what is the last day number?
ob.da = TG_Date.getLastDayOfMonth(ob.ye, ob.mo)
} else if (ho_delta >= 24) {
// going fwd a day
nh_dec = ho_delta - 24;
if (TG_Date.isLeapYear(ob.ye) && ob.mo == 2 && ob.da==28){
ob.da = 29;
} else if (ob.da == lastDays[ob.mo]) {
if (ob.mo == 12) {
ob.ye = ob.ye + 1;
ob.mo = 1;
} else {
ob.mo = ob.mo + 1;
ob.da = 1;
} else {
ob.da = ob.da + 1;
} else {
nh_dec = ho_delta;
// delta did not take us from one day to another
// only adjust the hour and minute
var hm = deltaFloatToHM(nh_dec);
ob.ho = hm.ho;
ob.mi = hm.mi;
if (!offset) {
ob.tz_ho = 0;
ob.tz_mi = 0;
} else {
ob.tz_ho = offset.tz_ho;
ob.tz_mi = offset.tz_mi;
// return ob;
var retob = {ye:ob.ye, mo:ob.mo, da:ob.da, ho:ob.ho, mi:ob.mi, se:ob.se};
return retob;
}; // toFromUTC
* TGSecToUnixSec
* translates Timeglider seconds to unix-usable
* SECONDS. Multiply by 1000 to get unix milliseconds
* for JS dates, etc.
* @return {Number} SECONDS (not milliseconds)
TG_Date.TGSecToUnixSec = function(tg_sec) {
// 62135686740
return tg_sec - (62135686740 - 24867);
TG_Date.JSDateToISODateString = function (d){
var pad = function(n){return n<10 ? '0'+n : n}
return d.getUTCFullYear()+'-'
+ pad(d.getUTCMonth()+1)+'-'
+ pad(d.getUTCDate())+' '
+ pad(d.getUTCHours())+':'
+ pad(d.getUTCMinutes())+':'
+ pad(d.getUTCSeconds());
TG_Date.timezones = [
{"offset": "-12:00", "name": "Int'l Date Line West"},
{"offset": "-11:00", "name": "Bering & Nome"},
{"offset": "-10:00", "name": "Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-10:00", "name": "U.S. Hawaiian Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-10:00", "name": "U.S. Central Alaska Time"},
{"offset": "-09:00", "name": "U.S. Yukon Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-08:00", "name": "U.S. Pacific Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-07:00", "name": "U.S. Mountain Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-07:00", "name": "U.S. Pacific Daylight Time"},
{"offset": "-06:00", "name": "U.S. Central Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-06:00", "name": "U.S. Mountain Daylight Time"},
{"offset": "-05:00", "name": "U.S. Eastern Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-05:00", "name": "U.S. Central Daylight Time"},
{"offset": "-04:00", "name": "U.S. Atlantic Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-04:00", "name": "U.S. Eastern Daylight Time"},
{"offset": "-03:30", "name": "Newfoundland Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-03:00", "name": "Brazil Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-03:00", "name": "Atlantic Daylight Time"},
{"offset": "-03:00", "name": "Greenland Standard Time"},
{"offset": "-02:00", "name": "Azores Time"},
{"offset": "-01:00", "name": "West Africa Time"},
{"offset": "00:00", "name": "Greenwich Mean Time/UTC"},
{"offset": "00:00", "name": "Western European Time"},
{"offset": "01:00", "name": "Central European Time"},
{"offset": "01:00", "name": "Middle European Time"},
{"offset": "01:00", "name": "British Summer Time"},
{"offset": "01:00", "name": "Middle European Winter Time"},
{"offset": "01:00", "name": "Swedish Winter Time"},
{"offset": "01:00", "name": "French Winter Time"},
{"offset": "02:00", "name": "Eastean EU"},
{"offset": "02:00", "name": "USSR-zone1"},
{"offset": "02:00", "name": "Middle European Summer Time"},
{"offset": "02:00", "name": "French Summer Time"},
{"offset": "03:00", "name": "Baghdad Time"},
{"offset": "03:00", "name": "USSR-zone2"},
{"offset": "03:30", "name": "Iran"},
{"offset": "04:00", "name": "USSR-zone3"},
{"offset": "05:00", "name": "USSR-zone4"},
{"offset": "05:30", "name": "Indian Standard Time"},
{"offset": "06:00", "name": "USSR-zone5"},
{"offset": "06:30", "name": "North Sumatra Time"},
{"offset": "07:00", "name": "USSR-zone6"},
{"offset": "07:00", "name": "West Australian Standard Time"},
{"offset": "07:30", "name": "Java"},
{"offset": "08:00", "name": "China & Hong Kong"},
{"offset": "08:00", "name": "USSR-zone7"},
{"offset": "08:00", "name": "West Australian Daylight Time"},
{"offset": "09:00", "name": "Japan"},
{"offset": "09:00", "name": "Korea"},
{"offset": "09:00", "name": "USSR-zone8"},
{"offset": "09:30", "name": "South Australian Standard Time"},
{"offset": "09:30", "name": "Central Australian Standard Time"},
{"offset": "10:00", "name": "Guam Standard Time"},
{"offset": "10:00", "name": "USSR-zone9"},
{"offset": "10:00", "name": "East Australian Standard Time"},
{"offset": "10:30", "name": "Central Australian Daylight Time"},
{"offset": "10:30", "name": "South Australian Daylight Time"},
{"offset": "11:00", "name": "USSR-zone10"},
{"offset": "11:00", "name": "East Australian Daylight Time"},
{"offset": "12:00", "name": "New Zealand Standard Time"},
{"offset": "12:00", "name": "Int'l Date Line East"},
{"offset": "13:00", "name": "New Zealand Daylight Time"}
* boil
* basic wrapper for parseInt to clean leading zeros,
* as in dates
function boil (n) {
return parseInt(n, 10);
}; TG_Date.boil = boil;
function unboil (n) {
var no = parseInt(n, 10);
if (no > 9 || no < 0) {
return String(n);
} else {
return "0" + no;
}; TG_Date.unboil = unboil;
function getSec (fd) {
var daSec = Math.abs(fd.rd) * 86400;
var hoSec = (fd.ho) * 3600;
var miSec = (fd.mi - 1) * 60;
var bc = (fd.rd > 0) ? 1 : -1;
var ret = bc * (daSec + hoSec + miSec);
return ret;
/* getMoNum
* @param mo {Number} month from 1 to 12
* @param ye {Number} straight year
function getMoNum (ob) {
if (ob.ye > 0) {
return ((ob.ye -1) * 12) + ob.mo;
} else {
return getMoNumBC(ob.mo, ob.ye);
* getMoNumBC
* In BC time, serial numbers for months are going backward
* starting with December of 1 bce. So, a month that is actually
* "month 12 of year -1" is actually just -1, and November of
* year 1 bce is -2. Capiche!?
* @param {object} ob ---> .ye (year) .mo (month)
* @return {number} serial month number (negative in this case)
function getMoNumBC (mo, ye) {
var absYe = Math.abs(ye);
var n = ((absYe - 1) * 12) + (12-(mo -1));
return -1 * n;
function show(ob){
return ob.ye + "-" + ob.mo + "-" + ob.da + " " + ob.ho + ":" + ob.mi;